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Note: This is a tiny explaination in chapter 9.

*U-15 - this is made up by me. Okay.


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"This is just fucking great."

Just by saying that, Terra came up to me this morning that he found a solution to how the volleyball males can return home and he explained it to me.

Which it kinda scared me a bit.

I'm staring at the ceiling of my room after Terra left my room to discussed the solution of how everyone will finally get home. I mean, I'm happy that he got the solution for them to return home.

But, I'll miss them. I've develope a bond in them even though they weren't real, in this world. They're merely characters in an anime and weren't real.

But to me, they are real.

They saw me in real life. I saw them too. Now, Terra got the solution and I'll be missing them.

I felt something wet in my cheek and brought a hand to see that I'm crying. I'll be alone once more.

And I don't want that.

But what can I do? Fate can only tell.

With that, I started crying myself to sleep. Letting out silent sobs afterwards.

3rd person POV

After Terra explained the situation to the males and with the truth about himself and the power along, it take them about a minute to let the new information sink into their brains.

Before finally breaking out into a happy and cheering glee. They were so glad to hear that they will be finally gonna go home.

But that feeling subsided quickly as Shoyou fianlly let out a small sniffle, gaining attention to Koushi and Daichi.

"What's wrong, Shoyou?" Daichi asked worriedly. "I'll miss her." The ginger haired male only replied tearing up quickly.

Hearing that, Terra realized about who he was talking about. Razor.

He saw how they were comfortable around her and how they gradually changed around her, as she did the same. Their meeting together was short but it filled her with a bond like no other that her parents could fill.

He let out a sigh, merely catching their attention once more.

"Razor was also distraught when I told her that I've already found a solution," Terra explained softly towards them. "Maybe before you guys leave this very household, why not try to spend the rest of your time with her until the day comes?"

This suggestion blew off the boys in an agreement so that they each take turns of spending the final days and hours with her. Just before the portal that Terra will call on the next day.

So, the said suggestion begins.

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The Sejio trio spend some time with the silver white haired girl at the mall after seeing her depressing form after their discussion with Terra about going home already. In order to cheer her up, the three males offered her about watching a movie (by her choice) in the mall.

This, of course, made her smile a bit. But what even more made her day was that Hajime let her wear his grey hoodie throughout the day, Kyotani carry her shopping bags and her small shoulder bag, and Tooru only keep his eyes on her other than staring at the other gawking girls.

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