14. Snapping Necks

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Author's Note

Hello my loves! How are all of you doing today? :) I have to warn you and say that this chapter is kind of short but only because i want to start the other chapter different and it just makes it a bit difficult for me to add it in with this one. Now, please read on ahead and enjoy! Please don't forget to comment vote and share! 

Niall’s POV

I hear the door click open and I look up seeing Harry walk in closing the door behind him. When he turns he stops suddenly once he sees me sitting on his couch.

“What are you doing here?” He asks dryly as he takes off his jacket throwing his keys onto the counter.

“You know I got a beautiful girl crying over you” I stated standing up from the couch. “She’s crying because she cares so damn much.” I scowl when Harry scoffs and chuckles.

“That’s not my problem.” He shrugs walking passed me. I quickly turn around and grab him by his shirt and shove him against the wall. “It is your fucking problem!” I yell in his face. Harry scowls and grabs me by my shirt turning us around pinning me against the wall. I push him away on his shoulders and grab his arms throwing him across the room sliding across the wooden floor, hearing him groan.

“Anyways, like I was saying Elizabeth cares so much.” I say in disgust looking down at him. “I’ve been trying to figure out why because I don’t see anything worth caring about.” Harry looks up at me giving me a dark cold glare.

“Also, I know that Louis gave up on helping you as well and I also didn’t see the reasoning behind it. I remember thinking what would have caused Louis to turn back on one of his best mates that he considers like family.  “I shrugged tilting my head to the side pretending to think.  "Oh wait!:Now I get it!" I smile as if i was having an empiphany.You’re not family, Harry.“ I said shaking my head.

"You’re not family to Louis, to me or to any of us. If you were family then you wouldn’t give up on Elizabeth or any of us. Why? Because family never give up” I said as Harry stood up. 

“So every single time that you try to come near Elizabeth and beg her to take you back.” I said taking a step towards him. “Every single time that you try to reconnect with her and just end up hurting her, I will make you pay.”

Harry scoffed “Am I really supposed to believe that? You can’t even snap my neck to save your life.”

“Well snapping your neck doesn’t kill you. However, why would I kill you when I can give you the misery that you deserve?” I smiled.

“Niall, you can’t even kill a fly.” I rolled my eyes and ignored his lame attempts to wound me.

“Look, the only reason I am here is to let you know that if you ever hurt Elizabeth again, I’ll kill you and I will keep that promise.” I smiled. “Unlike you I know how to keep promises.”

Harry growled and charged towards me. I took a step back to keep my balance and grabbed him from either side of his head twisting it hearing a snapping sound before tossing his body to the floor.

 I smiled looking at him lying  unconscious on the floor. “I just snapped your neck." I smirked . "My work here is done for now”  

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