Chapter 11

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Allison's POV

I woke up in a familiar place.

I saw the desk, bookshelf and the shops ceiling.

Aaron was sleeping with his head on his desk and light snores coming out of his mouth. I couldn't help but let out a little chuckle just to feel pain course through my body.

I instantly started coughing and brought my hand to my throat.

It was tender and sore. Then I slowly started to remember everything that happened last night. I brought my hand to my chest to feel soft cotton and not bare skin. I looked down to see I was wearing one of the extra shirts Aaron keeps in his office. My pants were rebuttoned and a blanket laid over my body.

My head started throbbing and I started to cry.

His head shot up with a small sliver of drool running down the side of his mouth. He looked straight at me and jumped out of his seat and grabbed a bottle of water handing it to me.

He kneeled in front of me and looked me in the eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

And I started to cry even harder.

"Shit, of course you're not okay. I'm sorry." He said.

For an older man he was clueless, but it was refreshing. He wasn't a burley biker but just an old man with a passion in mechanics.

"Allison, I called the cops, they said they would come back around when you woke up. They wanted me to take you to the hospital, but I didn't want to do anything you didn't want to."

"thank you. They would've notified my parents."

He nodded.

"They need your statement. I'm going to call them. I called the school and told them about your attack too. They are putting your semester on hold."

I was terrified because that meant I'd be behind but at the same time I was relieved.

15 minutes later cops showed up to the shop and took my statement. I hated the look of pity on their face. I could only imagine it had something to do with the way I look.

At this moment, I had no where to go but the club and I wasn't sure what would be waiting for me.

"Can you take me to get my stuff from the dorm?"

He nodded and we headed off to the dorms. I tossed a sweater on and put the hoody up to avoid stares. Aaron packed my things for me because I could barely move without wincing or crying. He then loaded my bike onto the back of his truck.

"where do you want to go?"

"Can you take me to Rhodes Auto Shop?"

We drove the 45 minutes to Roadkill's shop. It was open and I was nervous.

"Can you give me a minute?" I asked Aaron who put his car in park.

I got out the passenger seat slowly and limped to the office.

"Welcome to Rhode's Auto what can I do for you?"

The sound of Nancy's voice instantly made me cry. I looked up at her and when her eyes met mine she instantly started to cry.

"Oh my god Allison, your face!" She yelled. "RHODES! RHODES!"

She ran over to me and took my hood down. I still didn't even know what I looked like because I avoided all mirrors and just wanted to get to Roadkill.

The guys came running to the office with guns or tire irons. When he saw me he instantly put his gun down and grabbed my face.

"Fuck!" He was moving my head to much but I enjoyed his touch. The touch of the father I never had.

"You're hurting her!" Nancy yelled taking his hands off me.

"What the hell happened?"

I couldn't even tell them. My throat hurt and it didn't help that I was hysterically crying into his arms.

He saw Aaron parked outside and left as Nancy just held me.

Jesse, one of the mechanics brought me an icepack and water. I thanked him with a head nod, and he went back to work.

"I got your stuff loaded into Nancy's car and your bike will stay here. We're taking you to the club house."

I got into the passenger seat of Nancy's car and put my hood back up. I was nervous and the pain wasn't helping. I wanted to throw up.

"Nancy pull over."

She looked at me confused.


She hurried up and stopped to the side of the road. Roadkill instantly pulled over on his bike and I leaned out the car and threw up. My vision started to go blurry again.

"Somethings wrong." I said.

Roadkill got to the side of the road and saw blood in my throw up.

"We have to take you to the hospital." He said.

"No, they'll call my parents. They're my emergency contact." I said.

I think they continued talking but I was trying to stay conscious. I was back in the car and the door closed with a plastic bag in front of me. I had my head leaned up against the seat. We pulled up to the club house and the only thing I felt was relief.

I felt safe.

Roadkill grabbed me out the car. I couldn't keep my head up.

"You have to stay awake Alli." His voice sounded like it was under water.

We got through the club door and I couldn't hear anything anymore. My head felt like it weighed so much.

"Throw up! Throw up!" I said trying to wiggle out his arms, but he held on tighter which only made the paid and the throw up come out quicker. I leaned over and threw up all over the ground. I saw more blood.

"Wrong. Something."

And then it all went black.

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