May 28-- Summer after eighth Grade

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Elliot will leave tomorrow.

My best friend, wait make that only friend, since I was three, is leaving tomorrow. Not just leaving on a small vacation, but moving to New York City for probably the rest of his dang life.

Today our parents took us to the fair, as a going away party. My older brother and his girlfriend, quite a b-word if I do say so my self. She is so freaking patronizing towards me, like, Hey! I am not even a full twelve months younger than you, went off to ride rides on their own, and Elliot's dad was hanging out with my mom and dad, so that left me and Elliot, and fifty dollars courtesy of his dad, to do what we wanted.

"Lets go on the roller coaster first!" He said. I was pretty much up for doing anything today. I would have contested it though, had this not been his last day here. I nodded, with a forced smile. He grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the huge roller coaster with the seventy foot drop and a giant loop in the middle. Just looking at it made me want to throw up. He pulled out two fast passes that brought us to the front of the line, we would be going on the next ride that left.

Great. Just freaking great.

It was even more great that the next ride pulled up right that minute.

Lets just say that I HATE roller coasters now.

After I had very efficiently emptied my stomach, we decided to get some food. And not go on any more roller coasters. I opted for some popcorn, while Elliot got the largest, greasiest slice of pizza I had ever seen.

"Ew," I said, staring at the cheesy monstrosity.

'Its called delicious."

"No its called disgusting."

"Whatever Lux. What ride do you want to go on next then?"

"The ferris wheel." I said. He nodded, but rolled his eyes as if to say, 'ugh fine, the boring ride.'

We threw away our plates and went to stand in line for the ferris wheel. The wheel was 350 feet tall and had thirty baskets. The line wasn't too long though. We stood there for probably fifteen minutes before we were rushed onto the ever-moving contraption. The teenager running the ride hastily pulled the bar over us and closed the gate to the basket.

"So are you excited for New York?" I asked. He shook his head.

"I really don't want to leave, I wont fit in. I mean, Lux, we are going into high school. You at least know people here, I wont know anyone."

"You could always stay with us," I said. He laughed heartily.

"No, my parents would never let me," The conversation, sadly, ended there and Elliot stared off into the town which was very visible from the height we were at.

It wasn't long before we reached the top of the ferris wheel. I pulled out my camera, one of those ones that prints easily.

"Can we take a picture?" I asked. Elliot nodded and grabbed my camera. He held it out in front of us and snapped the picture. I watched as the camera slowly printed the picture. It printed gray at first but after a while, the color would show up in the picture.

That day was fun, but it didn't last much longer than that. Elliot's mom called his dad and told him to get him home, seeing as he hadn't completely finished packing.


Hey guys, Mere here!!

So anyone who read my original version of this book would be like, What the heck?


No okay so I was going to go through it and edit it, but I decided on rewrting it as a whole.

The first couple chapters are going to be kind of fillers, informing you on the events that led up to what made Lux this certain way.

By the way, to anyone who was really super cool and read the original version, I was writing that one for fun, so I have changed some names and events and stuff.

For instance, instead of Mackinzie Swan, it is Lux Evans, who does in fact have siblings this time, Yay!!

She was a very flat character in the last version, so I am going to try to make her more 3D in this one.

Also instead of Beck Whitman, It is Elliot White.

Hope that you guys like my story!


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