Chapter 14

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Bryce POV:

We got to the hype house and I held Kenzie's hand. Even though I really like all of the people here they need to know that what's mine, is mine. We went inside and I gave Kenz some time to introduce herself to everyone. She looked a lil overwhelmed but we all were when we first got into this world. We went upstairs to the famous tiktok bathroom and she started walking around on her own to make some friends. I walked over to Jaden and Josh. "Hey boys I wanna take Kenzie on a date since our last date didn't end well. I'm boutta make some phone calls. Y'all in?" I asked them to make sure they'd keep her away from me for a while so I could plan our little surprise date. "Yeah man we gotchu" Josh replied with Jaden nodding. "Thanks my guys" I said sneaking away so she won't notice that I left.

Kenzie POV:

Bryce and I drove off and ofcourse he put his hand on my thigh. I got the aux and put on some music. We just jammed to music for about half an hour before Bryce pulled over and put a blindfold on me. "I want it to be a surprise until the last moment." he said. We drove for another 5 minutes until he parked. He got out of the car and went to the trunk . I could hear him grab a big bag and he walked away. He got back around a minute later and helped me get out of the car. He literally picked me up and I burst out laughing. "What are you doing."  I said laughing. "A surprise to the last moment" he whispered in my ear. He put me down after a minute and we got into a building. "Okay it really isn't a lot but we'll also be doing something later tonight" he said. "Anything's fine really" I said to him starting to smile. He opens a door and gets in. He puts me down and turns me around. "Okay I'm taking the blindfold off now" he said standing behind me. "Do it fast I'm excited" I said shaking. "Okay here we go" he said as he was taking my blindfold off. "OH MY GOD I LOVE IT!" I screamed jumping into his arms. When he took the blindfold off we were standing in a spa. It was a big room with a pool, jacuzzi, sauna and lounge area. The sway house has all of these things too but this was different. He hired this whole place for just the two of us and it was full of food and candles. "I told you it isn't that big but I planned this like 2 hours ago" he said looking ashamed. "Are you kidding me? This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done something for me." I said to him giving me a hug, we're just not on the stage to give eachother casual kisses. "I don't have anything to swim in though" I told him. "Actually, you do" he replies grabbing the bag he got out of the trunk. "The night we all passed out drunk you washed all of our swimming suits, including yours" he says as he pulls out my red backless bathing suit. "How'd you know" I said laughing taking my bathingsuit out of his hands. "Griffin noticed" he replied. I walked over to one of the dressing rooms, Bryce followed me getting in the dressing room next to me. I changed into my bathing suit thinking about what he said. He said we'd do something later, what was he talking about? I'm not the biggest fan of surprises so I'm concerned. I get out of the dressing room to Bryce waiting for me outside. "Stun-ning" he says with his eyes wide open. "Ugh shut up you've seen me in this one before" I replied pushing him away. He laughs at me and holds my hand. "Sooo whatchu wanna do first"  he asks. "Lets do pool first." I said stuffing a twizzler in my mouth. "Bet" he said jumping into the pool."Oh my god Bryce we're at a spa shouldn't we be like quiet or some shit" I said giggling. "Who cares" he said laughing. "I do!" I whisper screamed at him while sitting on the edge of the pool with me legs in the water. "Come here" he said grabbing me by my waist and picking me up letting me sink slowly in his arms. He was still holding me and I wrapped my legs around him. "You really are a tease huh" he said biting his lip. "I guess I am" I said in my teasing voice. I wrapped my arms around his neck and laid my head on his shoulder. "Why did you decide to do all this last-minute?" I asked him still in the same position. "Our last date had a bad ending and I didn't want that to be the one you'd remember." he replied. "You know when I saw you on tiktok I thought you were a jerk." I said pulling my head off of his shoulder. "A lot of people do" he said. We made eyecontact and just looked at each other. I bit my lip and he just didn't get the hint so I started laughing. "What" he said smiling. "Kiss me you jerk" I replied. "I'm not letting you ask that twice" he said as he went in for a kiss. We kissed and I ran my hands through his hair with my elbows on his shoulders. He lowered his hands so that they were on my butt and we kissed for another 10 minutes. I got off of him and started swimming without saying a word. "So you're just gonna leave me hanging like that?" Bryce said from the other side of the pool. "Maybe I am" I said going underwater. We swum around each other for another 10 minutes. "Lets get to the jacuzzi." I said in