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I'm just giving a quick recap of the last 25 chapters.

Mackenzie Bean is a normal teen. She's 17 years old and got into UCLA with her twin brother Nick. She lives a quite normal life, her brother doesn't. Her brother's a youtuber with many influencers as friends. They get into college and Nick says he will arrange them a place to live. They get to LA a few weeks before college starts but Kenzie had no idea that she was about to meet and live with everyone in the sway house. At the sway house a lot of crazy thing happen on a daily basis. Every boy in the sway house has a pretty face, but only two of them have catched her eye: Bryce Hall and Jaden Hossler. She makes breakfast for the entire group everyday and they become really close with her. Jaden was her first choice in the beginning but her and Bryce had the perfect love story. That night the whole group had dinner at Cheesecake factory. They had a good time and after dinner Mackenzie had to use the bathroom. She went there but Bryce followed her. They talked a little until Bryce kissed her. They kissed for a minute or two when Mackenzie breaks the kiss. "I can't do this to Nick I'm sorry". The group heads home and rest. The following day Kenzie, Avani and the rest of the boys head to the mall. As Mackenzie walks over to her room to get ready Jaden follows her. He told her about something that happened the night before. Nick threatened Bryce and Jaden telling them if they'd in any way hurts his sister, he'd kill them. Bryce and Mackenzie had a great time at the mall, but the rest of the group didn't. They decided to go home but Bryce and Mackenzie didn't wanna leave yet, so they stayed there together. Bryc bought Mackenzie the cutest shirt and afterwards they leave to get some food. Bryce and Mackenzie hit the drive thru and eat in Bryce's car.  They had an amazing time eating and talking and Bryce decides to pop the question. "Can I take you out sometime?" he asks. she says yes and they head back home. When they get home Mackenzie sees Jaden and she thinks about what he said earlier. She storms over to Nick's room and has a fight with him. As they're yelling at eachother Nick mentions the name Mike. JAden couldn't help but overhear and when Mackenzie cries and runs back into her own room, Jaden once again follows her. He holds her in his arms and she cries, a lot. After a while Jaden asks Mackenzie about Mike and she tells Jaden all about her abusive ex boyfriend. Her and Jaden fall asleep quickly afterwards. The next day, even though Bryce knew what happened the night before since Jaden told him, Bryce took her out on a date.  They went on an amazing date together ending at the beach. As they were talking Nick came up to them and tried to pick a fight with Bryce, telling him to back away from his sister. Nick says all of these horrible things and punches Bryce. Bryce decides not to punch him back but to walk away so he can still be with Mackenzie. Nick tries to get Mackenzie in his car but she refuses. She leaves with Bryce to the sway house and doesn't bother getting mad at Bryce. The next day, Bryce, Jaden and Josh took Mackenzie to the Hype House so she could meet their friends. Not only a lot of Bryce's friends were there, his ex was too. Addison was a really sweet person. That same day Bryce decided to take Mackenzie on a date to forget the last one. He booked them a spa. They got there and had a really good time. After an intense makeout session they decided it was time to head home. They got home and went to bed. As they were in the car towards iHop the following day, Kenzie calls Nick. She wants to make up with him, especially since corona is getting out of hand. She meets up with him that same night and they have a talk. After a while she calls Bryce outside so he could talk with Nick too. Kenzie went back inside to give them some space and when the both of them got back inside, they announced they were on good terms again. Nick stays at Sway again. If yout thought the story couldn't get any crazier, you were wrong. Only a day later Bryce asks Mackenzie to be his girlfriend. She says yes and they go on another amazing date together. After the date they head back to the Hype House and announce the news. Bryce and Kenzie have a lazy day the next day since Kenzie wasn't feeling good. Time gap: 1,5 week. Nothing really happened in the past week. They went to the Hype House almost every day so Mackenzie and Bryce didn't spend too much time together. School starts in 3 days and tonight, Kenzie is going to meet Bryce's mom. But she goes on a picknick with Nick first. They sort everything out and Nick finally admits that he doesn't think Bryce's a bad person. Bryce and Kenzie get ready to go to his moms and leave. They get to his mom welcoming them with open arms and his mom made them an amazing dinner. They sat down and talked a lot and Bryce's mom asks Kenzie a question. "The last time I spoke to your mom you were still with this Mike, why did you guys break up?" Kenzie doesn't know what to say and makes up some excuse that they just didn't fit for eachother and the rest of the dinner Kenzie didn't feel good. They went over to the hype house and Kenzie runs upstairs to talk to Jaden. Jaden gives her a hug and tells her not to think about it to much. She goes downstairs to see all of the hype house members partying, and ofcourse, she joined them. Bryce and her had a great time together and when Kenzie notices most of the people had passed out, she decides to find a bed to sleep in. The next day Alex dared her to jump onto Bryce for $500 and ofcourse she accepted it.  She took the money. Let's just say Bryce and her had a really great time and decided to have a good time at home. They went home and did some nasty nasty but when Mackenzie gets in the shower, she hears a loud bang on the floor. She runs out to see Bryce unconscious on the ground and calls 911. By the time the paramedics arrive Bryce had already woken up and the paramedics reassured Bryce he should be fine. Bryce and Mackenzie decided to get back to the hype house. They took a lot of food with them so they could have breakfast together. Bryce and Mackenzie ate pancakes together when Alex explained he'd give them $500 if they'd kiss on his youtube channel. They, ofcourse, agreed and shot the bit. "When are we going public?"  Mackenzie asks as she looks at Bryce. "I was waiting for you?" he responds. They both post the same picture with the same caption on their instagram and that means they're officially public now.

A/n Hi guys! I decided to give a quick recap of the last 25 chapters since a lot had happened. I just wanted to say thank you for everyone that read and voted on my chapters!! 10 days ago we were #38 Jaden hossler, and hopefully we'll grow much bigger. I wanted to add a question on the end of this chapter. What's you guys' opinion on the whole Chase and Nessa drama?

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