30. Interesting Conversation

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Author's Note

Hello my loves! So i have a question to ask you guys: Should i post my author's note at the end and just give you any form or warnings about scenes or songs so you cna just get into the story? Please let me know down below! 

Today is Louis Tomlinson's Birthday!! Yay!! Happy Birthday! 23!!! wooooohhooooo. I hope all of you have a very Merry Merry Christmas! LOVE YOU ALL!!! xxx

BTW:  The POV will be going back and forth between Harry and Elizabeth in this chapter. I hope you like it :)

Elizabeth's POV

"Elizabeth wait!" I heard Harry's voice echo through the hall behind me. I sigh and roll my eyes as I slowly turn around to face him.

"What do you want Harry?" I ask trying my best not to sound annoyed. Harry licked his lips before opening his mouth to speak.

"Look I understand why you are upset believe me I do but-"

"Harry, look I know you feel bad. I already told you that I forgive you what more do you want?" I shrug holding my books against my chest.

"I just want us to be okay again.  I want us to be like it used to be." He said in a quiet low voice looking down at me with hopeful green eyes.

Ugh! Why do those eyes have to me so mesmerizing?!

"You don't get it do you?" I ask. "It won't be the same, Harry… I just can’t bring myself to trust you." Harry blinked at me and nodded slowly at me pursuing his lips together.

"I'm sorry" I add apologetically. "I think its best that we should at least try to be friends okay?" 

"Yea, sure, whatever you want." He nodded

"Okay I have to go to lunch. See you later Harry."  I said giving him a small wave dismissing myself before he could say anything more. Truthfully, it’s so I won't give in and chose to ignore all the things he has done. As I quickly walk away from Harry I spot the girls who were waiting for me a few feet away.

“What are you guys talking about?” I ask with a smile once I approached them. I might as well do something while I wait for Aaron to get here.

“Oh, Hey Ellie!” Perrie said giving me a bright smile. “We were just talking about when we are going to go to the club that one of Louis’s friends was talking about in Chemistry class.

“Well, I’ll go whenever.” I smiled.

Harry's POV

I couldn't help but stare after Elizabeth as she walked away from me heading to down the hall. Her hair swayed back and forth as she walked making her look flawless, even if it was pink.

I had noticed in class that she has changed her hair and I couldn't help but think that Aaron has something to do with it. I also couldn't help but feel guilt that it’s also my fault. If I hadn't left she wouldn't be with Aaron and if she wouldn't be with Aaron then her hair wouldn't be pink. Then if her hair wouldn’t be pink it would be brown and she wouldn’t be so skinny. She wouldn’t look so sad, she would be in my arms and mine forever.

“So you’re Harry.” A voice said behind me getting my attention. I turn around and see Aaron smiling at me.

“Yes.” I reply in a monotone voice staring blankly at him shoving my hands inside my jean pockets.

“Well, the ex-boyfriend finally gets to meet the new boyfriend.” Aaron grinned taking a few steps towards me. “How refreshing is that?”

“I have heard a lot of things about you.” He added. I scoffed looking down at my feet licking my lips to hide my smile.

“Well I’m flattered.” I smile. “I wish I could say the same thing but then I would be lying.” I said and tilting my head. “And I really don’t want my nose to grow.” I smirk and wiggled my eyebrows.

Elizabeth’s POV

“Hey, Elizabeth” Sophia said getting my attention away from the conversation I was having with Eleanor. I turn to look at her and give her a nod to continue. “Don’t you think you should intervene?” She asked pointing behind me. I furrow my eyebrows and turn to look behind me seeing Aaron talking with Harry.

“I think I will in a minute.” I murmur still looking at the making sure that they don’t take a swing at each other, that’s the last thing I need.

Harry’s POV

“I guess I was the spark she needed to escape a monotonous routine.” I shrug.

“Until she realized fireworks don’t have a lasting flame.” Aaron interjected crossing his arms over his chest with a proud smile on his face, a face that I could rip off. I felt a wave of anger rush through me before I quickly regained and stood my ground.

I smile and laugh under my breath looking down at my feet as I take a step towards him. “You know, the nice thing about fireworks, is that there’s always a second show.” I smirk at him and Aaron chuckles shifting from left to right shaking his head.

“Okay” Elizabeth said in a quiet shaky voice with a small smile, trying to hide her nervousness. “You two look like you are getting along”

“We’re just having an interesting conversation.” Aaron said to her keeping his eyes lock on me as I did on him.

“Okay, well conversation over. “ Elizabeth said grabbing Aaron’s right arm. “Let’s go to lunch” She stated turning around tugging him with her. Elizabeth released his arm as they walked away and Aaron placed his arm on her shoulders. I scowl when Aaron turned his head around to smirk at me. 

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