April seventeenth

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"Lux Elizabeth Evans, will you go to Prom with me?" I was stunned by the question.

It was a huge ordeal. I was driving home from school, in the passenger seat while Liam drove, when he gasped and I looked up. My whole driveway was painted like a path that led into whoville. In other words, a bubblegum pink, swirly road graced my driveway. I got out of the car and followed it. I opened my front door and inside were bubblegum pink flower petals making the same swirly road. It led me to the kitchen where there were bubblegum pink flowers everywhere along the walls. On the floor the word prom has been written in petals and in the middle of it all, stood exactly who I was hoping wouldn't ask me.

It's not that I didn't want to go to prom with him, I just didn't want to start something that would end in two months.

If you hadn't guessed it yet, Elliot stood in the center of the mass.

"Lux Elizabeth Evans, will you go to prom with me?" I stared at him.

"Can I take a moment?" I asked. He nodded and I walked to the stairs. Liam joined me.

"I think you should say yes."


"Because it's clear you're in love with the boy."

"Well yeah, but in two months we are going to be living on opposite sides of the country, Liam."

"I know, but I think you should do it anyway."

And so I did. I walked back into the kitchen and said yes.



"Wow, well here I got you a bracelet to go with your dress." It was beautiful. It was a gold chain with a simple Elsa Peretti heart on it.

"You bought me a Tiffany's bracelet?" I asked staring at him in confusion. "Thats way too much money Elliot take it back."

"Lux, I got a job to pay for it, plus I missed four birthdays. It's the same amount I would have spent on those four presents. So keep it." I grinned and gave him a big hug.

"Thank you Elliot." My dad walked into the room.

"It looks like a fairy threw a rager in here." I laughed, "hey Liam, Lux can I talk to you guys?"

"What's up dad?"

"You guys remember your cousin Jezebel?" We nodded, although we usually called her Jez. "She has been having some hard times at school so even though there is a month and half left of school, she is going to come and move out here for a bit."

"Yay!" I said. She was Lyle's age and was really fun to be around. She was pretty badass and we always got along really well.

"When will she be here?" Liam asked.

"This weekend. One of you will have to pick her up from the airport."

"I volenteer!" I yelled. If you can't tell, I really like Jez. Liam didn't seem to mind this.

That weekend I drove to the airport with my music blasting. I waited for Jez who had just landed and didn't hear the banging on my window. I turned down my music and then I heard it. I looked out the window and saw the black shirt and leather jacket that obviously belonged to Jez.

I rolled down the window and unlocked the doors and got out.

"Jez!" I ran and hugged her. She was taller than me which was sad because she was like fifteen. I stepped back to look at her. I hadn't seen her in over a year.

She had big lips, just had to make a note of that, and really long dark auburn hair which she had died ombré towards the bottom. She wore black combat boots, light wash jeans, a black lace tank top and a black leather jacket with a bunch of silver necklaces.

"Hey luxy. Can you help me with my bag?" She asked.

"Oh yeah! Of course duh." I went up to the back of my car and popped the trunk and threw her bags in there while she got in my car.

"So are you excited?"

"Well I mean it's gotta be better here than it was back in LA but I don't know yet. Like I feel like it's going to be weird showing up to school with one month to go."

"Well you will get your schedule tomorrow, and my friend Lyle is in your grade so he might have some classes with you."

"Lyle?" She stared at me.

"One, his real name is Kyle, we just call him Lyle, and you shouldn't judge, JEZ." This made her laugh as we pulled away from the airport. "The only downside was leaving my boyfriend, who I guess was the asshat who caused my problems, but still. It was hard."

"You had a boyfriend?" This was the first I had heard of him.

"Yeah. Sidney Black. He was just like me, which was probably why it didn't work out." We pulled into my neighborhood.

When we got to my house, my dad rushed out to help Jez with her bags. Liam came out as well to say hi. That's when I got a text.

Lyle: yo who wants to come over tonight?

Lena: totally

Brookesy: I'm in

Elliot: I'll be there.

Me: me and Liam are in. Bringing my cousin Jez to meet you, Lyle.

Lyle: I don't need you to set me up.

Me: -_- lol no. She is a sophomore and she needs friends before school tomorrow.

Lyle: lol okay.


"Okay!" Liam yelled back. Jez showed up at my side ready to go. She had changed into a gray dress and pulled her curls up into a high ponytail. Liam showed up ready to go. We all got into the car that my brother and I shared and drove to Lena's house.

Their house was smaller than mine, but ten times nicer. Jez looked awed as she walked in through the door.

"LUXY!!" Lena ran and tackled me. I hadn't seen her in a couple months if it wasn't obvious enough.

"Lena, this is Jez, she is going to our school for the first time tomorrow as a sophomore with Lyle."

"OOOH you're cute, Lyle will be excited!" Lena gushed, I watched Lyle walk up.

"Speak of the devil! Lyle this is Jezebel Evans, my little cousin from LA. She is gonna be a sophomore at our school for the rest of the year."

"Hi Jezebel, I'm Kyle, unfairly named Lyle by these two losers."

"Um it was Brookes who you got that name from!" I interjected.

"Yeah but you guys made it stick."

"You can call me Jez," Jez said to Lyle.

"Luxy we have a lot to talk about!" Lena said as she dragged me to another room.


"Yes! Babe you have prom in like four weeks! Who are you going with? At least tell me you have a date!"

"Yes I have a date."




"Yeah, calm your tits you don't have to scream."

"Omg and I'm so excited we will be going to school next year together!" She started the jumping.

"Oh my gosh I know!"

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