Chapter 17

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Allison's POV

I watched as he slept.

Not in the creepy way but in the way where I'm amazed that he chose me.

He chose me to be his girlfriend and I couldn't be more happy.

I thought I'd be stuck marrying a man my mom wanted me to marry like Roxanne but then I met Reaper. All 6 foot 5 of him.

At first, I enjoyed that it was just random sex. But after a while I noticed I wasn't even looking at other guys or even interested in looking. Then I noticed that I looked forward to when he was available.

I was going to end our hook up the weekend he asked me to be his girlfriend. Just because he always said he didn't want anything serious.

But then he shocked me. He asked me to be his girlfriend and I couldn't be happier.

I started to trace his pecks with my fingers when her brought his hands over and traced the curve of my spine.

"What are you doing Alli?"

I smiled as his eyes stay closed.

"Admiring what's mine."

He opened one eye to stare down at me and flashed his sexy smirk.

"I like the sound of that."

"Me too."

I woke up to darkness. I turned to the clock on my nightstand and it was only 4am. I sighed before kicking my feet over and gently getting out of bed.

I entered the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. I sat on the stool in the dark and just wish sleep would catch me again.

Only when I closed my eyes, I heard a sound coming from the back patio. Instantly hiding behind the island and cursing myself for not bringing my phone, I looked around for something to protect myself.

I grabbed a knife out of the holder and held it firmly in my hand.

I heard the back door slide open and someone step inside. They didn't bother closing it which means what ever he plans on doing, he plans on making a quick exit.

I had to play this smart. I slowly creeped around the island staying low. I saw him slowly make his way through the living room when I got behind him putting the knife to his back.

"ARABELLA!" I yelled loudly to get her attention. The man tried to turn around, but I pressed the knife harder into his back.

Bella came running out and noticed the man in the hall. She turned the light on and gasped.

"no, no put the knife down." She said.

I looked at her crazy and that's when Dino turned around.

"DINO WHAT THE FUCK!" I dropped the knife to my side.

He had a boyish smile on his face and his cheeks were tinted red.

"Wait, are you two. . . like a thing?" I asked.

They were both blushing.

"Oh shit. Your brother is going to KILL you!" I started laughing but stopped when I felt the pinch of my ribs.

"Were you just going to leave the back door open? You do realize that I just beat up and almost raped in an alley, right? Why would you sneak in?"

They just stared at me and then erupted in laughter.

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