Chapter 28

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Reaper's POV

It's been 12 hours since the code red.

A nurse came out about an hour after the code red with a bunch of papers and handed it to everyone who was willing to get tested. Nearly every member asked for one and I nearly broke down again at the love my brothers had for her.

After we turned the papers in, we had no updates to how she was.

They just keep telling us they're doing everything they can. What does that mean? Everything they can. It should be simple if they were doing everything, they can then she would be fine.

The sadness was now turning to anger. I was so angry.

Half the brothers already headed out. The only ones still here were myself, Arabella, Kraken, my father, Miriam, Michael, Roadkill and Nancy.

Roxanne had to leave with the baby but promised to be back.

"I'm going to go grab some coffee from the cafeteria. Anyone else want some?" She asked.

Once taking down who all wanted some she left, and we patiently waited for some type of answers.

The door swung open and a very exhausted looking Dr. Sullivan walked out. He was wearing a hair net, a mask hanging off one ear and feet booties.

We stood up as he walked over to us.

"Ms. Riley is stable now. The good news is the new medicine we are giving her she didn't reject. So, it shouldn't be long before we can operate."

"And the bad news?" Nancy asked.

"She's going to need an immediate transplant. She was added on the list but right now she is number 5 on the list but she might not make it if we wait. We got the paperwork for those willing to test. If they can get here soon, we can start testing for matches." He said.

"I'll go ahead and call the ones willing to donate and we will have them here within an hour but you can start with us who are here." My father said.

The doctor nodded and brought the rest of us back as my father made the call. Like he said within the hour, bikes were taking up the entire parking lot and men in leather jackets were taking up the waiting room. They brought us back 4 at a time and had everyone test.

A nurse came out when the last one tested. Told us it would take about 24 hours to test everyone and that they would let us know. We all left the hospital to get food and shower since they still weren't letting us in to see her.

I just want to see her. Hold her hand even if she isn't conscious. I want my Allison.

I jumped out the shower and was barely dressed when Bella ran into my room out of breath and nearly keeling over.

Panic surged through my body as she just gasped for air.

"Is Allison okay?"

She had a giant grin on her face and nodded.

"They. . . They found a match." She said.

I quickly tossed on my black t-shirt, my cut, and my leather boots. I ran downstairs while they all talked.

"Who is the match?" I asked her.

She smiled as we got to the table. Sitting there was Dino, my father, Vulture, Kraken, Goat and Virus.

My father looked up to me with a smile.

"I'm a match." He said.

A million things started running through my mind. My father is her match. The one she sent to prison. Oh, how the world works.

"I have to go into the hospital to get a few more things done before I can officially be listed as her donor. I was going to eat then head in." He said.

He was going to do it even though what happened?

He stood up and people split like the red sea.

"You love this woman, right?"

I nodded.

"I never blamed her for what happen. She was given shitty circumstances and a shitty family if you ask me." He let out a little laugh.

I grabbed him into a hug.

"Now let's go. The quicker we do this the better her chances."

We got onto our bikes and headed to the hospital. Roxanne was there trying to use the fact that she's a doctor to get into her sisters' room, but they weren't having it.

My father went and signed in next to her and they brought him back. Her eyes went wide.

"Is your father a match?" She asked.

I nodded.

She tossed her arms around me and brought me into a hug.

"Thank you."

"It's not me that was a match." I said.

"No, but you brought her back." She said taking a step back.

"Mrs. Denison, how many times do I have to tell you that you can't use your doctor status to see patients you're not assigned too." Another doctor said standing behind the receptionist.

She shrugged her shoulders and played innocent.

"Plus aren't you supposed to be on maternity leave."

"Fine, I'll leave."

She gave me a wink and left. She was just like Kraken just feminine and a beauty queen. I shook my head and asked the nurse to bring me to my father.

I went to the back and my father was flirting with the nurse who was taking some more blood samples.

I rolled my eyes as I sat down.

"When would he have the surgery if everything comes back good to go."

"We will get the results in 24 to 48 hours and then he would need to be on a strict diet for two weeks. No alcohol, smoking, sex, and a few other things. Then he will have the surgery."

"Did you say sex?" He asked.

She blushed red and I laughed.

"You've done like 5 years what's another two weeks?" I asked him.

He glared up at me and I couldn't help but laugh.

"That is all Mr. Donavon."

"Thank you, Lydia."

She blushed again as she walked off with the samples.

My father and I left the hospital together. We had some unfinished business with a man in the cellar.

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