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After a few minutes of sitting on my phone I got a fright when I heard someone knocking on the window. There a lady stood.

"WHAT THE HELL! YOU ARE LATE!" She opened the door and grabbed my wrist. Not thinking I pushed her and closed the door locking it. She smirked.

"SHE'S HERE GUYS!" Soon about 3 men ran out and force the door opened. I panicked.

"W-what are you doing? L-let me go!?" They tied me to a pole and left as a few girls rushed in and dressed me into an outfit. It was cold and tears ran down my face.

"Let me go! There's a misunderstanding!" They giggled.

"I told you she's a good actor." one said. I started shaking and soon I was pushed out into the light. Rope tied around my wrist and the remains dangling. I scrunched up trying to hide myself. Then the girl behind me pushed me and I landed in front of an old man. His chin dripping and the scent of alcohol filled him. His eyes staring at me with hungry content.

"A young girl?" He stroked my cheek and I shivered trying to think of how to escape.

"Come sit on my lap." I watched as all the girls started flirting with the other men. I shook my head then my eyes landed on him. Yoongi... My rope was being yanked. But I resisted. I tried to signal him for help. I couldn't just yell his name... after Jungkook told me how important this was for him. Suddenly the guy touch but waist and I shivered as he pulled the rope stronger.

"Ah- Stop-" I turned with tears falling down my face to Yoongi. I was... scared. He looked up at me and we made eye contact. Just seeing him I thought I'd be relieved... but his eyes reflected fire. He was furious. I ruined everything. I watched him as he picked up a glass bottle and he threw it on the guys head.


My eyes widned and all the men stood up.

"Let's talk about this when you guys are sober and there are no spies here!" Yoongi yelled then grabbed the rope and started pulling me away.

"Wait! Leave here! She's mine!" The drunkard yelled even though he was bleeding. Yoongi chuckled.

"Since when was anything here yours... she's mine and if you'd like to start a war so be it!" He roared before dragging me out. We reached an empty room and he just let me go and stood there with his fist gripped. I wiped away my tears.

"I'm sorry... they dragged me away from the car and the next second I was-" He moved so fast. His jacket now covering me and he took out a knife and started cutting the rope that bound my hands. Once he finished he touched my wrist that were bruised and sighed.

"Why did you come?" I touched his chin and he looked up at me making eye contact. I leaned in and started kissing him. We stopped for a second taking a breath. He then cupped my cheeks and leaned in faster picking me up and forcing me to stand. My body started to burn as his hands found his way to my hips. His hands fitting perfectly on my waist as his tongue forcefully entered my space. I remembered what Jungkook had said... that he was holding back. I jerked back for a second and then started kissing his neck. Slowly marking him as mine as he groaned for more and let his hand touch me aggressively as he pleased. This time I wanted to go at his pace... I wanted to do the things he did for me. I stepped back and slowly started unbuttoning the costume that I was wearing. He sat on the chair and watched. I was almost near the last button and started walking towards him.

"Stop." I froze at his cold command. He stood up and sighed turning on the light.

"Put your clothes back on and my jumper... I'll take you home." I froze. Was he doing this because of me again? I shook my head and ran up to him and hugged his back. We both stayed in the silence.

"I- I want this!" I said gathering up my courage. I closed my eyes waiting for his reply.

"Hah." I heard him scoff. He looked back at me.

"You disgust me. I tried to let you in but you keep proving that you're a desperate girl that sleeps around." I froze as he threw me on the ground. I looked at him confused.

"Wh-what? I though-"

"Pfft. You thought I loved you? You've got to be joking me right? It's obvious you're experienced." I looked down and started shaking again at the cold feeling. Both physically and emotionally.

"I misunderstood... but I'm not what you think." He rolled his eyes and threw his jumper on me.

"Whatever. Am I going to take you home or are you gonna stay with the old guys." He left the room slamming it shut. I didn't shed a tear. I was hurt... but I was to embarrassed to cry. I started looking for appropriate clothes. I didn't put on his jacket. I held it and placed it on the front seat. I got under the brown cloth and hid once again and soon Jungkook and Yoongi joined.

"You okay? Ready to go?" Jungkook said smiling. Atleast he didn't tell Jungkook. I just hid my face and nodded. After a long trip of silence we arrived to my apartment.

"Be safe y/n!" Jungkook said waving as I slowly walked to my apartment. Once I got into the elevator I slowly walked to my apartment and suddenly the pain of the rope just became so sore. My chest felt this immense pain and I smiled as tears fell out. I slowly grabbed my keys crying my eyes out then unlocked the door. I walked in and shut the door. And when I did the pain in my chest... got worse.

"heh... hehahaha ahhh..." I tried to laugh it off... but it turned to cries... and tears. I scrunched up in a ball on the floor. I was embarrassed. Sad. Angry. A mix of negative emotions. Was I not good enough? I started crying more as I thought more.

"Y/n!" I looked up and saw Bambam. His eyes widened and he came up to me and hugged me.

"Are you okay!?" He said worried and I just continued to cry.

"It hurts!" I yelled as an excuse.

"Where?" He asked worried.

"H-here." I pointed to my heart and I realised why it hurt. He hugged me tighter and I could feel him start to cry too. I looked at him confused.

"Why are you crying?" I asked and he just wiped his tears.

"It hurts to see you hurt." I just allowed my tears to fall and then suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my arm. Bambam injected me with something. I looked at him confused then everything went black.

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