September 13 Senior year!!

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As predicted, Elliot drew the attention of all the girls at my school, even teachers.

I had gotten some particularly hateful stares and comments the first day of school when he walked up and sat down zwith us.

Me and my attitude weren't very popular here.

Well we were notoriously popular.

Lena became fairly popular last year when Lena started dating the starring quarterback, Jason. Then the popular, and may I say hot, football players started sitting at our table. And all the girls were all over Brookes as well.

So naturally, I got some popularity points out of being friends with them. But most girls didn't like me because they thought it wasn't fair that I was such a 'bitch' and I got all the guys.

But I never dated anyone.

In fact, I have never had a boy friend.

I had walked to my table, having gotten pretty much no attention on my own except from a few freshmen and sophomores. It was weird not walking lot lunch with Lena anymore. I sat down by Gray, a tall blond linebacker who was really hot in a super boyish kind of way. He was the goody-two-shoes. He had straight a's since pre-k, and he was the teachers favorites. I had been in all of his classes since sixth grade, but I was always focused on Elliot so neither of us really recognized eachother until freshman year. Then there was Miles, he was tall as well, but the shortest of them all, and had longer brown locks.

With those two came Brookes, who was about 6,2, with light blonde hair and pretty blue eyes -I realized I never described some of my best friends! What kind of narrator am I?- and my brother Liam who was 6,3, and had he same blonde hair and blue-green eyes as me. Finally there was Lyle who was shorter but not by much, he was six feet tall, with a great jaw line and light brown hair and blue eyes.

Shit. I literally sit at a lunch table with six other guys I probably look like such a whore!

Okay back to my story. So Elliot walked up and sat down. Right next to me. Immediately he started talking to Miles and Gray. Occasionally he would say something funny to the side and I would laugh a bit. When I left to go to the bathroom for like, five fucking minutes, a bunch of sluts were staring at me -naturally i clenched my fists and glared- someone said "whore" rather loudly.

I went to the bathroom and came back and I fuck you not, there were like five girls piling into my spot. I walked up and stood behind Liam, just watching. I could feel a hundred pairs of eyes on me, anticipating what I was about to do.

"I'm Mikayla, and I just wanted to give you my number, you seem really nice," hot. She meant hot but I'll let it slide, Elliot looked really confused,"and I'm free on Saturday, if you want to-"

"Nope!" I said loudly. I walked around to them, "up." I commanded. All but Mikayla stood, "leave." They all left except Mikayla. I sat down by her, she was still staring at Elliot. "Hi sweetheart, Mikayla right?" She nodded, "clearly you didn't get the memo." I smiled sweetly giving her one last chance. She jumped up and scurried away.

"Wow, quite the badass, Lux," Elliot said, "thanks by the way." I nodded.

"Was she not always?" Miles chuckled.

"Hell no," Elliot's expression didn't change. I groaned and leaned into Gray's shoulder, anticipating what he was going to say. "Back before I left, she never bothered with her hair, and she had braces and glasses, and she was taller than me, and she wasn't even rude to Liam. She would always be nice and put up with people, even if they were annoying her."

"God Lux, such a pushover!" Miles mocked. I rolled my eyes.


NOW it is September 13.

I was in math, my last period, when Elliot started tapping on my shoulder.


I ignored him, trying to listen to what the teacher was saying.


"What?" I spun around, rather irritated.

"I don't get it."

"Well I won't get it either if I don't listen," I turned back around. I might be a badass but I want to actually make something of my life so I TRY to get good grades most of the time.

"Mr. White, Miss. Evans, is there a problem?" Mr. Johnson said.

"Yes actually," I started but Elliot flung his hand over my mouth.

"Actually I was just asking Lux, here for some help on this question." I bit his hand, he winced and let go, but nothing else.

"Miss. Evans, would you please go in the hall and assist Mr. White?" I nodded hesitantly, grabbed my backpack and my notebooks, and stormed out of the classroom. Elliot followed suit.

"You are so fucking agrivating, you know that?" I said, he chuckled nursing his hand. "Ever cover my face again, and I will bite twice as hard, and cut off one of your teeny tiny little-"

"Lux I don't want to hear it."

"Balls," I tested. He glared at me.

"Four years ago you wouldn't have even said balls, none the less half of the words in your ever-colorful vocabulary."

"I'm sorry, but I didn't know your head has been up your ass for the last four years. People change you know."

"Yeah and I like what I'm seeing."

"Whoa whoa whoa hold the fucking train, buster. Are you flirting?"


"Fuck two weeks ago I hated you, I just start to warm up again and you're trying to flirt with me?" I laughed, "you have sunken low, my friend." The bell rang and Miles ran out and clapped Elliot on the back.

"Good job getting out of class!"

"Yeah, I have the war wounds to prove that she was with me."

"Dude you bit him? What did he do?"

"put his hand over my mouth. I didn't draw blood though, did I?" They shook their heads. Some mousy little junior ran up to Elliot and I took that as my time to exit and go find my brother.

Liam was at his locker as usual, and they go in alphabetical order, so it was by mine as well. I unlocked my locker and put away my binders. I never really had homework, since I had gotten most of my credits out of the way, I only had four classes in a day. So I would go to my first three, lunch, math and then go home early. It was the same for Liam, except he would go to Drama. But, same difference.

"Hey luxy," he said. He grabbed an advanced english book and slammed his locked shut.

"Hey Liam-sy," I said. That was literally all that happened.

Haha. I probably had you expecting something cool.

That is just how boring my life is.

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