Chapter 13

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Kenzie POV:

After about 30 minutes of just talking and laughing with the group Jaden suggested it'd probably be time for the boys to get ready. I started walking to my room to get ready and as soon as I approached the door it hit me, I was already dressed up. I just burst out laughing and got looked at like I was posessed. "It took you a long time to notice" Bryce said as I sat down on the couch next to him. "Send me the pic of me eating I need content for my instagram" I said leaning on his shoulder. "Bet" he said sending me the pic

Liked by: Jxdn, Addisoneasterling and 600k others

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Liked by: Jxdn, Addisoneasterling and 600k others.

@Mackzbeen: Not gonna lie ur photo skills kinda fire @Brycehall.

@Jxdn: "NoBoDy KnOwS wHo I aM"

                                                                                                                                                                  @Mackzbeen: @Jxdn Get out of your room bitch.
                                                                                                                                                 @Brycehall: They do be fire doe
                                                                                                                                                   @Mackzbeen: @Brycehall Lowkey

                                                                                                                                                       @Imgriffinjohnson: Make me breakfast please
                                                                                                                                                           @Mackzbeen: @Imgriffinjohnson How are you not full.
                                                                                                                                                               @Imgriffinjohnson: @Mackzbeen A cow has 7 stomachs.
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Holdup, Addison liked my post, Bryce's ex? I'm probably overthinking. I GOT 600k LIKES IN HALF AN HOUR IM GOING NUTS. Jaden commented on my pic almost immediatly so I ran up to his room. "You done bitch" I yelled from the other side of the door. "Almost" he screamed back. "May I open the door" I yelled sounding like a mom. "Yes bitch open up" he said. I opened his door to him doing his hair. "Your room's a mess" I said looking concerned."It's not that big of a mess whatchu talking about" he said smirking. "We'll clean it tomorrow" I said. "You really are an angel." he replied smiling. "You're slow." I say to him walking over to him. "It takes some time to look this sexy" he says still doing his hair. "You're already sexy lets go" I said walking over to Josh's room. "JOSH ARE YOU COMING?" I yelled from the other side of door. "yeah I was waiting for Jaden" he said as he's opening the door. "Okay boys lets go." I said running over to Bryce. I took his hand and dragged him with me to his car. "Kenzie u wanna drive?" he asked me. "Yes but you'll have to navigate me I have no clue where the hype house's at" I said looking over to the boys. "Wait you drive" Josh asked me genuinely surprised. "YES I GOT MY DRIVERS LICENSE WITH NICK" I said getting tired of that question. "Nick and I practically live the same lifes the only thing we didn't have in common was being famous and you guys, and now we literally live the same lifes" I said getting in Bryce's car. We drive off of the property and they start to give me directions. "Oh yeah I totally forgot to mention Nessa's coming tonight." Josh said. I didn't really know what my role was in this conversation since I didn't have one, so I decided not to say anything while the boys were talking. "Bitches y'all forgot I don't know the way" I said snaping them out of their convo. "Take a right here and we're here" Bryce said. "Omg I am at the fucking hype house." I said a little too loud. "Girl why you fangirling you more famous than some of the people here." Josh said laughing at me. "I dunno I don't see myself as someone famous." I replied to him. "You have 1m followers on tiktok and you don't consider yourself as someone famous???" Jaden said. "A MILLION FOLLOWERS?" I asked him. "You didn't know?" he asked me. "I wasn't really on social media since everything with Nick happened" I said. Bryce and Jaden looked at me concerned. "You guys I'm fine let's just go" I said to clear the air. Josh and Jaden get out of the car but Bryce doesn't. Ofcourse I wait for him. "You sure you okay?" he asks. "I'm fine" I replied. "We'll talk later you're right lets have some fun." he said. We got out and locked his car. Josh and Jaden already got to the gate. Bryce held my hand as if