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Real business

4 days... since I last received a message from Yoongi. I thought we were improving but I guess it was just me. I picked up my bags and started putting my shoes on. Apparently Jungkook was starting work again and will be seeing Yoongi so I wanted to come along. He's picking me up soon.

*Knock knock* I smiled and opened the door.

"Hey!" I said smiling at Bambam. With the same expressionless look he walked in. He's been coming in to work like planned but he's lifeless. Doesn't talk or take anything I offer... which I guess is fair after what I said to him... but receiving the cold treatment was still rough. Like usual he sat on his desk, made a coffee with his thermos then started typing and working. 

"Umm... today I'm going out... I'm not sure when I'll be back so..." I lifted up a spare key to my house and placed it on his desk.

"I made it so you can come in and out without needing to ask me... remember to have a break. I made cookies in the fridge... enjoy." He just kept typing and I nodded and awkwardly walked out. 

*Ring ring* I opened my phone and smiled.

"Hey Jungkook."

"Morning y/n~ I'm outside," 

Bambam POV

"Coming now!" I heard her yell before the door slammed shut. I sighed and lay down on the desk looking at the key she made. I scoffed.

"You make me cookies... a spare key to your apartment... and treat me like that... and expect me to give you space? Can you make up your mind..." I groaned and banged by head on my desk.

"I can't keep torturing myself like this... ughh." I stood up and opened the fridge and grabbed the bowl of cookies and put them on my desk and started enjoying the delicacy.


"It's weird right?" 

"Yeah... I mean he didn't seem irritated by you or at least wasn't gonna ignore you. I wonder what's going on." I nodded confused.

"Where are you meeting him?" I asked. He nodded.

"Actually I have a mission so make sure you stay low in the car and then Yoongi and I are meeting. He might kill me if I don't bring the rewards from the mission." I nodded and put the brown cover over my body leaving my head revealed.

"Will this be okay?" I asked. Jungkook chuckled.

"No... you might have to lie down in the back seat." I nodded and took my belt off and started moving to the back. Jungkook's eyes widened.

"Yah! Wait for me to stop the car at least!" I rolled my eyes.

"I jumped out of a moving car remember?" Jungkook sighed and I continued my venture to the back. Once I got to the back I lay down and groaned.

"What?" Jungkook asked.

"There'sMafi... a bra here." I stayed silent as I heard Jungkook's embarrassed mumbling.

"I-it's Lei's. I would never cheat on her-" 

"I know it's hers... I just wish I never knew it was there..." He chuckled anxiously which made me giggle.

"You two are cute... although I don't imagine Yoongi and I doing anything as... wreckless?" Jungkook stayed silent.

"I think he would totally do it," I giggled thinking about it.

"What do you mean by that?" 

"I mean... he's a leader of a mafia gang. We grew up in clubs around beautiful women and we live for risk. I don't think he'd ever not think about doing that type of stuff with you." I looked down. Now that I thought about it... he was always resisting when I asked him and going at my pace...

"Hey where here... stay down and quiet okay? I'll be fast then Yoongi will come." I nodded. After a few minutes I could hear the sound of his window going down.

"State your business."

"I'm here to meet with your boss about the powder?" It was silent then after a long minute which felt like forever he grunted.

"Go in to 7th gate." The sound of the window going up was loud but my heartbeat was louder. I didn't want to be reckless in this type of situation.

"You can come up now." I sat up and took a deep breath in and out.

"Is this what they are always like?" Jungkook shrugged.

"He looked more intimidated by me in my opinion. His legs were shaking when he saw you... must've thought you were a dead body!" Jungkook chuckled then slowly looked back at my pale face.

"Sorry." He said and I nodded.

"What now?" He smiled.

"You wait here and I'll go in and Yoongi and I will come out. He's already inside." I nodded.

"Do not. Step out of the car." Jungkook warned. I looked at him then nodded.

"Okay..." Jungkook pat my head gently before leaving. I nodded then sat back in the chair grabbing my phone.


I walked in and saw a table of guys playing poker. Yoongi one of them. He saw me and nodded. I walked in slowly and sat next to him.

"Meet one of mine... Jeon Jungkook." I nodded and bowed to the old men around the table.

"He seems disciplined!" A man said chuckling. The game continued and the chatter grew about money... to business. 

"We lost to you again Yoongi!" A man yelled laughing then gulping some beer down. They were all a bit tipsy and I took the moment to talk to Yoongi. I leaned in to Yoongi and whispered.

"Hyung... y/n wanted to speak to you." He shook his head.

"Now's not the time." 

"I just wanted to inform you that I bought her." Yoongi's eyes widened.

"What!?" He yelled out loud. The attention was on him now. When he realised he bowed to the men.

"Sorry. My men stuffed up something." He leaned in and whispered.

"Take her and leave right now."

"Hy-hyung." He glared at me and I nodded. I turned to the men and respectfully bowed before leaving the empty garage. 

Yoongi POV

"So gentlemen... you said you wanted to borrow my overseas enforces?" They smirked. 

"Yes... the once from mexico and thailand will be enough." I nodded.

"And what will you do for me in exchange?" The business was close to being locked.

"Before that. Let's enjoy ourselves a bit more. This is a celebration!" A man announced. He was a spiteful man. A drunkard leader who was lead by his own ambition... but he had what I needed.

"Ladies!" From a dark room a couple of ladies started to walk out wearing sexy lingerie. I looked down and tried to be respectful as possible.

*Whistles* I heard one of the men whistle and cheer the ladies on. One by one they came into towards us.

"A young girl?" The drunk said pulling the lady towards him. 

"You look very young... how about we meet somewhere private after this..." He laughed loudly and drank more. I gripped my fist. For this deal to follow through I had to put up with this.

"Come sit on my lap." 

"HYUNG!" I looked up and saw Jungkook run through the door with a panicked look. The same look he gave me the night y/n went missing. 

"ah- stop-" My eyes widned when I heard the familiar moans and cries and I looked to my right to where the drunkard guy was. Y/n... was standing there wearing sexy lingerie being yanked by the drunkard who was touching her all over.


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