Chapter 26

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Kenzie POV:

We were all betting how long it would take for tiktokroom to repost it. I bet 3 minutes and we all kept refreshing tiktokroom. It took them exactly 4 minutes so Jaden won. We all owed him $20. "So Kenzie, we need to talk fame." Alex said. "What about it?" I reply. "Oh now you guys are taking her under your wing no one ever helped me out" Chase said. "Yeah that's why you miserably failed" Michael replies laughing. "Okay but anyways even though the public knows you're in a relationship, you can't show them too much. People are cruel" Alex continues. "Yeah so basically no quotes on twitter and no unfollowing." Kouvr replies. "Okay what else?" I ask them looking at Bryce. "Do you know what you want to focus on? Do you have your priorities straight?" Thomas asks me. I didn't even think of that. "I haven't" I say awkwardly. Everyone looks at me like I'm a psycho. "Oh seriously?" Jaden asks. "I haven't thought about it, I mean, I'm still in college." I say. "Are you planning on graduating college?" Bryce asks. "Yeah I think so, it's not like I make enough money from social media." I reply. "That's why you have to think about what you want to focus on. Tiktok gets you some money, but it doesn't provide you. You need to think about this." Jaden says. "I will" I reply leaning back onto Bryce. He wraps his arm around me and we change the subject. We talk for an hour or so when we hear the bell ring. "Who is it?" Thomas says to the camera. "Omg we're you guys' biggest fans could we please take a picture?" I overhear some girls say. "How did you get our adress" he asks them. "Twitter" they reply. Thomas looks concerned at us and turns back to the bell. "If you see us anywhere in public we'll take pictures, but don't come to our house cause we won't take pictures or make tiktoks with you." he says as he turns the intercom off and walks towards us. "Our adress got leaked" he says as he sits down and sighs. "Seriously? There goes our privacy." Nick says. "Im going to call someone." Thomas says as he pulls up his phone and walks away. "Are we staying here all day? School starts tommorow and I'd rather prepare at home." I ask Bryce whispering. "Lemme ask the sway gc what they're planning on doing."

Sway boys + random bitch 😶

Babe❤️: Ayyo boys y'all wanna be here all day? Kenz and I wanna go home y'all joining?

Me: Y'all need to change the gc name.

Gamerboy: I'm exhausted so I'm joining y'all.

Chopstick: Yeah I'll join y'all too.

Rockstar👅: Party at Sway La baby :)

Nurse: Shut up you guys I'm already home.

Ant 🐜: Yeah Avani and I are joining too.


Babe❤️: Ok I'll do it

Babe❤️ changed the groupchat name to "Sway boys + Bryce's bitch"

Babe ❤️: how's that?

Me: better but still not it

Babe ❤️: I can't make it any better.

Chopstick: When do y'all wanna leave .

Gamerboy: Right about now.

Bryce: yeah lets leave.

Kenz Pov:

We say goodbye to everyone and leave. When we get home I jump onto the couch. "What an energy" Kio says as he sits down next to me. "I love almost everyone in the Hype House but, they're freaking exhausting." I sigh. "So what do y'all wanna do today?" Bryce says as he stands behinds the couch placing his hands on my head. "Party at Sway LA baby" Griffin says. "Y'all have fun I'm going to prep for tommorow. Bryce are you staying with me?" I ask. "I'm sorry no I'm going to party" he replies. "I wasn't saying I wanted you to nessecarily be with me but, you can't drink today." I say as I look up to him. "That's just because I'm under 21 they don't actually care if I drink" he replies. "Bryce that's what the paramedic said. It's for your own sake." I say holding onto his hand. "Kenzie you know nothing's gonna happen to me the paramedic also knows" he says. "Bryce please, for me" I say as he tries to let go of my hand. "Kenz we're having a party, if you wanna come I want you here but if you don't that's fine" he replies. All I wanted to do at that moment was cry. I know what you're thinking: What kind of crybaby is this why does she cry thag much. It's just that I always feel better after crying. If I'm angry I cry but when I'm happy I cry too. I storm over to my room and lay down. My eyes start to close and I can't stay awake. I grab my phone and put on an alarm for an hour. 1 hour and I'll wake up to pack my bag and choose an outfit. 1 hour and I'll feel better about Bryce's decision not to think about me. 1 hour.

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