Chapter 16

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Kenzie POV:

We got home and everyone just went their own ways. I went to my room and changed into some nike fleece booty shorts and a grey Calvin Klein sports bra. I ran into Jaden's room without knocking and that was kinda dumb. I opened the door to Jaden twerking for a tiktok. "Oh my god I'm so sorry" I said as I covered my eyes and turned around. "I'm gonna post this on the internet and you think I'm ashamed of it?" he said as he came over to me. "Soo whats up" he said as he stood in front of me. "We're cleaning your room remember" I said rolling my eyes. "I really thought you were joking." he replied. "Yeah so put on smth comfy cause we're gonna do some deep cleaning." I said as I started to pick up some of the clothing that was on the ground. "Yeah brb" he said as he ran to the bathroom. I just picked up some stuff off of the ground until he came back a few minutes wearing nothing but some basketball shorts. "Okay so like how do you clean." he asked looking genuinely lost. "Just start by picking up everything that's not where it's supposed to be and put it where it should be" I said proceeding to pick everything up. "You should throw all of the clothes that were on the ground in your laundry basket, I'll wash it later" I said as I was throwing all of his clothes onto a pile. "Okay so what happened with Nick?" Jaden asks me while we're still on the ground picking everything up. "Bryce and I had the most amazing date we went to the fair, had dinner and we had this romantic setup on the beach it was great." I said. Jaden interrupts me. "Tell me the story don't make me jealous that he got to do all that with you" he said laughing. "Okay okay I'll cut to the chase. So we were just having fun when a silhouet ran up to us. It was Nick. He started screaming at Bryce saying that if he wouldn't back off he'd do something to him." I was telling the story and I noticed Jaden's eyes were wide open. "He started saying all these horrible things about Bryce about the way he treats girls and all that bullshit. I stood in between them of course-" Jaden interrupted me AGAIN. "Do you like wanna die? Why would you stand in between of 2 angry guys." he said looking concerned. "Because I didn't want them to fight STOP INTERRUPTING ME. So Nick pulled me by my arm and I started to scream so Bryce pulled me away from Nick by holding Nick's arm. I don't know what got into Nick and he punched Bryce right in the face." I said. Jaden looked mortified. "He punched Bryce in the face?" Jaden said as his voice cracked. "Yeah. He told me to leave with him but he knows about Mike and I reminded him that I'll never forgive him for this and got in the car with Bryce." I was done talking but Jaden clearly wasn't. "Hold the fuck up. Nick PUNCHED Bryce in the face and Bryce didn't beat him up?" Jaden asks. "He knew that I wouldn't forgive him if he did." I replied raising my shoulders. "Dude Bryce really loves you" Jaden said but I didn't know if he felt bad about it or not. "Let's be honest, Bryce's kinda problematic and believe me, if it weren't for you he would've beaten the shit out of Nick and I'm not overreacting." he said. Was it this serious? I knew Bryce could have a short temper but I didn't know it was this bad. "You're lucky. Bryce doesn't fall for girls that quickly and if he did, he wouldn't fall this hard." Jaden said. "Yeah he's sweet" I replied. "Anyways now with all that corona stuff going on I decided it's time to talk everything through because I don't want to leave Nick in a hotel while there's some kind of virus out there. (A/n I know timing is NOT accurate like at all but let's just pretend it is :)) " I said as I stood  up and cleaned his sheets. "Yeah that's nice but how are you going to put the two of them in one house though?" Jaden asked me as he cleaned out his drawers. "I'm not sure yet. But I'll figure something out. They were like brothers before I came so I don't think it'll be that hard" I said looking naïve. I'm sure it'll work they've been bestfriends for so damn long. Jaden and I started to clean the ground when we finished picking up everything. I gave him a dustpan while I did his laundry. I had airpods in listening to music while doing his laundry so I couldn't hear anything except for my music. I did no thear Bryce sneak up on me. "Hey baby" he said as he grabbed me by my love handles. I jumped up cause I was fucking scared. "Wow I'm sorry what happened" he said as he took a few steps back. "Oh my god you scared the shit out of me" I said pointing to my airpods. "Whoopsies" he said as he came closer. His hands felt so good on my waist but I had to break the question. "I'm meeting up with Nick here tonight." I said as I pulled my head away from his. "Yeah you told us in the car" he replies slowly taking his hands off of my waist. "You guys were like brothers. If I have a good convo with him, do you think you could forgive him?" I had no idea what I could expect coming out his mouth. "IF you can convince his stubborn ass to apologize, I'll have a convo with him and we'll see how that goes." he said coming closer again. "As long as you don't beat him up" I said smiling. "Anything you want." he said as he pulls me towards him and we start kissing. "I'm cleaning" I said as I removed my lips from his. "You make cleaning sexy, how do you do that?" he said as he gave me a kiss on my forehead. "What time's Nick coming?" he asks as he walks