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I shivered after letting out a sneeze. I was currently on my futon resting after a few weeks of staying here and eventually caught a cold due to the rain.

The boys were training in the gym and were very busy. They could only stop by to the room I was kept inside for lunch and breaktime.

Koushi worried too much about me after he found out about my condition and use all of his willpower to get me into bed. Terra, on the other hand, told me what happened last few days ago and wasn't in a grest deal to train yet.

So, Kuroo volunteered to keep an eye to my best friend while I take a break. Speaking of break, I let out another sneeze and pluck a tissue from the box before blowing the snot out of my nose.

The door then opened and I looked up to see Osamu holding a bowl of soup while Kita hold a small bottle of medicine and a glass of water as the both of them were wearing masks over their mouths and noses, to prevent them from getting sick.

I sat slowly with the help from Kita and smiled softly behind my mask as Osamu patted my head gently before placing the bowl of soup infront of me.

"How are you feeling?" Kita asked gently combing my bedhair with his fingers. "I feel like being thrown under the bus." I coughed in reply.

Osamu then spoon feed me slowly by blowing the soup inorder to get warmer before putting the spoonful of soup into my mouth.

"Is this chicken?"

The foodie twin nodded. "Yeah. Terra told us about your obssession on eating chicken, so I made some chicken soup for ya."

I gulped down another spoonful. "Thanks, 'Samu."

He smiled at me before looking at Kita who gave me my pills and a glass of water. I drank the pills along with the water before letting Kita combed through my knotted bed hair and Osamu left the room with an empty bowl but promised to return later tonight.

Silence blanket over us. Kita would occassionally pepper soft kisses over the strands of my silver white hair before kissing my temple as I let out a sigh and leaned backwards.

We didn't talk. No words were needed as I let out a small cough and have the male patted my back gently before the door opened to reveal Hajime holding a small plastic bag that contains my comfort food as I look behind him to see his fellow peer trailing behind him.

"How are you feeling, Razor-san?" He asked placing the bag into my lap gently. "Just on the long road of recovery." I replied with a small sneeze.

"I brought a friend, if it's okay with you to give you some company."

I shaked my head. "I don't mind as long as they won't give me a headache."

The latter smiled gently before planting a kiss on her forehead and turned to his peer. "Makki! Mattsun! Get your butts in here!"

"Do we have to?"

Makki and Mattsun entered the room with bored looks before their eyes landed on me. They froze up to see me in my sickening state before averting their looks at Hajime.

"Is this the girl that you and Oikawa talked about after you guys disappeared about a year ago?" Makki asked the male. "Yeah, she is. Why?" Hajime replied while his grey eyes held confusion.

Mattsun smirked. "I never know you dated before us, Hajime!"

Hajime's face exploded in red hue as the latter of the two chuckled at his reaction.

"I'm not dating her, you idiot! She's not my girlfriend!"

Both of them smirked. "Yet."

Hajime growled. "Shut up the both of you or I'll----"

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