Chapter 26

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Reaper's POV

She's been gone damn near 3 weeks. 3 FUCKING WEEKS.

But we have a fool proof plan in place, and I hate to admit it was because the outside help, but it was.

We owed a lot to the Campbells. I guess Allison's mother was trying to marry her off to their son, but they became friends instead. They said they really liked her and would do anything to help her.

Antonio Campbell was a retired Police Chief who trained the new Chief. He managed to talk him into designing a fake raid with swat vehicles and officers. The swat vehicles will then cause this big scene and stir up a bunch of commotion and we would sneak our motorcycles into the swat vans and they would drive them off to an empty lot and meet us later. The other officers would stay behind and 'arrest' us. Only they would take us to the empty lot instead of the police station.

But we knew they wouldn't follow the officers. It was a perfect distraction.

From the lot, we would take our motorcycles and drive the few hours to Crimson Warrior territory.

War was coming and it wasn't going to be pretty for them. I'm determined to get my Allison back.

I made sure to have a bag of her clothes in a backpack on my back along with a first aid kit and a small throw blanket. We made a deal with the police who helped. We would leave no evidence of their or our involvement with what's about to go down.

It was going to be a fucking bloodbath and I was ready for it.

They didn't call me Reaper for nothing. I was about to live up to my name. Because come hell or high water, I was getting Allison back, ALIVE.

A/N: Slight trigger warning coming up (no detail but suggestive.)

We were now speeding down the highway to get to the Crimson Warriors Club.

The sun was just starting to set, and the only lights were going to be coming from the motorcycles and the vehicles on the road.

I shuttered with anticipation of having Allison back in my arms. I don't know what to expect and that's what really has me so on edge. But I won't think too much into it right now. I need to focus on what's ahead of me.

The ride was silent as the only sound on the road was the loud roars of our engines. The tension in the air so thick you could cut it with a spoon. The sun was now fully set and the darkness now surrounded us.

We laid off the engines of our bikes as we slowly pulled them into a parking garage down the street. We had to remain off radar until we were in position. We split up into groups fully surrounded the building.

Kraken whistled out signaling the nearby teams to also whistle to tell the others.

Once we heard the final whistle, we all rushed in like angry bulls.

I stormed through the front door with 15 of our men while the others took the side and back doors.

The men in that main room looked fearful as we stormed in not even giving them a second to think. I made my way to the hallway starting to get nervous. This was WAY too easy. The men barely seemed qualified and they went down too quick.

We started making our way down the halls and finally met the other team near the back. There was no sign of Necro and there was absolutely no sign of Allison or that she has even been here.

"What the fuck?" I punched the wall as hard as I could.

We've had surveillance on this fucking club 24/7 and NOTHING suspicious ever left the damn club. And we made sure to monitor everyone and everything that left.

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