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"So how is she doc?" 

"She has P.T.S.D (post traumatic stress disorder). She has a few symptoms but there are not severe. According to my research it seems whenever hears gunshot like noises she is brought back to that time and she shivers while hiding and talking to herself. She then gets unconscious after that experience she wakes up fine... she has to overcome this like you did." I looked at y/n sleeping on the bed. When I first killed someone... I wasn't this bad... and not straight away. Was there something else that has made her like this? Taking a life though is enough to make her like this huh?

"Do you think we should help her overcome it like how I was cured... or is she different?" The doctor nodded.

"Look she is fine... normal and healthy but for a few minutes she will go through that pain when hearing those noises. As long as you avoid the noises she'll be fine. If you would like she can talk to a councillor to overcome this but the way you learned to cope with it is unhealthy and could potentially worsen her traumatic experiences." I nodded.

"Thanks... you will come back tomorrow?" The doctor nodded then walked out and I sat there with tears falling as I held her hand. 

"Yoongi..." I turned and saw Jungkook and he smiled patting my back.

"I will get private funds ready for her counselling." I shook my head.

"I don't want her to go through all that. I will protect her myself. We just need to avoid the noises."

"Hyung... you are a leader of a global mafia... guns and gunshots being heard are inevitable..."

"STILL!!! I will protect her no matter what..."

"Hyung think this through!"

"He's right hyung." I turned and saw Hoseok walk in. 

"If we were under attack... you won't be able to keep her safe and fight with us without worsening her condition... this is best for her and everyone." I gulped and nodded.

"Fine... leave now." They nodded and left and I climbed into bed with her holding her hand. She's been through so much... this was unfair.


I slowly opened my eyes and saw Yoongi lying beside me with tears rolling down his face. I sighed and wiped them remembering what happened... I shot bank... and now Bambam will die soon. I quickly stood up about to grab my phone till I felt myself being pulled back to bed.

"Why are you in a hurry?" I could smell his cologne on his neck which made me shiver a bit. I missed this... but not now. I stood up and grabbed my phone that was charging on the other side of the bed.

"I need to check on Bambam... can we go see him?" Yoongi sighed and stood up walking to me. He gently pulled me in a hug and kissed my forehead then staring at me gently. I slowly looked up and we made eye contact.

"You should rest... you had a long day afterall." I sighed and jumped on my tiptoes and pecked his lips. Before I could let my heels drop Yoongi pulled my face towards his while cupping my cheeks. He wasn't as gentle as he use to be... he was aggressively taking in every touch. 

"Take it off..." He said in the middle of our make out session before quickly continuing. Even though I wanted this so bad... my body was yearning it...I resisted and Yoongi froze leaning his head on my and stared at lips while we both stood there catching our breaths.

"I should check on bambam first..." He groaned and separated jumping back in bed.

"You have some nerve thinking of him during that moment." I bit my lip.

"Bambam is my friend... he is dying... he's done so much for me and when he's lying in his deathbed I'm having fun with my boyfriend?" Yoongi sighed.

"Fine... but this is the last time I hold myself back... do you have any idea how hard it was that night at the factory?" I saw him blushing and I smiled and grabbed my towel.

"I'll go shower and let you cool down." I giggled and left to get ready.



"So bank was his brother? No wonder he was so confident.. tch." I nodded and grabbed my bag searching for the gun that I had used yesterday.

"I shot Bambam's life away... I killed his brother and him... I shouldn't be near a gun anymore." I finally found it and put it in yoongi's lap as we continued.

"I'm surprised you forgive him though..." Yoongi said. I looked at him confused and he smiled.

"Bambam was the reason we went through this in the first place... he was apart of the gang and he potentially cause more issues for you... and yet-"

"I don't want to judge him for where he came from or his past..."

"Like when I judged you?" I looked at Yoongi as he said that. His regretful eyes as he started parking the car. I nodded.

"Exactly." He looked at me shocked at my reaction but I just giggled.

"Cause you never know... they might end up being your future queen..." He parked then smiled looking at me.

"Wahhh... I'm hurt. So your saying Bambam could be your partner... I see." My eyes widened as he walked out the car.

"Y-yah! That's not what I meant!" I walked out the car and chased after Yoongi who was almost inside.


We walked into the room and Bambam was smiling.

"Y/N!!?" I smiled and hugged him but immediately stopped after he winced in pain.

"Sorry... are you okay?" Tears started falling down my check and he chuckled.

"Actually... thanks to you... I'm amazing." I looked at him confused and he smiled.

"You shot his chest... not his kidney so we got the transplant straight away!" My eyes widened.

"R-really? So you won't die?" Bambam smiled widely and shook his head.

"I'll stay alive till I'm an old fart!?" I giggled and he pat my head.

"You did good yesterday... you saved us all...so many times..." I smiled and he kissed my hand.

"Yah... I have a gun." Yoongi snarled. We all laughed out loud at what he said. We... we were happy.

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