he wanted to mark off his territory and honestly I don't blame him. The hype house is full of boys. "Hello?" I hear a voice say at the intercom. "Yeah it's Jaden, watermelonsugar" Jaden replied. "What the hell do you mean with watermelon sugar" I asked Jaden. "It's some kind of code word so they know we ain't some crazy fans." he replied. It made sense, but is this what my life's going to look like? I don't want people having to say a code word at the door so I know they ain't psycho's. Is this what Nick tried to protect me from? We got inside and oh my, I have never met so many tiktokkers in one room. I was still holding Bryce's hand and followed him around so I could introduce myself to all his friends. "Hi I'm Nick" THE FUCKING NICK AUSTIN SAID. "Hi I'm Mackenzie but call me Kenz." I said mad awkward, "Wait you Nick's sister." he replied. "That's me" I replied. I thought the living room was full but then Bryce took me upstairs. We got into a random room and I got scared. I don't know why but why would he take me to a room. "What the hell are we doing here" I said with a shaky voice. "You'll see" he replied. As we walked over to the bathroom I heard voices and how did I not think of it. THE TIKTOK BATHROOM. We got inside to like 20 tiktokkers doing stupid shit. I walked around and introduced myself to everyone while Bryce talked with Josh and Jaden. Two girls were talking with each other so I touched one of them on their shoulder. "Hi I'm Mackenzie." I said waiting for her to turn around anxiously. "Oh my god hi I'm Charli." the girl replied. DID I JUST TOUCH CHARLI DAFUCKINGMELIO I thought to myself. "Omg it's so nice to meet you" I said with a big smile on my face. The other girl turned around. "Hi I'm Addison nice to meet you" she said. Even though she's Bryce's ex she was so sweet. "Hi I'm Mackenzie" I replied. We had some smalltalk and then I went over to look for Bryce because I didn't know what else to do. I didn't see him so I went over to Jaden. "Hosslerr" I said approaching him. "MACKZZZ" he replied. "Have you seen Bryce I'm overwhelmed so I need him" I asked him. "No he walked away a few mins ago but stay here you know me" he said. "You're so sweet Hossler" I replied. I stood next to him for the next 30 minutes while we were talking with Tayler and Thomas. "So Kenzie how is the whole influencer thing feeling" Thomas asked. "I'm still on the cloud I think. I hit a mil today and I didn't even know I had over 800k." I replied. "Girl you hit a million without noticing?" Tony said joining the convo. "Is it that bad" I said fake crying. "It is" he replied laughing. "Have any of you seen Bryce he just disppeared." I said. It was already 3pm and I need a nap. "I think he's downstairs with Chase and Ondreaz." Tony said. "Oh my thanks." I said as if I knew my way around ths big ass house. I went downstairs and saw Chase, Ondreaz and Bryce making tiktoks just like Tony said. "So you just disappeared" I said to Bryce with my puppydog eyes. "Ahw I'm sorry I thought you were talking to Charli." he replied opening his arms for a hug."It was just smalltalk" I said giving him a hug. "Are you planning to stay here the whole day?" I asked him. "Actually no I have something planned for the two of us." he replied. "Oh gosh what did you do" I said. "Nothing big it's just having fun" he replied. "Well when is this mysterious thing going to take place?" I said mocking him. "In an hour." he replied. "I look like shit tho so don't do anything stupid." I said to him in my most serious face. "You'll be just fine" he replied. "I sat down on a chair while they were making tiktoks and then just followed Bryce everywhere he went because I didn't have anything else to do. "My legs are tired get on your squat down" I said to Bryce as he was walking over to the living area. "What" he replied as he was squatting down. I jumped on his back forgetting that he didn't have a clue what I was doing so ofcourse we fell over. "Oh my god I'm so sorry" I said as I was getting up rubbing my head on the place that I hit the floor with it. "Are you okay?" he said laughing at me but looking concerned. "Yeah I'm fine" I replied starting to laugh with him. "Let me take a look at that" he said as he got closer to take a look at my bruise. "That's red" he replied laughing at me. He gave me a kiss on the bruise. "Mama's kiss makes the pain fade" he said laughin. "Wow all gone" I replied as if I was surprised. We sat in the living room a little while longer. "Okay people Kenz and I are leaving but don't cry we'll come back tomorrow or sum" Bryce yelled so everyone heard him. I heard people screaming bye from the whole house and Bryce insisted he'd drive considering the fact he knew where we'd be going. We got into his car and took off.

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