Chapter 22

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Bryce POV:

Kenz and Nick have this creepy twin day every once in a while. The last time they went they went to some kind of amusement park but they haven't had one in LA yet, at least, until today. They haven't been the same since he came back. Anyways that means the rest of the boys have the afternoon for ourselves since Vani and Nessa are at hype. I haven't done stupid shit in a long fucking time. As soon as I hear the door close I start yelling. "Ayyo bitches, I got a tray of white claws and I ain't gonna finish them all myself." I scream as I take the plastic off. The boys came running as I pulled some red bulls out of the fridge. "Let's fuck Bel Air up" I say as I make a hole with my tooth and shotgun a redbull. "We haven't done shit in forever bro" Josh says as he takes down one as well. "We're doing it now, 500$ to the one who jumps in the pool right now" I say as I pull my hoodie off. "Bet" Griffin says as he jumps in wearing all of his clothes. We make some montages for Josh's vlog and after like an hour and a half my mom calls. She just talks the little how are you talk until she just decides Kenz and I are coming over tonight. "OK mom see you tonight" I say as I hang up the phone. "Ahw do you miss your mommy?" Jaden says in a mocking voice as he takes off his clothes to jump in the pool. "I'm so gonna beat you up" I say as I jump right onto his big head. We get in the jacuzzi and we film a never have I ever video with the boys. Quinton joined to, he's hanging with us a lot the past few days but he's not part of the house yet. After the video I hop in the shower and lay down in bed.

Kenzie POV:

We get to hype and all I wanna do is find Jaden and cry in his arms. I wait for Bryce and we get in together. He holds my hand ofcourse as we get in and we sit down on the couch for a while. "I'm going to look for Jaden" I say as I stand up. "Why?" he asks me as he doesn't let go of my hand. "He's my bestfriend right now and I really need him." I say as I start to form tears but try to keep them in. "You can tell me everything you know that right" he says as he pulls me towards him. "I just want Jaden right now" I say as I let go of his hand. I immediately run to Chase's bathroom cuz I'm 100% sure that's where he is and as I get in he's talking to Madi. I pull him by his hand without saying anything and I run to one of the balconies. "what the hell I was literally talking to someone" he says as he sounds mad. "I don't care right now you're talking to me" I say as I sit on the ground. "His mom asked me about Mike. She said the last time she's heard of me I was still in a relationship with him and she asked me why it ended. I didn't know what to say and all I wanted to do is cry. Why on earth can't I ever be happy" I say as tears start flowing down my face. "What did you reply?" he asks me as he still looks from a distance. "That we didn't fit for each other." I say as my tears start to slow down. "Damn right you guys didn't fit well you stupid whore" he says as he starts laughing. "I'm gonna give you a hug right now, a really really long and good hug. During that hug you can think about everything that bothers you but as soon as the hug's over, you're gonna stop crying and think about anything else. Do we have a deal?" he says as he opens his arms. "Deal!" I say as I start hugging him tightly. The hug lasts forever and it was li ter ally the best hug I've ever had. "You're my bestfriend" I say as he lets go. "And you're mine" he replies as he blows a kiss. I walk over to the edge of the balcony to see Bryce and all of the other boys straight on partying. I'm in the mood to party so I run downstairs. "Hey Bryce come over here" I yell at Bryce. "Whats up" he says as he's all drippy and wet from the pool. "First of all, I like this Bryce. Second of all is it a terrible idea if I swim in my underwear? I don't have any bathing suits on me but if you have a problem with it I won't do it" I say as I put my hair up in a messy bun. "Girl you can wear whatever you want unless it's like crazy naked but you get what I mean. You do you, under one condition. I get to take of your clothes" he says as he smirks at the last part. "Ugh shut up" I say as I pull my pants down. He takes my shirt off. Before I know it he throws me over his shoulder and runs towards the backyard area. "BRYCE STOP I DONT WANT TO DIE PLEASE" I scream as I slap his back. "Throw her in" Tayler says as he sees us nearing. "Shut up you rip off-" I tried to continue my sentence but I quickly got absorbed in the water. I fought my way back up and after a while Bryce helped me up so I wouldn't like drown. "I'm sorry what did you say?" Bryce says as he smirks. "I hate you omg" I say as I turn around. "Yeah what did you say I couldn't hear it either" Tayler said as he got closer. "Knock knock" I say smirking. "Who's there" he replies. "No it's not for you no one invited you here" I say as I fake drop a mic. Everyone starts screaming and I feel good. "That one hit close to home" he says as he puts his hand to his chest. We swim around for a few minutes until Ryland storms out. (You get it, RYLAND STORMS out. No just me? okay let's continue our story) "Now the party's getting started." he says as he's holding 3 trays of white claws. "Aight I'm in I need some booze rn" I say as I climb over the edge of the pool. "You're a child you're not even legal yet" Bryce says as he pushes me back into the water. "Even tho you're 20 it doesn't mean you're legal either." I say as I climb back out. "Okay teach me how to shotgun a white claw." I say as I take one out. "Wait lemme just make a hole." he says as he pulls it out of my hand and sticks his teeth through. "Put your mouth on the hole, open the lid, chug" he says as he puts the hole to my mouth. I open the lid and start drinking but it's a total disaster. Everything's flowing out of the top and I choke. "Yeah that's deffo your secret talent" he says as he starts laughing and grabs himself a white claw as well. "Like you can do it better" I say in my teasy voice. "Try me bitch" he says as he makes a hole. He chugs that thing like its water and laughs. "What did you say again?" he says looking at me. "OK I take it back." I say as I give him a kiss. We party for a pretty long time after that. I mean like the passed out drunk on the ground type of party. I was still up as I saw Bryce sleeping on one of the beach stools passed out. Almost everyone is out here so I decide not to wake them. I run to Daisy's old room, or what's left of it, and lay down. The rooms literally empty with just a bed in the middle. I crawl into her bed and look at the time. 4.42 Am. It's time to call it a night. I didn't even try to fall asleep as I simply passed out.

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