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"When was the last the gym was cleaned?"

"A month ago, why?"

I let out a frustrated sigh upon seeing the huge mess right infront of the three of us. The school that held the summer training camp allowed us to use one of their gyms for practice matches and mock practice.

But this gym seemed to be out of date and everything inside was rusty and covered in dirt.

"We need some hands on and tons of cleaning supplies."

Hiro spread open his wings and jumped up, holding his clipboard and pen in hand. I take a look at him and sighed.

"Hiro, get the third years here and have the second and first years informed that the practice matches will be held outside of the gym for the moment until this place gets cleaned up."

"Yes maam!"

I turned to Terra with a small look.

"So, where to start?"

~ ~ ~

Thanks to some help coming from the third years, we were able to clean and set everything in place inside of the gym while Hiro was flying off to quickly remind the others that the gym was available for use.

Now that aside, I was done changing my casual into something sporty from the bathroom before I flinched when I heard screaming from the other side.

"Speak of the devil,"

Yes, you guessed right. I, Razor Wolf, have fangirls and fanboys coming from this school only.

The damn parasites would try to get my attention away from my focus on volleyball and my work. But that didn't stop me and Terra to give them a cold glare and a threat, only for them to scurry off.

But now, today was no different.

I was walking and saw the mob at the entrance of the gym before I let out a cough. The mob turned and froze to see me standing right behind them with a glare fixated to my face and had my head held high in authority.

"What's mob of fangirls and fanboys like you lot are doing here?" I asked in authority. "W-We were checking if you are inside, senpai!" One of the fangirls replied with a stutter.

I clicked my tongue in annoyance. "I'm in the middle of training, you lot."

I was about to enter but they wouldn't move to give way and it started to wear my patience thin. Good thing, Terra noticed the crowd and me before growling at them.

"I would move if I were ya, brats!"

The mob squeaked in fright and parted in half as I walked through before glancing back to them with a glare.


With that said, the mob left scurrying out of the way of the entrance and we finally closed the doors before looking at each other and smirked.

Even Hiro smiled at us from his perch.

Out of amusement, everyone continued on practice while pretending that they didn't hear or see what just happened. However, the coaches' expressions says otherwise as well as the managers.

'I never knew Razor-senpai would be this scary up close!' Yachi thought to herself out of fear, as she tried her best to straighten herself out. 'Not to mention that Terra-senpai was also as scary as her!'

Feeling someone staring at us, Terra looked back and saw Yachi staring at us with a scared look.

"You don't have to be scared around us, Yachi-san," The ash blonde male reassured her with a soft smile and a small wave. "You only get to see us doing that when those brats interrupted the practice!"

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