27 - Hinata Shoyou Ending

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Few years later


A little light gingerhead bounded at his mother's room after getting back from school and received a high grade before the said woman beside her working table looked up and smiled softly at her son.

"Yes, sunshine?"

"Look! Look!" the little boy exclaimed while pointing his own chubby finger at the clean white sheet of paper. "I got a 86 in my exams!"

It was true. An 86 mark of all of his exams in each subject.

The woman ruffled the boy's hair with affection before placing down the papers and picking him up.

"Do you want to watch papa on television while I go and call a few friends of mine?"

"Yes please!"

The silver haired woman chuckled and went downstairs to turn on the television and leave the sunshine on the coach as the sports channel was on while grabbing her phone upstairs and dialed a few contacts along.


"Is this the residence of..."

* * *

Five minutes later, there was three loud knocks at the front door and the said woman rushed to open the door to see her old friends standing behind with huge amount of food to celebrate their mini reunion.

"Razor-san! How are ya?" Osamu called her while giving her a hug after getting in. "Samu! I'm okay!" Razor replied hugging him.

She then opened the door widely and let her friends get in while her son greeted them.

"Dia! Sunshine!" Koushi called out while hugging the little light gingerhead in a soft tone. "How are you?"

"Uncle Koushi!" Dia called, returning the gesture to the older male. "I'm doing great!"

Daichi chuckled at the younger boy. "Even at school?"


"Any sports you've joined lately this year?"

Razor chuckled and told them instead of her own son who's attention was pulled away by hearing the sports announcer announcing the team first line ups.

"He plays volleyball," She told them giving them each cups of flavoured unspiked drinks. "Fortunately, he is playing as a starting setter for his team."

"Like Suga and Kageyama," - Tanaka

"Well, he admires Tobio too much,"

"Mama! It's starting! It's starting!" - Dia

Everyone gathered around at the huge couch and were watching at the flat screen tv as the Japan representatives first starting line ups gathered infront of the camera's view point.

"Starting from #10, we have Hinata Shoyou! Wing Spiker!"

A few of them cheered when the certain gingerhead ran out and high fived his team mates, coaches, and trainers (who happened to be Iwaizumi Hajime).

"Coming from #9, we have Kageyama Tobio! Genius Setter coming all the way from Japan!"

Dia cheered loudly the most when he saw his idol running out to give his coaches, trainer, and team mates high fives before fist bumping with Shoyou on the court.

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