75. Irrupting Intoxicating Emotions

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Author's Note

Hey my loves! How are all of you doing? I know i have not been here in a while i've been pretty busy and at the moment i am revising for finals but i took a small break to write this so i hope you enjoy! sorry if there are any typos i didn't have time to edit. Please tell me what you think. Love you my loves!! Forever and always. Xx.

Harry's POV

The lads couldn't get the elevator doors open so the fire department had to come and get us out. Luckily, Elizabeth calmed down falling asleep on my lap. Once the fire department opened the elevator doors I got us out and up to our room.

I walk into the bedroom feeling tired, it was getting quite late. I pulled off my shirt stepping inside and frown.

"Baby girl what's wrong?" I ask closing the door behind me. Elizabeth was sitting cross legged in bed hiding her face in her hands.

"I'm such a freak." She cries." Why does this have to happen? The day was going so well and now-" she stops biting her lower lip.

"No, Elizabeth." I shake my head sitting down next to her. "It's not-"

"Don't you dare say it's okay!" Elizabeth snaps looking up at me. "It's not okay. None of this is okay!"

I stare at her appalled. "I-i don't know what you mean."

"Harry, I'm a freak! I always ruin everything!" She says tears running down her sad yet beautiful face. "I ruined the day cause I freaked out. I ruined our Christmas shopping in New York cause I freaked out."

"Baby, a lot of people go through this exact same thing." I whisper.

"It's not just this,Harry." She says getting up off the bed.

"Then what is it? Tell me." I beg my eyes following her.

"Everything!" She yells. "Everything from the day I walked out on you to the day I chose to be with Aaron-"

"But...I left." I whispered, interrupting her.

"I know but then you came back and I was so hostile towards you." She shakes her head. "I was so happy that you came back but the evil side of me hated you and wanted you to feel pain."

My heart clenched at her words. "Ellie I don't-"

"How can you not hate me?" She sobbed. "How can you still look at me knowing that I tried rubbing Aaron in you face? How could you still love me when all I've done is cause you trouble?"

"That's not true." I disagree standing up.

"Yes it is Harry!" She scowled. "You even said so yourself!"


"When you tried to kill me remember?" I sigh looking down shaking my head.

"This isn't just about your panic attack is it?"

Elizabeth's POV

I stare at Harry, my vision clouded with my stupid tears. Harry frowns walking over to me.

"Baby, talk to me." Harry begs, grabbing my face in his hands. "Please, talk to me.I hate seeing you like this." I shake my head briefly closing my eyes my tears oozing down my cheeks.

"Why? What are you afraid of?" Harry asks, his forehead creasing between his brows with tension.

"Y-you're gonna h-hate me." I say between breathes.

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