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The enemies eye

I had an immense headache. But I knew one thing was for certain... I had to go to y/n and make things right. I missed her so much than I realised. I sped off on my usual shortcut and made it to the apartment building. I was pressing the elevator button rapidly but it was going up already. I groaned and started running up the stairs to her floor. Every time I was tired my thoughts of her built me up. I finally pushed through the elevator door to her floor number and I huffed as I caught my breath for a second. I froze staring at the crowd of people in front of me.

"I wish we met earlier." My eyes widened as I saw y/n being hugged from some guy my blood boiled as I gripped my first ready to attack.

"Bambam- I love that we are doing this but not right now when I have company..." I watched his arms snake round her waist tighter.

"Did something happen?" I sucked my teeth about to pounce but Jungkook and Lei has moved faster Lei holding Y/n and Jungkook holding Bambam by his collar. Bambam awkwardly laughed.

"So that's what you meant by company heh...." I glared at Bambam and we made eye contact. My eyes widened. It was him... from that day.


(Chpt 6)
"Our boss wanted us to distract you while he took your girlfriend."

"We didn't have to... she walked out on her own."


My eyebrows furrowed. Without my memories I didn't realise who he was. He's part of the gang that caused this whole damn thing!

"Can you let him go jungkook he's my friend-"

"He's your friend?" I said in a low and angry tone. Bambam just continued to glare whilst I clench my teeth trying to think and calm down.

"Yoongi?" I felt her soft hands slide onto my closed fist. It made me loosen.

"Remember the story I told you? About assumptions and what that can lead to?" I looked down at y/n pitifully. She went through so much... and it was all my fault. If I hadn't been part of this gang she'd never be hurt. It's not like I can leave to gang though... I took a deep breath in and tried to recall some memories after the incident.

"I... came to fix the door I broke. It's dangerous like that." She smiled and unlocked her door with her key.

"Bambam fixed it!" My smile that was slowly about to appear faded. She gave me a concerned look then nodded.

"Lei and Jungkook. Can you guys take Bambam inside while I talk with Yoongi?" They nodded and left. I nodded.

"Shall we go to the rooftop?" She held my hand gently and pulled me to the roof. The memory of me spitting on her appeared and I ripped my hand out of hers. She looked back a bit shocked.

"Sorry... I forgot you weren't... an empty canvas for a sec." she opened the door to the rooftop and I smelt the familiar air.

"Before the incident... I had hired Bambam to help me with finances. I told you about it but you forgot. I trust him-" I grabbed her hand and pinned her tightly to the wall. She froze and I glared.

"No. Not him." She looked at me a bit confused.

"Why not? He's trustworthy." I groaned. If I told her... she'll know I have my memories of her back... I leaned in closer and I nodded.

"I don't trust him. My instinct is ALWAYS right." She shook her head.

"You thought I was a prostitute not long ago..." I looked at her hurt eyes as I remembered what I had done. The names I called her in the past and now. I sighed and let her go. How was I going to tell her? Maybe... I could threaten her.

"E-end it with him or... I'll break up with you!" I managed to say. She looked at me like a joke. She scoffed.

"That's a bit unfair don't you think?" I shook my head.

"It's fair if a boyfriend says that. If he's feeling jealous and uneasy." She froze then looked at me

"B-boyfriend?" I gulped and nodded.

"Yeah... we umm seem to be getting along. Might as well see where it goes-" she tightly hugged me in a second. She was too fast her tears falling even faster. She was laughing too.

"You acknowledged it first! That I'm yours and..." she looked up and her hands cupping my cheeks.

"And you are mine." I chuckled.

"Never." She looked at me confused and I smirked.

"Unless you beg?" She chuckled at my joke. It was a joke the old me would've known. Something only we would laugh at. She sighed and hugged me again.

"We will take things slow... how about going on a date?" My eyebrows sprung up and I smiled.

"A date? That sounds good-"


I saw him freeze up. I stepped back a bit giving him some space.

"Are... you okay?" His eyes were empty and he started to furrow his eyebrows.

"What's wrong-"

"Bambam is dangerous..." he looked up at me with such confidence and held my hands.

"Promise me... you'll Be careful around him."

"But he's my friend and-"

"F*CK Y/N JUST LISTEN!" I froze taken aback and gulped.

"I-if that's what you really want... I promise." He let go and breath heavily then nodded before opening his phone.

"I'll be gone... for a week or so. Please be careful..." I nodded and he turned to walked away.  I dropped to the ground and lay down just staring at the sky.

"For a second... he looked really scared."


"Jimin get the whole gang to meet with me now!" I hung up and started the car. Now that my memory was back... I remembered that the guy who had fricken taken her... was meant to be dead. The boss.

But I never saw him shot. And when I had left her in the alley that day... he was there. Standing freakishly smirking in a corner. I didn't recognise him but now I know... he's been watching her. And I'm positive Bambam is part of the plan.

Unless you beg (yoongi ff)Where stories live. Discover now