November 30 Senior year

53 4 3

"Lux Elizabeth Evans, would you do me the honor of making me the happiest man alive by being my wife?"

"What. The. Fuck?" I asked. Yes. Twenty one flipping years old and I'm being proposed. I had to dig my nails into my palms just to keep myself from bitch-slapping him across the face.

Well you are probably pissed because I started right at the action, so let me enlighten you on the events leading up to now.

8:15 this morning:

Carter<3: hey, wanna go out tonight?

Me: sure where?

Carter<3: I'll pick you up.

I glanced up at Zephyr who was sitting on the couch across from me.

See at the end of Junior year, Lena, Zeph and I decided we were done wih dorms and we got an apartment together. It's actually really fun.

"Yeah, lux?" She asked, not looking up from her stupid fashion magazine. She had been super into being fashionable since she had started dating Hayden last year. Eew.

Oh yeah, dating lives, just to take my mind off the situation at hand for a moment.

Elliot had broken up with his bitch a couple months ago.

Ally and Gray were still happily together.

Liam and Maia were actually engaged. Fucking shock to us all when they told us. (I though he had gotten her pregnant or something.)

Hunter was having fun living solo.

Brookes and Lena were still together as well. (How they made it work, the world will never know.)

And then Zeph and Hayden had somehow gotten together.

Okay back to my story.

"So Carter just asked me out."

"He does that all the time. What's the problem." I flung my phone at her magazine. It might have hit her in the forehead though. "Bitch," she laughed. I smiled.

"Wait he is picking you up?"

"I guess."

"Like driving here."

"Yeah." See we lived across the street so usually I just went and met him at his place and drove from there or something. He never came and picked me up. He had offered back when we lived in dorms, but I always said no.

"What if he proposed?" She asked. Just as Lena walked in.

"What if who proposed? Ooh Luxy is Carter proposing?"

"How would I know? He just said he was picking me up tonight. Zeph is jumping the gun."

"Well, he doesn't really 'pick you up' so this means it's important." Lena was giggling like a toddler. Ugh.

4:30 pm that day

I pulled on a simple black dress and bright turquoise heels. I put my hair up in a messy bun and put on some mascara.

Sorry just thought I would tell you what I was wearing.


"So how do you like your food?" Carter asked. We had been sittingn for a good twenty minutes and we had just gotten our appetizers. Carter was a smidge jumpy and SUPER nervous.

"It's good. What are you so jumpy about. Just relax."

"I'm not jumpy," he said irritated.

"You're jumpy. Just chill okay?"

"I'm not jumpy, Lux okay? Just leave it." This made me stare at him.

"Carter don't use sass with me."

"I'm not I'm just excited for the main course, which is coming right now!" He waved the waiter over. Convienient. Ha.


Dessert was ordered and I had seen Carter whisper something to the waiter.

Now they were bringing out the dessert.

I had gotten this amazing dessert called Panna Cotta, which I had had once in New York and if you ever get the chance, I really reccomend it. It was a white blob of cream that wiggled around with chocolate drizzled over it. Carter had gotten a creme brûlée.

I grabbed my fork and saw Carter staring at me.

"What?" I asked. He stood up, walked over to me, turned my plate so I saw what was inhabiting the other side. "Carter," I warned. He picked the ring up and knelt down. I could feel my face getting hot, but not because I was blushing.

"Lux Elizabeth Evans, would you do me the honor of making me the happiest man on earth by being my wife?" He asked. I stared at him, then the ring, then back at him.

"What. The. Fuck?" I asked. Yes. Twenty one flipping years old and I'm being proposed. I had to dig my nails into my palms just to keep myself from bitch-slapping him across the face.

"Carter can we talk outside for a moment? Um, now?"

"Yes, of course." He led me outside and sat down on a bench.

"Carter I'm flattered, but it is way too soon to be proposing."

"We have been dating for about three years, Lux."

"Yes and I have hardly settled in. I feel horrible, but can I please have some time?" I asked.

"Of course. I have to go pay. You'll have your answer in five minutes?" I could feel a bitchy response coming on, as could he. He grabbed my forearms reassuringly. "I'm kidding, take as long as you need." I had to go talk to Lena and Zephyr.



Haha what do you guys think lux is gonna say?


Shoutout to the one who guessed it, if you guys do.

Love you!


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