Chapter 9

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Kenzie POV:

I woke up in Jaden's arms and when I looked up to him he was already awake on his phone. "Hey how are you feeling?¨ he asks. He doesn't use my vulnerability to hit on me, I like that. "I'm fine" I replied. "I know that you're not" he says tightening his grip around me. A tear drops on my face again. I sit up and he sits up with me. He wipes my tears of with his hands and his big hands fell amazing on my face. "Do you wanna talk about it?" he asks a little scared that I'll get mad. "I don't think you wanna hear it." I reply. "Are you kidding me? I wanna heear anything that comes out of your mouth." he said. I felt butterflies again and I decided it'd be better if I talked about it with someone. "One story today and one another time cause these are some long stories." I say. "Deal" he replied letting out a little smile. "About a year ago I had a boyfriend Mike." I said. I sat silent for about a minute until I worked up the courage to tell my story. "He wasn't good for me. (TW: abuse) He was so good for me at first. He took me on cute dates and made me feel like I was the only one in the room. I genuinely thought he was my soulmate and that we'd be together forever. That lasted for about 2 months until one day everything changed. He became more agressive and started breaking stuff. When he got mad he reached his hand to punch me but he couldn't get himself to do it so he'd grab a plate and throw it against the wall. One day I was at home sitting on the couch and he came over. He texted me that he wanted to come over and my mom liked him so I told him he was welcome. My mom was at work and Nick was here in LA. He came over and I noticed he wasn't himself. He was drunk and he had a black eye. He told me that he got into a barfight and he started crying. I felt bad for him at first but 10 minutes into his story he started to raise his voice, as if I was the one he fought with. He stood up and started to yell at me. I cried and waited fpr it to stop. At one moment something got into him that I had never seen. He turned red and stormed up to me. He punched me in the face. I started screaming and he took a few steps back. I thought he was done but instead he punched me another 3 times to the head and kicked me in my stomach. He left my house and left me laying on the floor with a bleeding nose and a black eye. I couldn't work up the courage to to stand up so I just laid there. I was laying there for about 3 hours until my mom got home. She helped me up and asked what was wrong. I went to wash my face and locked myself in my room. I stayed in my room for about a week until the hunger started to get to me and I knew it was time to come out. I got out of bed to the kitchen to get some food when I broke down at the place where all this had happened. I just cried for an hour but the hunger was just too much, I fainted. I went to counseling and all that but I never really got over it" I said noticing the tears flowing down my face. He just looked at me as if he didn't know what to say. 'Wow Kenzie I'm sorry I don't even know what to say." he said. "It's alright you don't have to say anything. I'm fine." I said. "No you're not and thats okay, it's okay not to be okay." He said. "I'll be right back," he continued.  I was so scared he was gonna yell at Nick but I didn't hear anything so I decided to look on my phone. I had no clue what time it was cause I don't have a window in my room. I looked at my phone and saw it was 4am. I had no clue it'd be this late. Jaden knew and still he was there for me. After a few minutes he came back into the room with a bag. "I got you a hoodie, some ice cream and some bars of chocolate." he says smirking. "You really know me don't you." I replied smiling. "That was the smile I missed" He replied. "Are you sure you don't want to sleep? " I asked him considering it was 4 am. ΅I wouldn't wanna be anywhere else."he replied. We sat up in bed and put a movie on. I'd prefer this over anything I thought to myself. We ate ice cream and talked a lot. After a while I decided it was time for me to get some rest. I started laying down and I noticed Jaden was picking the stuff up so he could leave. "What are you doing? " I ask him looking concerned. "I thought you were going to get some sleep" he replied. "Yeah I am but you don't have to leave." I said. He laid down next to me and cuddled me. We drifted off to sleep pretty quickly.

Jaden POV:

I woke up and just scrolled on my for you page a bit until Kenzie woke up. I asked her how she felt and she told me she was fine. Fine's never fine I thought and said the same thing to her. She started crying and I wiped her tears from under her eye. She smiled. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked. She told me I wouldn't wanna hear it. Is this girl crazy? "Are you kidding me? I wanna hear anything that comes out of your mouth." I said and she started to tell me her story. When she was done I didn't know what to say so I decided not to say anything. She looked at me pretty concerned as if I was gonna judge her but I was only thinking about the fact how much I wanted to beat the fuck out of this guy. I told her I'd be right back and ran off to my room. I shed a tear and then took a hoodie out of my closet. I also took some ice cream out of the freezer and some bars of chocolate out of the pantry. I saw Bryce in the kitchen "Is it bad?" he asked. "You might want to cancel your date tomorrow, I don't know if she's in a good state of mind now" I replied. " I think I shouldn't cancel. Maybe it's better to distract her for a bit" he replied. "Yea you're probably right" I replied. I went back to her room and she put my hoodie on and we just watched a movie and ate a lot of ice cream. We started talking about all sorts of things when I notice she starts to get tired. She lays down and I decide it's time to leave. "What are you doing?" she asked me. "I thought you were going to get some sleep¨  I replied. "yeah I am but you don't have to leave." I knew she didn't want to sleep alone so I decided to lay down next to her. I started to cuddle her and we talked a bit until we drifted off to sleep.

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