Chapter 19

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Kenzie POV:

"Who said we'e going to the hype house?" Bryce said as we drove away. "You, like an hour ago" I replied as I was genuinely confused. "I say a lot of things." he replied smirking. "Did you really think I'd start the day this romantic to then take you to the hype house?" he asked me frowning. "I mean-" I tried to talk but he cut me off. "We're making today special." he replied as he drove on the highway. "It already is" I replied grabbing his hand so I was holding it. "I feel like we just married" I said a few minutes later scrolling onto my tiktok. "We can do that too sometime" he replied smirking. "Ugh get out of my face." I say as I facetimed my mom.
M- mom K- kenzie B- Bryce

M- Hey sweetie! How are you doing I feel like we haven't talked in forever!
K- Hey mom I'm doing fine how are you holding up?
M- I'm doing great! I saw you on the news the other day, you're the hot topic right now.
K- Probably because I am really hot.
M- Kenzie inappropriate
B- *whispers* You really are hot
M- Who's that? Is that Nick? I haven't talked to him in ages what did he say?
K- Actually it's Bryce
B- Hi mrs Bean how are you doing?
M- I'm doing great thanks for asking honey! How's your mom holding up?
B- She's doing great I had to tell you I said hi
M- Your mom's the sweetest Bryce! Who else is with you guys.
K- We're alone.
M- ohh I see so you guys are a thing
K-*laughing with Bryce* Actually that's the reason I called.
M- What reason? I can't hear you really well Kenz.
K- Welll I didn't talk to you a lot the past few days but-
M- You texted me a few times. How's it out there?
K- Let me finish mom, you wanna hear this
M- Ok ok be fast you're exhasting me
B- *Yells* She's my girlfriend
M- She what? Why didn't you tell me?
K- I'm trying to
M- Okay explain yourself
K- There's not much to explain. I'm in a relationship with Bryce.
M- Since when? Do not tell me you've been hiding this from me.
K- I haven't your the first person I told that wasn't there.
M- Wasn't where?
K- The place he asked me to be his- I'll just send you the video when we're done talking.
M- That's fine but how come I didn't know you guys were a thing
K- Because we didn't show it publicly mom! I've only been his girlfriend for 15 minutes now
Bryce and I start laughing at my mom
M- Then why are you calling me get the heck back to your date
K- I was about to but I wanted you to know mom
M- Bryce's a good kid I trust him you guys fit for eachother.
B- Thanks Mrs Bean. You say the word and I'll be there if you need anything
M- I'm fine Bryce, if you wan't you should come back with the twins when they're visiting! I'd love to have you
B- I'd love that too!
K- Ok mom I'm going back to my date now! I'll send you the video
M- Yes don't forget to do that honey. Bye
B- Bye mrs Bean
K- Bye mom

"How does she like you that much? She's never trusted any of my exes." I said to him as I hung up the phone. "I guess I'm just a likeable person" Bryce said giggling. We pulled up to a parking lot but I couldn't really see where we were. "I'm calling my mom too" he says as he pulled up his phone.
M- Bryce's mom K- Mackenzie B- Bryce

M- So how'd it go I wanna know everything
B- Hi mom. How are you doing *Bryce says as he bursts out laughing*
M- I'm fine, did she say yes?
B- I'm doing great thanks for asking. She did.
M- Ahw my boy has a girlfriend
K- *whispers* she knew
B- deffo she knows it all
M- So introduce me to her
B- Well mom this is Kenzie, my girlfriend.
K- Hi Mrs Hall
M- Hello sweetie, how are you doing, Still a little bit blurry?
K- I'm doing great thanks for asking. Yes it's still a little surreal but I'm really happy!
M- Bryce's a darling. He might look a little tough and act like it, but he really is the sweetest.
K- He really is. I'm very lucky to have him as my boyfriend.
M- He's lucky with a girl like you too! He's told me all about you! You sound lovely darling. You're gorgeous as well I see.
K- Thanks Mrs Hall, I can see who Bryce got his beauty from.
M- You're making me blush. Bryce if you don't marry her I will.
B- Sounds good mom! Thanks for the stuff by the way.
M- Are you serious I'd do anyhting for that smile. Anyways have fun on your date darling. Goodbye Mackenzie!
K- Bye Mrs. Hall
B- Bye mom

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