Chapter 11

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Kenzie POV:

The silhouet came closer and closer and Bryce stood up. He pulled me by my arm to stand behind him. I started shaking. I got scared so I held onto Bryce tightly. He took his phone's flashlight so he could see who it was and we waited for the person to come closer. "Who the fuck are you" he yelled. The silhouet stopped walking. "Get the fuck away from my sister." the silhouet said. I immediately recognized Nick's voice. "Dude I wasn't even doing anything" Bryce said. Nick came closer and started walking up to Bryce. I stood in between them. "I'm not gonna let you play my sister as if she's one of your sluts." Nick says. "How do you even know we were here" I asked him. "Life360" he said with the worst attitude. "So you're just tracking. You're fucking crazy" I said. I was still standing in between because I don't want them to fight. "Kenzie move away from him." Nick said. "Don't you think it's a bad thing that I'm fucking terrified of you, my own brother." I said to him starting to cry. "He'll only use you for sex and then drop you." Nick said. "That you call me your friend but think that of me. That's sick bro." Bryce said. I noticed him getting mad and I just kept on crying. "I said get the fuck away from him" he screams. "Dude you're scaring her" Bryce yelled. "You don't even know her" Nick said. "But atleast she's not scared of me" Bryce yelled at him. "Dude you better back off or-" Nick said until Bryce cut him off. "OR WHAT". Nick pushed me away. "GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME" I screamed at Nick. "Dude get your hands off of her" Bryce yelled. Bryce stood in front of me facing Nick. "You really want to fight right now bro?" Bryce asked him. "You need to back the fuck away from my sister." Nick yelled. "She's old enough to decide if she wants to hang out with me" Bryce said. "You can't keep fucking deciding everything for me. We're literally the same age bro" I said. "I'm your fucking brother I can do whatever I want" Nick yelled grabbing my arm. I tried to pull away but he's too strong. Bryce grabbed Nick's arm and held it in his clutch. I don't know what's going on with Nick I've never seen him like this. He punched bryce right in the face. I pulled Bryce over to me cuz I know Bryce can beat him up. I can see on Bryce's face that he doesn't know what to do. "If I didn't care about your sister as if she's 'one of my sluts' I would've already beaten the living shit out of you." Bryce said to Nick while I was still holding his hand. "Come on Kenz we're leaving sway." Nick said. "I'm not going anywhere with someone who knows my past with violence and proceeds to punch my date in the face." I said with tears flowing down my face. "Come on Kenz you know this is nothing like him" Nick said knowing I won't forgive him. "It's everything like him." I said walking away. "I'm going home" I said walking backwards with Bryce following me. "You know you're gonna regret all of this and when you do, I won't act like I didn't warn you." he yelled. "If I'm going to regret all of this, you'll be the last person I want to see." I reply getting into Bryce's car. "You're making a mistake." he yelled from a distance. "Then that's my mistake to make" I yell back closing the door. The whole car ride was silent. We had to stop for gas and while Bryce was paying I worked up the courage to say something. He got back in the car and looked at me because I was crying. "I'm so so so sorry this happened." I said while stroking my hand on the place that Nick punched him. "Hey hey this is not your fault. We all know that Nick has a hero complex." he said. I couldn't help myself and started smiling. "He really does." I replied. The car ride home was silent. We got home to the boys on the couch. I totally forgot that my eyes were still red from crying so I just went and hugged everyone. "Are you okay?" Jaden asked while I was giving him a hug. "Did Bryce do something say the word and I'll beat him up." he proceeded. "No no no it wasn't Bryce who did something it was Nick. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow, lets just have a good night." I replied. He just smiled at me and we all watched a movie. It was around 12 am and most of the boys were tipsy. Griffin thought that it'd probably be a great idea to get in the hottub. Everyone went to their room and got changed. I got changed in my bathroom and when I walked out Jaden was laying in my bed. "What are you doing Hossler?" I asked him. "That's inappropriate Bean" he said. "Get over yourself" I replied rolling my eyes, I wore a red backless bathing suit. I put my hair up in a bun so it wouldn't get wet. When we got into the hottub Griffin and Bryce were already sitting down. I sat down next to bryce and he put his arm around me. We laughed a lot until Josh decided it would be a great idea to play Truth or Dare ( literally classic Josh). They started at Bryce. "Truth or dare" Anthony asks him. "Dare" (also classic Bryce). Everyone was silent until Josh said: "Punch Jadn in his face". You noticed that they were all getting drunk. I looked at Bryce praying he'd pass cause if he didn't he'd be just the same as Nick. "I'm not doing that." Bryce said. I sighed in relief and everyone looked at me. "Dude you've had so many fights in the past and now you're scared to punch one of your best friends. " Griffin said. "The past's in the past bro" he said looking at me. I noticed that Bryce was going lower and lower in the tub and decided to get him to bed before he does something stupid like drown himself. I escort him to his room and grab a towel to dry him off. "Ayyo Kenz." he yelled as if I was in another room. "Don't say anything you'll regret my guy" I replied, "I love you" he said. I smirked. "I love you too you dummie. I put him to bed giving him a kiss on his forehead and get back to the tub to see Jaden chugging another white claw. "I think it's time to get you to bed too my guy." I said. "I think so too" he replied squealing his eyes. I did the same thing as I did with Bryce but Jaden didn't say stupid shit. I decide I should get all the boys out because it's getting late. As I attempt to dry off Josh he said: "Bitch I have a girlfriend." I just laughed at him handing him the towel so he can dry himself off. I wait to make sure he gets into bed when I do griffin and finish up myself. Avani did Anthony, I'm not risking our friendship over that. I put Griff to bed and dried myself off. I looked in the mirror. "Wow I'm really not okay" I said. I got under the covers and fell asleep.

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