May 29 I dont see my brother for a year and...

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"You're married?" I screamed?

"She is pregnant?" Jez yelled.

See, Liam and Maia had moved to California for a year off school. They hadn't really said anything to any of us for the year and they just came back today.

Liam and Maia stood at the counter, she was blonde at the moment. He had a big smile on his face. They both had rings on and Maia was sporting a baby bump that suggested that she was around the end of her third trimester.

"Liam why didn't you tell anyone?"

"Last time I checked I was an independent adult."

"When are you due?" I asked Maia, leading her away from the fuss between my brother and my dad.

"A week and two days, actually."

"Holy shit, you're serious?"


"So you could literally have the kid any day now."

"Kids, we are having twins," I knew that bump was bigger than it should have been.

"Holy crap Maia that's exciting!"

"So what about you? Are you in any type of relationship? I've been out of the loop for a year."

"Yes actually, well me and Elliot, we got back together in December after Carter proposed to me."

"Wait what?"

"Carter wasnf right and that's when I realized I was in love with Elliot."

"Oh wow! Super awkward question, but you two were kind of at a weird standing point with eachother for years and years, did you ever, you know, do anything?"

"No," I said, "Maia since you're basically my sister now, can I tell you something I haven't told anyone, not even Elliot or Zeph or Lena?"

"Yes of course!" Her blue-purple eyes lit up.

"I've never, you know,"

"Had sex?"

"No. It's so embarassing. I always tell them no."

"Embarassing! I'm proud of you, honestly. You know what you want and you don't let anyone change your mind. Good for you."

"Thanks." I said.

"So is it like a matter of wanting to be abstinent or what?"

"No, I think abstinence is more religious. I think if you are in love with someone enough that it's something that you choose that you are ready to do, you should do it."

"Sounds true enough."

We were done with school already so Elliot showed up for summer vacation the next week, as the days drew nearer to Maia's due date. I was up in my room changing, Jez and Lyle werent back yet so I had my room to myself. I was in the middle of pulling on my tee shirt, my jean shorts weren't buttoned yet, when Elliot walked in. I quickly pulled my shirt down and ran to give him a hug.

"I missed you!" I said into his ear.

"I missed you too!"

"A lot."

"Same, anything you want to do?" I nodded my head hard enough that he would feel it. I turned so my back was against the door, and slammed it shut with my back. I clicked the lock and wrapped my arms around Elliots shoulders and kissed the shit out of him. He pressed me up against the door. I stood on my tiptoes and wrapped my arms tighter around his neck. Soon my feet weren't even touching the ground. He grabbed my waist and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him closer.

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