29 - Aone Takanobu Ending

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This is after Chapter 26 mini series (?).

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"You missed her, didn't you?"

The latter without eyebrows and snow white hair nodded towards his best friend, Futakuchi.

"Hah~! Everyone missed her, Aone."

"I only miss her because she gives me a little bit of attention."

'He spoke!' Futakuchi thought to himself after hearing his deep voice before letting out a grin. "Anyways, there's a small reunion happening right now. Wanna go there and see who invited us?"

Aone nodded and let the latter lead the way towards the restuarant/resto bar.

They both reached the place and entered to see most of the tables were occupied and were about to leave when a familiar voice called out to them.

"Aone! Futakuchi!"

Both perked up and saw the familiar silver white haired woman in hipster clothing and her physical looks and features were changed over the seven years. She was waving at them with a small bottle of whiskey in hand.

"Come and join in the fun!"

She was hyper to their perspective but she wasn't drunk and sober like the others, who were unfortunately passed out at the table after too much to drink.

Aone and Futakuchi joined the table and were immediatly given some shots to drink. Aone refused to drink more than one since he got work tomorrow after this reunion as Futakuchi cared less for his work tomorrow and have been downing shot after shot until he got too drunk and sober to speak some gimmerish.

Razor, on the other hand, was having fun and the best time of her life after seeing the defeat faces of her friends and her best friend.

"Aone," she called the latter and he perked up when his name got called. "I heard from Futakuchi that you missed me. Is it true?"

Aone nodded, having a blush visible in his cheeks and the tips of his ears were painted in light pink.

Razor giggled. "Come here. I wanna hug you."

Aone didn't complain and went to sit by her side before engulfing her medium sized body into his own large arms. He then nuzzled his nose deep into the crook of her neck and hair making the said woman to chuckle lightly at his affectionate actions before patting his back.

Then, the taller male started trembling under her hold and she could hear faint sniffles coming from him. This in fact merely alarmed her and proceeded to calm him down.

"Shh... Shh..." She whispered soothing words into his ears. "I'm right here. I'm right here."

Aone cried softly into her embrace before looking up to stare at her red orbs, "I miss you so much. Please don't leave me."

"I won't be going anywhere soon, Aone."

~ ~ ~

After the party and reunion, everyone returned home either drunk and sober to drive themselves home. Aone had Futakuchi over his shoulder as the latter were mumbling nonsense to which he passed out after a couple more drinks and Razor was holding Aone's hand in comfort.

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