December 1 What do i do?

56 3 2

"Lux, you have to think of all the good and bad times you have had with Carter. Does he make you happy? Are you happy enough to be married to him? Do you love him?" It felt like Lena was throwing bombs at me, each one making me internally explode.

"Good times, plenty, I have had so many fights. We have gotten in a couple fights and it makes me want to die when we do. Yes he makes me happy, but I don't know if I am ready to marry anyone. None the less, Carter. And I thought I loved him. Lena I really don't know what to do. I think, well I don't know what I think."

"Do you love someone else?"

"No. I don't know. I hope not. Ugh why is this so complicated."

"Well think, have you had more fun and been happier with anyone else?"

"Well aside from my best friends? Well, maybe," we will keep that classified information for now. I did eventually answer this, but keeping you in suspense is fun.

Plus. I'm mean. I made that clear at some point.

"Lux, you need to think really, super hard," zephyr said, "pretend I am Carter. I'm going to propose to you you have to answer right away. If you feel any hesitation say no," she pulled off one of her rings, "Lux Elizabeth Evans, will you marry me?" I stared at the ring and then pictured Carter.

"No." I said finally, "I have to talk to Carter." I grabbed my purse and left the apartment, and walked across the street.

"Carter?" I knocked on the door. I heard a squeal, a feminine squeal, and then a "wait up!" I heard some shuffling and a zipper and then Carter, in a undershirt and jeans with no belt (unusual) opened the door.

"Lux!" He smiled and tried to pull me in for a hug.

"Is there somewhere here?" I asked. He shook his head and tried again. I shoved past him and into his room. There was a platinum blonde girl with fake everything in his bed.

"Lux it's not what it looks like!" He said.

"Yes it's exactly what it looks like, and that makes this so much easier!" I was raising my voice, "I can't marry you Carter. I wasn't going to before, but any hesitation that was lingering is now gone. Good bye, Carter." I said. I stormed from his place, tears streaming from my eyes and sprinted across the street.

I stormed up to my apartment and into my room.

"Lux what happened?" I heard Lena ask following me.

"Just leave me alone!" I yelled, slamming my door behind I grabbed a suitcase and threw random clothes in it and some soap. I grabbed my phone chargers and my laptop and a book for the flight. Finally I grabbed my tiny bears.

I stormed from my room and grabbed my purse and phone before I left.

"Lux where are you going?" Zeph asked.

"Nowhere. I'll be back soon."

"Lux," Lena grabbed my arm, "just tell us what happened. We can work through it."

"No. No we can't, there is only one person who can help me understand what is happening to me. I'll be back soon," I repeated tugging my arm free of her grasp and storming from the house. I got in my car and drove to the airport.

I walked inside quickly and went up to the counter.

"Hello, darling!" The lady said in an exaggerated Southern drawl, "where will you be flying tonight?"

"Do you have any available flights to..."


Omg sorry bout the cliffhanger. It's probably super annoying or obvious but it shouldn't really be in the middle?

Who do you guys think she is going to?

Sorry about the whole Carter thing.

Some FAQs I thought I would answer.

1: why are you skipping around?
A: okay basically I am skipping around because I am trying to give you the picture of an average girl. She isn't doing exciting things every single day, or even year (*cough* sophomore and junior year of college) also the book is written over a span of 10 years of Lux's life, so if I wrote in every single day, then this would be a super long book. But good news! I will be editing the book once I am done and it should get longer and more detailed.

2: is Elliot ever coming back?
A: Elliot will be back in a super surprise chapter soon (can't say when though) and I'm hoping you guys will like it!

3: different POVs?
A: yes, and soon! It may only be once, but I'm super excited for it.

That's all! If you guys have any questions, by all means let me know! I love answering them!

Love, Emma

Shoutout to @prettygirlsrock321 whose comments are halarious to me and asked a very good question (FAQ number 1) thanks!

If I can get up to like five votes (or even like two lmao) then I will post the next part in about 11 hours.

Otherwise I will post when I feel like it MUAHAHAHAHAHA

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