15 - Special and Important A/N

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The scenario is right after the Haikyuu characters went back to Miyagi via portal from Terra.

"Terra! Get your ass down here!"

The said ash blondie jolted before running down the stairs after hearing his best friend's call for him.

"What'cha need?!"

He stopped abruptly by her bedroom door enterance to see her back facing at the computer screen while scrolling down the tabs for: 'Online Application for a Job'.

"I need help on getting into an online job."

With a small smirk, the latter made his way towards her and scanned through the tabs before finally stopping to one tab that says:

Urgent Hiring! Bodyguard for evening business!

"You always wanted to be bodyguard for once right?"

He looked back to her after she read the interesting tab for quite sometime and furrowed her brows together.

"Why on earth would you give me a job about bodyguarding?" She asked with a counter, hoping for a clear answer. "Well, you always wanted to be a bodyguard right after you graduate high school or collage!" He replied with a smug grin.

Razor remained quiet after hearing his honest answer.

Terra noticed her quiet atmosphere before chuckling to himself and turned to her.

"Besides," He told her while clamping down his hand on her shoulder. "The pay is around $10, 000 per week! Depending on what kind of boss you'll be serving at night!"

The silver white haired young adult raised her hands together in surrender and replied, "Alright, sign me up."

"With pleasure."

* * *

"Good evening, Ms. Wolf."

I bowed after rushing over the location to this person under ignicto and told me (via my personal contact) to wear something presentably black, flexible enough for me to move, and bring one weapon.

The weapon is only for emergenct purposes, which happened to be a japanese katana.

"Good evening to you as well, sir."

The man before me chuckled on how much he heard a tone of politeness.

"I didn't know we have a polite one," He chuckled around with the taller bodyguards and allies around him. "Not to mention, a small one too."

There was a tick mark appeared at my temple but I remained my cool and keep my temper in check.

"Alright, we'll skip the introductions for later."

He looked at me with a serious face, as the atmosphere around us turned into a serious yet cold one.

"Now, tell me. Do you know how to fight, little girl?"


I nodded. "Yes sir."

"Where did you learn to fight?"

"I taught myself to fight."

The man hummed to himself before sticking a lit cig into his mouth and exhaled the toxic air.

"Here's your first assignment," He motioned a hand over one of his lackies and gave me the information by paper. "Your first assignment should be easy for you to solve."

I read the information for a minute before looking at the wanted list to see a red mark on a very slim man and some instructions in it about on how or what I should I do for this man.

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