(Lux again) Winter break Trying to figure things out

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It was only one week before winter break when I went to New York, so I just crashed with Elliot and Brookes until they flew back home.

"Lux where the hell are you?! You said you would be back soon!" I heard Lena screech through my iPhone. I had to hold it away from my head. I'll give her credit, she managed to wait the entire week until calling me.

"And I will, I'll be back today."

"Where are you?"

"With a friend. I'll see you tonight." I said.

"Lux I swear to god-" I hung up on her. Elliot and Brookes walked in.

"Lux guess what Brookes is doing during break?" Elliot said. Brookes whacked him on the side.

"Dude she will tell her."

"Wow you think lowly of me, Brookesy."

"I don't want you to ruin it."

"Are you breaking up with Lena?"

"No the opposite," he scratched the back of his neck.

"He is proposing!" The word made me cringe when Elliot said it, but I smiled wide.

"Aw Brookesy I'm so happy for you! Why the hell would I ruin that for Lena?" I asked him. I ran and hugged him quickly.

"We need to go," Elliot said sourly. He sounded like a jealous bitchy girl. I shot him a glare.

A week later we were all at a Christmas party at my house. Okay well not yet. It was supposed to start an hour from then. I had gone up to my room to get ready. I was standing in the middle of mine and Jez's bedroom pulling on my dress when Elliot walked in. It wasn't zipped, and it was only over one of my shoulders.

"Elliot!" I said.

"Hey I just wanted to make sure you were all good. Need any help?" Was that a smirk? I saw a smirk.

"Well you could zip up my dress." This boy wasn't getting any action tonight. It was my turn to smirk. He walked over though and I turned around and held my blonde curls up. He carefully zipped up the zipper, making sure it wouldn't catch on my bra band or anything. When he was done I let my hair fall and turned around to thank him. But I didn't get the chance. As soon as I turned around he grabbed the small of my back and pulled me towards him and kissed me. Nothing over the top. It was sweet. He pulled away.

"Sorry that was out of line." I shook my head.

"No it wasn't," I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. I kissed him deeply. I melted. Kissing him made me feel like nothing was happening around me. It was just me and him. It was perfect. I don't know why I spent three years with that other douche bag. My knees started feeling weak so I backed up against my bed. He laid me down.

I probably would have stayed that way forever.

If Jez and Zephyr didn't walk in at that exact moment.

"Hey Elliot," I heard Jez say. He stood up and I flipped her off. She went to Columbia University in New York (who wouldda guessed?) and I guess she and the boys had hung out a few times. Lyle decided to go to NYU but I didn't really know if they were still together or not. I would have to find out.

"So he is where you ran off to?" Zeph asked. This was her first day back. I nodded sheepishly. "Um Lux can I talk to you? Like outside?" I glanced at Elliot who was staring at me. I nodded and stood up. I followed Zephyr outside.

"Whatsup Zeph?"

"I don't think this is a good idea."

"You don't approve of Elliot?"

"It's not that. I feel that you two would be great together. But you live in Arizona and he lives in New York. You both have half a year left of college plus the years you will have to take to complete your major. He can't expect you to drop your life and move in with him, and you certainly can't expect that of him." I nodded.

"I'll talk to him." I turned on my heels to walk back inside. Elliot was already downstairs engaged in a conversation with Jez and Lyle, who was holding her hand. Hm. I guess they are still together. Good for them. I walked back over to Elliot and told him that we need to talk, when Brookes broke away from the group and got everyone's attention.

Lena stood in the middle of the room, and Brookes approached her, but Zeph had to tell her to turn around. I felt Elliot wrap his arms around me and rest his chin on my head to watch.

"Alena Reagan Mitchels, ever since I met you in freshman year of high school, I knew I loved you. See you had just gone through a tough time, and was in depression support. You just didn't have the time for and bullshit, which me, always complaining, was. I had just moved from Australia and was really torn up about it, and Lux, who was in support with both of us befriended us and brought us together," I smiled and Lena started tearing up, "I do not believe in love at first sight, but I will say that I loved you since the start. You hated me at first. You didn't want to let anyone into your life. But I needed to be in your life. To be around you. But I was a coward and couldn't do anything about it until I was a senior and you were a freshman in college. When we started dating. I was happier than ever. And after five amazing years together, even though we lived two thousand one hundred and forty five miles away from one another, we made it work," he reached into his pocket and knelt down, "so today, I want to ask you a very important question," Lena was streaming tears now, "Alena Reagan Mitchels, you once asked me what I would change about you if I could, and I couldn't answer because I thought you were perfect. But you aren't. You are missing one thing. If I could change one thing about you, I would change your last name and make it match my own. Will you do me the honor, of being my wife?" He asked, opening the box. I swear I was breathing so hard as I anticipated her answer.

Soon she shook her head vigorously, and hardly whispered the word "yes." He put the ring on her finger and stood up and hugged her. I was even crying.



If I had to pick a favorite character it would be Brookes. He is just so romantic. Like what even. I might write a spinoff book for Lena and Brookes.

Who was surprised that Lena's name was Alena? I wasn't going to but her name was autocorrecting to it so I was like "what the hell"

I know it looks like it's pronounced "ah-lay-nuh" but it's pronounced "ah-lee-nuh"

Lol not a great fact.

I had a modeling interview today. I'm waiting to find out if I'm hired though. I'll know by next Wednesday.

Vote for meeeee or comment (I like all comments they make me happy)

Love Emma

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