a cute voice so he'd say yes. "Yea sure" he replied. "Ladies first" he said smirking as we were getting to pool's ladder. "You're just trying to look at my ass" I replied as I was getting out of the pool. "Maybe" he said while getting out after I did. I got into the jacuzzi and he walked away. "You good?" I asked him as he turned around the corner where I couldn't see him. "Yeah just give me a second" he replied. He came back after I think a minute with a platter full of candy. "What the hell are you doing" I said laughing at him. "Kenzie loves food" he replied. "Yeah you're right pass that to me" I replied giggling. I sat next to Bryce and we were just eating and making jokes. "You can't stuff me with food like this I'll get fat" I said sliding the platter onto the ground. "Those weird green things you drink in the morning will make sure you don't" he said making a barf face. "THEYRE GREEN SMOOTHIES AND THEY TASTE GOOD" I replied whisper yelling in his face. "Oh yeah for sure" he said giving me the stink eye. "You want me to beat you up?" I said to him knowing exactly where this conversation was going. "Try me" he said as he spread his arms on the edge of the jacuzzi. "Uh huh you think you can handle me" I said coming closer to him with a smirk. "You got an attitude don't you" he said sitting up so his face was right in front of mine. "Do I?" I said with a teasing voice. "You better get rid of that if I were you" he said knowing exactly what was about to come next. "Or what" I said still in my teasing voice. "I'll show you" he said grabbing my legs pulling myself onto his lap. He put his hand in my hair pushing my head towards his and starts making out with me. I like the dominant side of him. We kissed for a while and I put my hands on his back. He moved his hands all over my body and he slowly moved down kissing me in my neck while slowly taking off the straps of my bathing suit. He looked at me to make sure I was okay with it and I started breathing heavier. He proceeded to pull the straps down and then lowered his hands onto my bare boobs. I started breathing even heavier while he was filling my neck with hickey's. I started grinding on him while moving my lips onto his. I noticed IT poking me and just kept on spelling coconut like tiktok taught me. This went on for a few minutes with him moving his hands all over my body and me grinding on him until he came. I never know what to do after a moment this intense so I just laid my head on his shoulder wrapping my arms around his neck. "Looks like imma have an attitude more often" I said to fuck with his mind. "Keep up with that behaviour and you'll have to be taught a lesson again" he replied looking at me. "I'm tired." I said looking at the time noticing it was 8 o' already. You're really gonna tell me we've been here for over 3 hours shiii. "We can do the last activity another time cause I'm fucking exhausted." he said rolling his eyes. "You sure?" I replied feeling bad. "Yeah positive." he replied. "I bought stuff to cook tonight but I'll do that another time let's just hit the drive thru" I suggested. "Well that's a romantic ending of our date" Bryce said laughing at me. "INNOUT IS ROMANTIC" I whisper yelled at Bryce. "Lets go" Bryce said getting out of the Jacuzzi. I put my bathingsuit back on properly and step under the shower. The shower's just like a big room with a lot of showerheads that could provide at least 20 people. Bryce uses the same shower as I do. "There are like 20 other showers and you have to use the same shower as me?" I ask while washing my hair. "I get to do whatever I want" he replied. I never knew Bryce was daddy, but honestly, I ain't complaning. We got out of the shower and got into SEPERATE dressing rooms to jump back in our own clothes. I got out and Bryce was still changing. "Are you a woman or something you need to hurry up." I said as I ran back to the pool area to grab the leftover twizzlers and stuff them in my bag. "I'm done" he said as I stuffed a few of them in my mouth. "You ain't even going to share?" he asks. I pull one out of my bag and put it in his mouth. "Who said that" I said with my puppydog eyes. The rest was pretty blurry because I was just so tired. We went to in n out and got some food at the drive thru, we ate it at the parking lot and just talked on our way home. When we got home no one was there so Bryce and I just decided it was time to sleep. "I'm going to sleep I'm fucking exhausted" Bryce said walking to his room. "Yeah lemme just put some Pjs on and I'll be omw." I said to fuck with him. "Omw where?" he asked. I didn't respond but just got to my room and put my grey Calvin shorts on with a black sportsbra. I walked over to Bryce's room to see him laying in bed with no shirt. I get in his bed and lay down next to him. "You can't get enough of me don't you." he said putting his phone away. "Never" I replied closing my eyes. "Wow so u ain't even gonna kiss me goodnight?" he said fake crying. "Goodnight Bryce" I said as I gave him a kiss. I pretty quickly drifted off to sleep.

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