chapter 6

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Bryce POV:

Kenzie fell asleep in my arms yesterday. She looked amazing. How can someone look so perfect while sleeping? When the movie was done I picked her up and put her in her bed. She didn't wake up, she's not a light sleeper. I was tucking her in and got out of her room. Nick came up to me. "Ayyo bro look, I know you think my sister's hot and shit but you just can't. She's been through enough and I don't want to put her through any more pain. I can't stop you from doing anything but I can warn you. I swear to god if you hurt my sister I will kill you." He looked at me more furious than I've ever seen him so I knew that he wasn't playing. "Dw I won't" I said to calm him down. "I know" he replied. I went to Jaden's room cause I wasn't in the mood to go to bed just yet. "Bryce bro, fuckin Nick just came up to me threatening that he'll kill me if I hurt Kenz like wtf" Jaden says as I close the door. "Dude I literally just had the exact same conversation with him. He's just trying to look out for her man. I get it." I reply. " Kenz is an amazing girl so I get why he did it, but the way he did it was so outta line bro" Jaden says. "She really is amazing" I said. I got up and went to bed to give my brain some rest. Kenz broke it.

Mackenzie POV:

I woke up in my bed. What happened last night. I'm still wearing my clothes so I didn't drink that's a good sign. I remember falling asleep in Bryce's arms so he's probably the one who put me in this bed. I got into the shower and put my tiktok playlist on singing to all of the songs. I don't put on any clothing yet except for a grey calvin klein short and a sportsbra. I go downstairs surprised that no one's awake and then it hits me: it's a house full of boys. That meant I'll have to play mom again but it's okay I don't mind. So I woke up and decided I'd make them all breakfast. I looked at the time and noticed how early I woke up. It was 7 o'. I went looking for food when I remembered: I'm in a house full of boys. I snuck into Bryce's room and slowly woke him up by running my hands through his hair. He opens his eyes and I ask him if I can use his car. "You have a  license?" he asked me. "ofcourse silly, I got it with Nick" I replied. "Keys are in my drawer" he said closing his eyes again. I grab his keys and take Nick's coat because I'm too lazy to put clothing on. I drive to the store jamming to some music and I'm extra careful not to crash his car because I don't wanna get killed. I get into target and get a cart cuz we boutta feed a house full of boys. I decide to buy enough stuff to fill their whole fridge and the pantries. At checkout I pay around $200 but it's fine, I love my boys. I load everything into my car wich was a whole fight cuz ion have any muscle. I get back home and decide to wake up Bryce to help me with all of the groceries. Bryce has a lot of muscle and I know he sleeps without a shirt so I can look at him grabbing my groceries SHIRTLESS. I get into his room and I notice he's waking up. I run my hands through his hair and he slowly wakes up. "Hey bubs, I need help." I said. "You crashed my car?" he asked. ¨I HAVE A LICENSE" I whisper shout. "Then it can wait." he replies closing his eyes again. I take my hand out of his hair and pull him up so he's sitting up. "If you were any other person I wouldn't help you out Kenz". I just rolled my eyes at him and held his hand dragging him to the car, "So you're waking me up AND you have me exercise?". "You know you love me" I reply. He smirks. After 10 minutes of him walking around shirtless carrying my groceries its only 9 am. I decide to join him on the couch and I lay down in between his arms. He's acting differrent. Like he's trying to keep his distance. I swear to god if this has anything to do with Nick I'll go crazy. After half an hour I hear a shower turn on and decide it's time to start makeing breakfast. I bake some pancakes and cut some strawberry's and banana's. I made a green smoothie for everyone and me and Bryce decided we both would wake up 4. We went our separate ways and I walk into Jaden's room. I just admire his face before slowly running my hands through his hair to wake him up. "Hossler, wake up I made us breakfast". He opens his eyes and looks at me like I'm some kind of royalty he sits up and I notice he ain't chopstick either. He hass some fine abs. I jump onto Nick to wake him up and tell him breakfast is served. I also woke Avani and Griff up. When I got back into the living room I already see Josh, Ant, Kio and Bryce in the living room but they're waiting on the rest. I start making the plates when everyone slowly gathers at the table. I got everyone a smoothie in those cute plastic starbucks cups and I got everyone some pancakes with banana and strawberry's. "Dude she can stay her whole life if she's going to make this breakfast every day" Jaden said. "Maybe I will" I laughed it off but I could picture Jaden and I growing old together. We just had a good time having breakfast with our group. " Bryce what did I tell you yesterday about where we'd go today? " I asked him extra loud so the whole table would put their attention on us. "To the mall? " he said with his mouth full of pancake. "Exactly. GET DRESSED BITCHES"

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