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Mackenzie Pov:
I woke up to Nick screaming that I have to open my laptop and i nicely tell him to shut the fuck up. Today we'll open our emails from college to see if we got in. It was around 11 o'clock and I decided to take a hot shower , I'd be done by 12 and that's the time our emails supposedly would be sent. I took a quick hot shower and got out 30 minutes later. I put on my black lulu leggings with a pink Calvin cropped top. I ran downstairs and ate some cereal. Nick was already sitting on the couch eating chips. Nick's my best friend. We've grown so close over the years that we've decided to college together. If one got in and one didn't, we simply wouldn't go. We were really late this year so we didn't get to apply to many colleges. We've been dreaming of going to UCLA since we were kids. UCLA isn't the best college, but we've always wanted to spend our college years in LA. Nick's been to LA a lot. He's all caught up in the social media stuff and has some friends in LA. I'm on social media too, but we've decided not to tell anyone that im his sister. At least, not until I got into college. We've made that deal as soon as he started to gain followers and honestly, I'm sad I agreed to that. Don't get me wrong I don't want to use my brother for clout, but I just really want to go with him on tours and to LA. Anyways, it's 12 o'. My mom rushes downstairs as her alarm is ringing and Nick and I set up the camera and our laptops. Our laptops made a little sound to let us know our emails have arrived and we start to countdown.e "3...2...1.... I GOT IN¨ we both said completely synchronized. I jumped onto Nick and I gave him the best hug I had in a long time, then we hugged our mom. "Okay Nick so we need a place to crash, what's the plan?" I said. We aren't getting dorm rooms because even tho we want privacy, we also want to be together. "I have already fixed something dw about it" Nick said. "WHATTT, Nick I know u love to surprise me but I need to know where you wanna go." I said. Nick replies "You'll see". I hate it when he does that.

time gap: a month
Mackenzie Pov:
The past month nothing's really happened. I mostly just enjoyed my holiday and had a hard time saying goodbye to my friends who left for college early. Nick and I are leaving for college in 3 days I'm so excited but I'm sad for my mom. She'll be all alone when we leave. It was hard for her to get over my dad's death but she'll get there. "KENZIEEEE!" Nick screamed through the house. "What do you want u ugly bitch?" I replied. "We're going shopping hoe" he replies. "LANGUAGE!" I hear my mom screaming from downstairs. I jump out of bed and jump into this:

I get downstairs and make myself some coffee when I hear a honk from outside

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I get downstairs and make myself some coffee when I hear a honk from outside. "NIIICCK! Who the fuck did you invite without my permission?" I said. "I invited Avani that's all" he replied. OMG AVANI!!! Avani has been Nick and I's bestfriend since we were like 8. I don't have a clue how we turned into friends but she doesn't live in the same town as we do. She lives in LA. Avani and Nick are both caught up in the social media stuff and that makes me feel left out sometimes. But I still love both of 'em. I grab my jacket and run outside to see my baby. "AVAANII!!" I scream. "BEBE!!" she replies. "OMG I haven't spoken to u in so long we need to catch up and spill the tea." I said. "Okay how about cheesecake factory, tonight 7 o'?" Avani whisper screams so Nick can't hear us. "Deal!" I reply. Nick comes outside and asks us what that was all about, "Nothing" we reply in sync.

Time gap: skip car ride

We finally arrive at the mall and Avani and I start dragging Nick into every shop. I think we're about 2 hours in now and I've spent over $400 on clothing. Avan and I decide to enter Victoria secret and Nick says he'll meet us at chick-fil-a in a bit. We enter Victoria's and we start grabbing things and trying them on. "Avani bebe tell me everything, do you think I haven't seen tiktok room about you and Anthony Reeves?" I sty whisper screaming. "Okay it's true. I have been seeing Ant but we haven't labelled it just yet." she says. "Omg I need more than that we have a lot to talk about." I say a little bit too interested in her story. Anthony reeves is one hell of a guy. He's just very handsome. He's a good boy for Avani...

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