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Jimin picked me up and after a while of organising some files and he started driving me back.

"Did you guys fight?" Jimin asked. I shrugged.

"I think I made a mistake." Jimin nodded and I sighed.

"How do you do it? Make Mina happy when she's mad?" Jimin chuckled.

"She's easy. Bubble tea and apology." I nodded.

"I should've married Mina. Why did I ever like a stupid chick like y/n?" Jimin groaned.

"Stop talking about her like that man. Is ticking me off." I rolled my eyes.

"She's just complicated dude. She's a rich person who acts innocent but goes out with guys. Yeah I misunderstood her the other day but..."

"She wasn't rich when you met her." I looked at Jimin and he smiled as he parked the car.

"You actually helped her pay off her debt and she eventually earned money and payed it all back." My eyes widened.

"Was she a gold digger." Jimin groaned.

"Hyung! I was in love with her too! Before Mina! But she loved you..." I cringed.

"I get it. She's this amazing girl."

"Hyung. You want her to forgive you. Your asking about her. You clearly are interested in her!" I shook my head.

"I just... what I did the other day was unforgivable. I need to apologise."

"And then what?" I shrugged.

"Umm... and then I ah...."

"And then you guys will go in a freaking date! That's how it works!" I sighed.

"I don't want to go on a date with her. But can you help me get her to forgive me. It's annoying me now." Jimin chuckled and grabbed his phone.

"Call her and ask her to meet you. Then simply apologise and tell her how you feel."

"How I feel? Ew." Jimin chuckled louder and put his phone back in his pocket.

"Look just call her on your phone and if she doesn't pick up then the time isn't right. It's that simple." I nodded and grabbed my phone.

Moments after

I started driving towards my apartment and as soon as I got there I noticed Yoongi waiting outside the door. A bit shocking. I jumped out the car and left Bambam to sleep. He was leaning against the door staring at his phone. I walked up to him and he sat up when he noticed me.

"Y/n...." I nodded.

"Hey. Can we make this quick. I have a guest." Yoongi looked in the car and saw Bambam. His face slowly fading to a angry look.

"Okay look. I apologise." I froze.

"Excuse me?" He groaned.

"I've apologised okay!? Now stop being fricken being stupid and be happier." He snapped. I scoffed and nodded before turning to walk back in the car. Suddenly I was stopped by a hand wrapped around my wrist.

"W-Wait." He said. I turned and he let go.

"Look I'm not good at this... thing." I nodded and crossed my arms while he groaned.

"I came here.... because what I did- accusing you, lying and leaving you was a mistake. Then barging in your house... and yelling at you and saying stuff I just- ugghhh." He groaned in frustration and I smiled a bit. He was... really trying.

"It's okay..." I said. He looked up at me eyes widened.

"R-really?" I nodded.

"I forgive you. I get your impulsive when your angry... as long as you learn to calm down then it's okay." I smiled and he just stayed staring at me. My hand slip up to behind my neck as I nodded.

"You... should go home now." He cleared his throat and agreed.

"Yeah... I should." He started walking away but froze.

"I'm free tomorrow..." I looked at him confused.

"Wait... what?" He just stayed still looking at the ground.

"I mean... if you had more things to show me... I'll listen this time." I smiled and kicked his butt as he stumbled forward. He looked back at me flustered and turned red.

"Aish!" I giggled and nodded.

"I'll come by then. See you tomorrow." I waved lightly giggling and he nodded and went on his way. I smiled. Things... were getting better right? I walked back to the car and sat inside it. I should wake Bambam up and tell him to go home... but it was late and he was tired. I can't invite him into my home though... even if he were my friend it's... wrong . Jungkook would never approve to let him sleep there anyway. Maybe the empty room next door? I sighed and opened my phone.


Hey kookie... my guy friend needs a place to sleep for tonight... I'm gonna let him sleep nextdoor.


HELL NO! Tell him to go home.


He's exhausted and was doing stuff for me. Please?


The answers no. Lei wouldn't agree either.


Well then tell Lei to sleep with me and he'll sleep at your house.




Thanks, but can you not say those things!?


Just lock your door. Night.

I sighed remembering I have to install a new door lock tomorrow. I shrugged and started shaking Bambam's shoulder.

"Bambam... wake up." He hummed with a husky voice. I smiled.

"Bambam. wake up!" He opened one of his eyes slightly then stared at me before jumping up.

"Oh- Where are we.... what happened-"

"It's a long story. Come I have a spare apartment you can sleep in." He nodded and followed me. I smiled.

"Is your head okay?" He nodded.

"I don't remember what happened. OH- did you drive here?" I smiled and nodded before grabbing my bag and his.

"Come I'll show you the room. Are you feeling okay? I think I have some spare clothes for you to sleep in."  We made it to the elevator and he leaned back. 

"My head hurts a bit... we were getting the router... and that's all I remember." I nodded.

"It's best you don't know..." he shrugged and the door opened and we walked in. I unlocked the door to the apartment next door.

"Sit down. I'll get you some clothes then you can change and rest." He nodded and I jogged to my room. I went through my drawers looking for some oversized clothing that would fit him. I froze as I stared at a big dress shirt. The white ones you'd wear during a business meeting. It was Yoongi's that he gave me for Pyjamas because he wanted me to "smell like him." I sighed and put it on the bed with some old track pants jungkook use to wear. I jogged to his room.

"Here Bambam. Here's a towel and some bathroom essentials too. Feel free to wash up and help yourself to the things here. Blankets and all. Are you hungry?" He shook his head and I nodded.

"I'll see you tomorrow then." I turned but felt him grab my wrist.


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