chapter 12

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i woke up the next day in the strong embrace of louis. His strong body holding me firmly against him as he carried on sleeping. 

"oh lou" I whispered, kissing his forehead and getting out of bed and making a beeline for my closet.

i chucked on some navy hollister sweatpants and a light pink hollister tanktop and a big knitt navy cardigan, finished off with some fluffy socks and a navy hollister beanie...yes, i love hollister.

i made my way through the hallway and into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of fresh orange juice out of the fridge. hmm, i love the taste of fresh orange juice.

i made my way through the lounge and jumped onto the plump sofa. I must have sat there for about 10 minutes before i decided to check my twitter.i picked up the macbook on the coffee table and placed it on my lap and crossing my legs underneath. 

i quickly checked my mentions to find that they were pretty dead, good. i'm glad. i hadn't told the boys about my twitter yet and didn't plan on it as i didn't want to be bombared with hate mentions. i quickly shut it down when i heard the front door bell ring. 

probably the other boys i thought as i went to the door. 

i pulled it open expecting a massive group hug from the boys, but instead stood my teacher. the on who had helped me out of everything. the one i probably owe my life to. James garrate.

"uh. Hi" i said happily

"Hello there" he replied cheerfully. "i just came to check up on things, make sure everything is going well."

"okay" i cheered "do you want to come in?"

"yeah, why not." he replied,

i ushered him to the lounge where we sat on the sofa's and started to talk. 

"so how are they treating you? hope Louis and harry are welcoming oh and the other lads." he said, once he had placed himself on the sofa.

"yeah, they've been really nice and very welcoming" i paused. "um, thankyou sir, i mean, i don't know where i would be if you wouldn't have helped me. i am very grateful" i finished.

"its fine, i'm glad i could help" he said, with his warm smile. "oh, and you don't have to call me 'sir' outsdie of school, its 'james' "

"okay james" i said, emphasing his name.

he suppresed a small chuckle at that. "So where are the lads?" he quizzed. 

"um, last i checked they're still in bed." i laughed,

"these boys"he tuttered. "hm, how about we go wake them up?"

"sure" i squealed.

"okay, go grab me a glass of cold water" he ordered. 

i obdiently went to the kitchen and filled a glass with cold water. 

me and james slowly made our way to harry's room. "beware, he can be a grumpy shit in the morning" james chuckled. 

"oh i know." i laughed.


"JAMES YOU TOTAL DICKHEAD" harry screamed, as james ran away from the deadly harry.

yes james had actually tipped the glass of water over harry's head. 

"alright calm down everyone" Louis said in his grogily voice, as he walked out of my room after being woken up by our noise.

Louis wrapped his arms around my wasit and pulled me in for a kiss. i quickly dived out of louis' arms, to see his shocked expression. 

"what?" he said confused. 

"james is here..."i said, slightly embarassed.

"and...." he moaned, hugging me again.

"just because he is realated to harry doesn't mean he isn't my teacher. and Making out infront of your teacher is quite frankly embarassing." i moaned. 

"alright" he said, taking my hand and leading me to the kitchen where james and harry were. suprisingly, they were both sat down at the table eating some type of ceral.

"what?" i quizzed. 

"we were too hungry too fight" they shrugged. 

"fair enough" me and louis chimed, as we sat next to them at the table and helped outselves to a bowl of ceral.

"oh by the way, tomorrow is the last day of school. so you HAVE to attend. no excuses, also the next weekend is the leavers masquarade ball. you can bring a parter." James looked from me to louis, obviously knowing something was going on. "which could be one of the boys, seen as they will have masks on so no one will recognise them" james finished.

"alright, sir" i said, sarcasm dripping from my voice,. he could sure be bossy.

"anyway, i better get going. thanks for the hospitality" he winked, before getting up and walking out teh front door, beg=fore we could even say bye.

"Soooo...who you gunna take to the ball" louis said, fluttering his eyelashes; trying to be all girly. 

"hmm." i poundered. "hey harry, would you like to come to the ball with me?" i said jokingly.

"un fair" Louis said, pretending to cry,

"only joking lou" i said tapping him on the back "anyway, i'm not going. i have nothing to wear."

"oh gurl."louis said, putting on his best american accent. "i'm sure you do"

"no lou, i don't." i stated.

"I have an idea!" harry interupted. "come with me"

he said, leading us out of his apartment and over to zayn's. In zayn's lounge were the rest of the boys. 

"OI ZAYNY" Harry called, leading me, so i was stodd infront of everyone who was sat on the sofa. 

"yeah" zayn replied gleefully.

"This fine young lady here, needs a dress and mask. oh and most defiently some shoes. All for her prom."Harry stated, looking proud of himself.

"wait...Does this mean shopping!!!!" zayn shouted excitdly.

"oh boy. yes it does. i figured, seen as you don't really know sohpia that well and you love shopping...i figured you two could go shopping and maybe bond a little" harry said proudly.

"but she's my girlfriend" Louis said, stamping his feet and sticking out his tounge.

"don't worry i'll take care of her." zayn said, picking up his keys and practically running out of the apartment. while i slowly trudged behind.

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