Chapter 24

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Allison's POV

A/N: Trigger warning. (Trigger will start with * and from there skip to next chapter)

He stuck to his word.

The next day they brought me into another concrete room. They tied me to a hard-wooden chair. The room was cold, but it wasn't as cold as the other room.

The only thing was my body was stuck on a permanent freeze setting and my vision blurry because lack of sleep.

I read how they did the experiment on those people where they kept them up for like 30 days straight and they gone insane. I was almost there and I'm sure I haven't been gone 30 days. Or maybe I have. Time doesn't really make sense in here. There's no windows and I can't tell if it's night or day.

At this point, I'm sure I've gone insane. They hit me and I just laugh. I laugh because I can longer feel the pain. I feel the hits, but I don't feel the pain.

They just stare at me as I laugh. I'm fairly sure it has something to do with the way I look along with the fact that I just laugh when they hit me.

I can taste the irony rust taste in my mouth which means I'm bleeding, and I can only imagine what my eyes look like. Probably bloodshot with raccoon black eyes.

Reapers white shirt was no longer on my body. It was no soaked in blood and tossed in the corner of the room. I looked down and my stomach is covered in black and purple bruises. I look further down, and they had cut my pants from the ankles to my thighs. It now looked like I was wearing parachute like pants.

My head kept falling forward and my chin would hit my chest, but they'd just pull me up right by my hair.

At one point I earned twice the hits for spitting blood into the mans face.

The men stepped back and made room for Necro to enter the room.

"Uncle." I rasped out barely able to talk.

I threw up blood all over the front of my body and down my legs. I would've leaned over or something but they tied my hair to the back of the chair so it would stop falling forward.

And when they hit me and I wanted to bend over to block the hits, it would rip my hair out. I can see the blonde locks lying all over the floor around me.

"I must say my dear Allison. I'm rather impressed. You've held on for a quite a while."

"I-I'd curtsy but I'm a bit t-t-tied up." I gave a weak smile as my head rolled in a circle and I left it lying back just to give my head a moment to rest. I don't think I could hold it up much longer.

"Maybe we should take this a step further." He said.

They brought in a bunch of knives and syringes. I sighed as I closed my eyes.

"D-Do whatever."

"I plan to my little Allison."

He grabbed a small little knife that they use for surgeries. He stalked up to me probably to build the fear, but I didn't have any more.

They wanted to break me, and they did. I knew I wasn't coming out of this alive. Even if they find and rescue me, I'm sure I have blood poisoning and massive amount of internal bleeding.

He dragged the knife down my thighs. I felt it but didn't feel it. Mostly felt like pressure then it did a cut. He did the same on the other side, but I didn't even flinch.

He stood up with raised brows.

"Hmm. Maybe that wont work. I have an idea." He said walking out of the room.

The men came untied me and my head instantly went forward. My neck was stiff, and the forward motion now felt foreign to me.

My toes dragged on the floor as they held up my body weight and carried me back to the room. They laid me on the mattress that I haven't seen in some time.

But when he laid me down, I knew exactly what was coming. I would have to muster all the energy I had left to fight them, but I knew I'd fail.

Maybe they'll hit me hard enough that I'll just go unconscious.

The very familiar man from the alley and the back of the van came in view. It was like this turned him on. He got off on it and that was disgusting.

He walked over to me and I used all my strength to kick my leg up. It kicked him right in his manhood as he fell to the floor gasping for air.

I used my upper body and pulled myself up slowly and dragged myself to the corner. Another man walked in and noticed him on the ground grabbing himself and he stalked over to me and grabbed my ankle. He yanked it so hard my head hit against the wall and caused me to go in and out of conscious.

I tried to let the darkness consume me. I begged for it. I wanted to give up and I didn't want to be awake for this.

He ripped the rest of my pants until it lied crumpled under me.

The big guy finally got his shit together and pushed the other guy out the way. The way he was staring at me was malicious.

I felt the water leak down my face. Not even sure how since I was clearly dehydrated.

"This is going to be fun."


He ripped off my bra letting my breast fly free. I gulped back the lump in my throat. I wanted to cry. I tried kicking but he sat on my legs. The other man grabbed my arms and held them above my head.

He brought his disgusting mouth down and sucked on my nipple.

"S-S-STOP!" I yelled out.

But I knew there was no point. He didn't plan on stopping and I couldn't fight it.

So, I went slack.

He chuckled.

"giving up already?"

It's not already. I told myself.

I've taken more than I could. It wasn't already. I fought hard. What did he mean ALREADY?

His words ignited a new anger in me. I leaned my head up and bit the top of his head and ripped at his hair with my teeth.

"OW WHAT THE FUCK YOU BITCH!" He slapped me.

I spit his hair back at him with the blood mixed with his slap. A smirk on my face.

He sat back on my legs and ripped off my underwear. I was back to wiggling until I heard a crack.

My thrashing caused me to break my arm from the man above me. But surprisingly the pain wasn't bad. My body was obviously in shock.

He laughed as he stared at my awkward lying arm.

"Keep doing that and this will be easier than I though."

He spit on his hand and started moving it up and down my mound. I bit my tongue wanting to scream and cry but I didn't want to give him the satisfaction.

"Aren't you going to scream for me baby?" He smiled.

He sat up and started unbuckling his pants. I wanted this to be over. I closed my eyes tightly and thought about everyone I loved. Roadkill and Nancy. Arabella my best friend. Roxanne my sister and most importantly Reaper. The love of my life.

I felt the moment he jerked inside me. But then nothing, he was gone. I didn't feel him in me, and I didn't feel him on me. I couldn't even hear what was going on around me.

I was in darkness. I smiled at it. I welcomed it.

It was peaceful.

It was freedom.

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