Winter break. 3 weeks at home + elliot

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I was in the car with Lena driving. We had all pitched in to rent a giant suv since none of us really used any cars. I was in the drivers seat, Hayden and Hunter were in the middle row, and Liam and Maia were in the back. Making out. Eew. Lena had been gushing about finally seeing Brookes. I was none too excited. It has been four months since school started and I would be seeing Elliot again. I was not psyched.

My phone started blaring a song that I had set as my text tone. I stared at it.

I had two missed text messages. One from Zephyr and one from Brookes.

Brookesy: yo only five more hours Lux. Is Lena excited. I know this man is

And then there was a bad picture of Elliot laughing in the air port. I rolled my eyes and punched in my response.

Me: fuck you Brookes. And yes Lena is excited. And you know we broke up, sending my ugly pictures of him once a week isn't helping.

Then I checked my messages from Zephyr.

Zeph- hey babe I'm going back to school early. You? Was thinking we could party. Get your mind off of that stupid ex you're seeing over break?

I laughed.

Me: no Z I'm going back on jan ninth. You should come to my place for the remainder of your break.

She responded immediately.

Zeph- I'm in. I will see you on the second babe. ;)

She had a habit of calling me babe. It was fun though. She and Lena were DEFINATELY my best friends. Although they weren't too fond of eachother. We pulled into the front drive and I sprinted into my house, my suitcase bouncing behind me. Brookes and Elliot were already inside talking with my dad, Lia, and Morgan.

Elliot turned when I bounded in. We held eye contact for like two minutes before he turned away and I was wrapped into a hug by Brookes.

"Omg Brookes I missed you." I said into his shirt. His blondish hair had grown out a lot. But it wasn't too long.

My dad smiled and walked to me and gave me a hug. As did Morgan. I noticed Lia as well, um, holding his hand?

"Dad? Is there something you haven't told me?" I asked. I knew he and Mel had broken up before the summer started, but I never realized that he and Mel had been dating.

"Well we wanted to wait until you four were home before we told you guys." He said. But why couldn't they just tell us over the phone? They were just dating. Right?

"We're getting Married!" Lia screeched," Well if it's okay with everyone." That's when the twins walked in in their identical strides. I still didn't like Hayden very much but Hunter was cool.

"What?" Hayden asked, pulling off his leather jacket and placing it on a chair.

"Our parents want to get married," I said glaring at him. He glared back.

"I won't be her sister. She is a nightmare."

"I could say the same for you," I raised my voice.

"I think it's a lovely idea," Hunter said.

"Me too," Liam quipped.

"So three against two." My dad said, obviously counting Morgan. I groaned. As did Hayden.

"I'm happy for you dad. I'm just not happy about being this ass holes sister."




"We're getting married in three months!" Lia interrupted our feud.

"We know you guys moved out, but we wanted to get situated all in one house, so we are moving." My dad said. I noticed Jez in the corner with Lyle, I guess they had shown up sometime in the middle.

Jez had opted to stay for her last year of high school. I walked over to her.

"You happy about this?"

"Well I don't like moving, but I'm happy for your dad, you know? Like I have been here alone with him for the past couple months and he is really happy with Lia. Plus I love Morgan. I have been babysitting her for a while and she is super sweet." She said. I nodded. I had never really talked to Morgan, but she seemed really cute. "Plus the twins are really cute."

"Hayden is a dick."

"I could tell from your little feud over there," she waved her manicured nails over in the direction from which I had come.

The night continued on. It was nice to see all of my friends again, even Ally. Elliot avoided me the whole night though. In fact he avoided me until the night before Zephyr came. He had stayed at my place after the New Years party. Actually, everyone stayed.

I was walking from my room to take a shower, when he stepped out of the bathroom, in clean clothes with his hair in dark, wet ringlets. His light bluish green eyes shine past his dark hair, which fell in front of them. He saw me, looked down, and tried to hurry away.

"Elliot," I barked at him. He slowed but took another step. "Hey!" I almost yelled. I rushed and stood in front of him, blocking him from going any farther.

"What the hell?" I asked.


"Why are you avoiding me?" I asked.

"Well we broke up." He said. Ouch.

"Elliot we might have broken up, but we were hardly anything to begin with. We were best friends for so long," I paused to take a breath. I know this was fast but I was verging on tears. "Elliot you can't just ignore me forever. You can't blame me for being wary about what would happen when we left eachother again. I mean, the first time I never heard from you once. And it was hell, Elliot. I mean I need you. I have best friends but you I was always most comfortable with and now I'm feeling alone and I know we can't be together but I just need you to be my friend." He was silent for a good four minutes before he spoke. A tear fell from my eye.

"Lux. Do you know why I walk away every time? I can't even look at you without going insane. I need you but you let me go and I have to respect that. And I'm trying but it's hard and avoiding you is the easiest thing to do. And it's only to keep me from kissing you." My eyes were full of tears now. I don't know what happened, but soon his hand was in the small of my back and my lips were molding with his, moving and kissing his, his wet curls tickling my forehead.

I pulled away and stared at him.

"Crap. I shouldn't have done that." I said, shocked. There was a knock at the door and I was relieved to have something to do. I ran to open it.

"Hey babe!" Zephyr stood there with her pink suitcase. She wore dark skinny jeans, a cream colored sweater, and a turquoise infinity scarf with brown boots and a matching brown bag. I ran and gave her a giant hug.

"Zeph you don't know how great your timing was." She stared at me inquisitively. I backed away giving her the 'tell you later' look. I turned around and led her to the kitchen where Elliot, Brookes, Lena, Liam, and Jez were all perched at the bar, eating cereal.

"Hey guys! Lena and Liam know her, but Brookes, Elliot, Jez, this is my roommate Zephyr. Zeph this is Brookes, my neighbor and one of my besties. He is Lena's boyfriend. Then this is Jezebel, my cousin, she is a senior, and Elliot, my ex." I saw her open her mouth to say something, but she bit her tongue.

"Nice to meet you all." She said. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her up to my room. I didn't tell her about the kiss yet. Not yet.


Hey guys.

Omg the twins and lux are gonna be related.


I actually wasn't planning that and then I was like "why not."


Hope you liked it. Perhaps we will get some changes in tomorrow's chapter?

Love yall


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