Chapter 23

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Bryce POV:

Last night's party was lit af. I haven't felt this good in a really long time. Since Kenzie's around I didn't do anything stupid because I thought she wasn't the party girl type. I was wrong. She's the dream. She's attractive, she's smart, she can listen, she cooks AND she knows how to party. We all passed out drunk at the pool. I woke up to Alex vlogging us. "So basically everyone passed out drunk here last night. Including Bryce" he says as he zooms in on my face. I open my eyes and flip him off. I feel around me but the stool next to me was empty. I sit up but I don't see Kenz anywhere. I get inside and look around.

Kenzie POV:

"Here you are" Bryce says as he jumps on the bed. "What time is it?" I say as I turn around to see him shirtless. "12:30 pm" he replies as he closes his eyes. "ARE YOU FOR SERIOUS" I scream as I jump up. "Shhhh everyone's still K.O." Bryce says as he hides in the blanket. "Where's your hoodie?" I ask as I stand up still in my underwear. "I think it's by the pool" he replies sounding sleepy. "Okay I'm going to put it on. I'm going to buy a vlogging camera. I wanna start vlogging." I say as I grab his car keys. "If you crash my car do it total so I can buy a lambo" he whispers. "Bye Bryce" I say as I run towards the pool. I see Alex vlogging and he turns around. He didn't turn the camera around just yet. I signal him not to film me since I'm walking around in my underwear. I grab Bryce's hoodie and basically throw it onto myself. I put my thumb up so Alex knows he can film me if he wants to now. He turns the camera towards me. "Oh and guys this is Kenzie, she's the only person that wakes up at a decent time." he says as he zooms in on my face. He approaches me and he keeps talking. "Kenz $500 if you jump onto Bryce right now to wake him up." he says as he pulls out 5 $100 dollar bills. "He'll kill me tho" I say as I walk towards Daisy's room. "Okay we need to whisper so he doesn't expect it" Alex says as he's still whispering. I carefully open the door and let Alex in. I do that prayer cross thing towards the camera as I laugh. I start running and jump right onto Bryce. "Wha- what the fuck?" he says as he puts his hands on his face and pushes me off. I fall off of the bed. Bryce jumps up and bends over me to see if I'm okay. I fake cry to get him back. "Oh my god I'm so so so sorry I didn't know you scared me" he says as he hugs me. "I'm just kidding" I say as I burst out laughing looking at the camera. "Fuck you" he says as he gently pushes me away. "Give me my money bitch" I say as I walk up to Alex. "Yeah okay that's fair" he says as he gives me the money. He walks out of the room and closes the door behind him. "We got dinner" I say as I wave with the money. "You are literally everything I want" he says as he approaches. I'm much shorter than him so he has to look down on me, that just completes the whole daddy look. "how?" I ask as I look up to him. "I love you" he says as he looks scared for how I'm going to respond to that. "I love you" I say as I stand on my tippy toes to kiss him. We kiss for at least 5 minutes and in that time we got on the bed and I laid under him. He had pulled the hoodie off so I was just wearing my underwear. He was already wearing nothing more than some shorts so there wasn't much to take off. He unbuttoned my bra and lowered his kiss. "You have any on you?" I ask him and he knows exactly what I mean. "We're going home" he says as he hands me back my hoodie. "I don't want those you bought those for Addison" I say as I put my bra back on. "What" he says as he turns back around. "I saw those rubbers next to your perfume. You didn't buy those when I was here so you bought them to use for Addison. I don't want those." I say as I walk out of the room."Oh my god you're so dramatic. I'll steal Jaden's or sum" he says as he laughs. "OK we're coming back right?" I reply. "Yeah we're coming back in an hour or sum I just need some clean clothes and I have to shower" he says as we get out of the house. We race home because we know nobody's home. As soon as we get in we start kissing. He picks me up and basically runs to Jaden's room as he drops me in mine. "Don't come in I wanna wear something pretty" I say as I look around in my suitcase for something pretty.
I see red thongs with a see through red bralette. I put it on and work up the confidence to get outside. I run to Bryce's room as fast as I can cause I'm scared someone got home and walked around through the house. "Holy shit" he says as he opens his eyes wide open. His mouth drops and he walks up to me.
"You really thought you could wear that in front of me and tease me like that didn't you?" he says as he picks me up and throws me onto the bed. We start kissing and moving around our hands. ( A/n I feel like a porn director writing this lmao) He kisses my neck and goes down as he pulls off my bra. He kisses my boobies and goes down on me. (A/n Imma just leave the rest up to y'all imaginations. They did have sex this time and let's just say they had a good time)
!smut over!

Bryce and I laid down in bed after that amazing nastynasty and didn't talk much. I just thought about it and my head felt empty. Bryce doesn't just look daddy, he is daddy. I turn around to see him all sweaty laying on his stomach. "Come on we're taking a shower" I say as I smack his back. "I can't say no to that." he says as he gives me a kiss. "Where's my underwear" I say as I grab his sheet and put it around me. "I threw it somewhere on the ground" he says as he starts laughing. "Found it" I say as I take them off of the ground and run to his bathroom. I get in the shower and start washing my hair but Bryce doesn't show up. "Bryce where are u?" I say as I wash the rest of my body. "I'm comi-" he says as I hear a big dum. I don't even dry myself off and I run up to him. He's laying on the ground with his eyes closed. "Bryce what are you doing wa-wake up please please don't do this" I say as I grab his phone. I dial 911 and the tears flow down my face onto his screen. I have no clue what's going on. I think about everything that grey's anatomy has taught me. "911 do you need ambulance police or fire services?" the woman says. "A- ambulance please fast it's my boyfriend" "coming right at you please remain calm" the woman replies. Let's just start chest compressions, I've seen them do that but how do I know if he needs it? I'll just wait for the ambulance person to talk to me. "911 what's the emergency" a man says. "My boyfriend, he jus- he just collapsed and I don't know wh-wha what to do please help me" I scream as I try wake him up. "Does he have a pulse? Put your index and middle finger under his jawline and see if you can feel a pulse." the man says. "O-okay I think I can do that" I say as I try to find something. "Yes YES I can feel his heart beating I can feel it he's alive that's good right?" I say as I start smiling. "That's great is he breathing" the man asks me. "I think so yeah please wake up Bryce I'm begging you." I say as I give Bryce a kiss. "What's the adress? I'm sending an u=ambulance but you can not hang up. From what I've heard I think he fainted but it concerns me that he hasn't woken up yet. How long has he been out?" The man asks me as I can hear him typing. I give him the adress. "I think he fell down about 4 minutes ago" I say as I think about the fact that I'm naked. I stay next to Bryce and I reach out for his boxers. This room's a mess so I see the first hoodie that I see laying on the ground and put it on. "Okay I want you to check his pulse again" the man said. "His heart is still beating, and he's still breathing." I reply as the tears stop flowing. "Okay that's good we're in a good zone we just need him to wake up okay?" the man says trying to calm me down. "That's great how long until the paramedics arrive?" I say as I lay down next to Bryce. I don't want him to be alone. "They're pulling up to your house right now. Do you think you're able to run to the door?" he asks me trying to convince me Bryce will be okay. "Please don't hang up I'll leave his phone right next to him if he wakes up" I say as i put the phone down. "Don't worry I'm right here" the man says as I run out of his room.

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