away. "8" I said finishing his laundry. "That's in an hour." Bryce says looking concerned. "Wait what?" I said. I did not know it was this late I've been cleaning with Jaden all day? I put the washing machine on and rush over to Jaden's room. It was all clean. "It's 7 o'." I yelled as if he weren't on his phone knowing exactly what time it is. "Yeah so?" he asks frowning. "Nick's coming in an hour" I said biting my nails. "Did you talk with Bryce?" he asks walking over to me pulling my hand out of my mouth. "Yeah he said that if Nick apologized they could talk" I replied fighting with Jaden so I could continue biting. "Stop it" he said laughing at me. "Let me be stressed out in peace" I replied pulling my hand out of his clutch. "Take a shower you stanky" I said walking out of his room. "You too hoe" he yelled from his bed. I rushed over to my room and got in the shower. I ran over to the dryer and took out the pink dress I wore yesterday. I did my makeup and curled my hair afterwards. I sat down on my bed and looked at the time. It's 7:45 so Nick could be here any minute. I ran over to Bryce and sat down next to him. "Whatever happens tonight, please please please don't punch him." I said shaking. I started biting my nails again. Jaden wasn't around so I could bite my nails in peace. Ḿy phone rang and I knew it was Nick. "Hey Nick whats up." "Okay I'm omw" I said hanging up the phone. "He's here?" Bryce asked while he was still watching tiktoks. "Yeah if I call you it means you can come outside to talk." I said as I was putting on some sneakers. "Okay" I heard him say as I closed the door behind me. I got around the corner to see Nick leaning up against one of the cars. "Hey" I said walking up to him. "Yo" he said pretty nervously as if he expected Bryce to come with me. "So what happened to you that day" I said as I leaned against the car on the other side. "I don't want you to be in anymore pain than you've already had to be in." he said as he stood up. "You've put me though unnecesary pai by doing that." I replied not moving a finger. "Bryce will put you through more pain than you'll ever imagine." he said. "Nick we're not doing this. I've been with Bryce since the date, not in a relationship but you're not gonna control us Nick and you'll have to accept that." I said getting closer. "Kenz he's nog good" he replied. "Please Nick. You guys were like brothers and I don't want to get in between of that." I said as I started biting my nails. "First of all stop biting your nails and second of all I already punched him in the face so that's over" Nick said looking like he genuinely regretted it. "Actually it's not. I talked to Bryce and he said that if you genuinely apologized he could have a talk with you." I said smiling. "Did you break Bryce?" Nick asked me. "No I think he just really likes me. Actually I know that he likes me because if he thought of me as one of his sluts like you said he would've beat you up on the spot." I said looking at him. I could see he knew I was right. "I don't support this relationship but Bryce seems like he cares so I'll back off" Nick replied. "I'm calling Bryce so you guys can talk." I said pulling my phone out of my purse. "Are you sure he's genuine because it'd be fucked up if he came here to beat me up" Nick said starting to bite his nails. "What version of Bryce do y'all know that I don't. I said calling Bryce. "Hey" "Yeah be fast". I hung up. "He's coming?" Nick asked. "He's on his way" I replied pointing at the door. I heard the door open and ran up to Bryce. "He's willing to apologize and talk. I hope you're willing to talk too?" I asked him. "Obvi" he said as he followed me over to Nick. The silence was killing me. "So Bryce Nick wants to say something." I said as I looked to Nick. "Ay Bryce man I shouldn't have acted like this and if I had any concerns I should've adressed it in person without swinging hands." Nick said. What kind of wack apology was this. Is this how boys talk? "Man I don't even care about the punch you'll have to apologize to her for that but how can you say we're friends while thinking all that shit of me. That's messed up" Bryce said and I could see on his face that he was hurt. "I'm going back inside I'm cold but you guys have some shit to talk about." I said as I got inside. I was laying on the couch biting my nails. I'm just so scared they're gonna fight or that they won't be friends anymore because of me. Jaden was walking to the kitchen and saw me biting my nails. He sat next to me and held my hand. "How'd it go." he asked me. "I talked to Nick about us and he said he wouldn't say things about my love life anymore. He apologized to Bryce but they're still talking. I'm just scared that something's gonna happen." A tear rolled down my face as I started to cry. "Listen up Kenz. I'm not gonna lie I had the biggest crush on you when we first met but I've never seen Bryce like this. I'm not saying that he's a jerk or something but I've never seen him do things for a girl the way he does them for you." Jaden said. "Are you trying to make me stop crying because now I'm crying even harder" I said as I started laughing. "He's a good guy. Just especially for you." Jaden said. "You're my best friend did you know that?" I said as I gave him a hug. "Of course I do everyone knows you love me." he replied starting to laugh. It took Bryce and Nick another 15 minutes before they came inside, together.

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