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Y/n's POV

Fresh air in the morning, little birdies chirping and singing in their melodious voices. The beautiful sun rising view that I'm looking at through the hostel window.

Jeawoon: Urg!!!!! Who dared to disturb my sleep?!?! Who leafted up the cloth from this stupid window!?!? I hate Sunlight!

Suddenly, my lazy, cutie, sweetie, beautiful bestie roommate also started to get up from her bed while groaning. I looked at her and flashed a smile.

Y/n: Good morning, darling.

She stood up from the bed and looked at me with her puffy eyes. She smiled at me and came to me for a good morning hug.

Y/n: Aww, my cutie baby.

I happily gave her a tight hug. I tried to run my fingers through her crow's nest - I-I-I mean her morning hair, but my fingers got stuck in the holy beginning.

Jeawoon: ya, girl, how many times should I tell you, I'm not a k-drama actress.

She mumbled while clinging to me. I giggled.

Y/n: I know, but it's my habit, you know.

She nodded and sat on her bed.

Y/n: Get ready, darling. we are going out today, remember?

She hummed.

Jeawoon: Just give me some time. I'm not a morning person like you, darling.

I chuckled.

Y/n: You'll have to change that habit of yours, babe.

She scratched the back of her neck and nodded.

Jeawoon: By the way, I forgot why we are going out.

I put my hand on my forehead.

Y/n: babe, you are so forgetful. This month, it's our turn to get groceries for the hostel.

Jeawoon: Oh yeah.

She jolted out of her bed and dashed towards the washroom.

Jeawoon: I'll be ready in 30 minutes, baby.

She said while running to the washroom. I giggled, seeing her cuteness. I came to the closet and picked out two outfits for both of us.


Jeawoon: yah!....... hate Sunlight. FUCK!

Jeawoon lifted her sunglasses up and complained while walking on the footpath with me. I laughed at her behaviour.

Y/n: Don't worry, babe. We'll reach the grocery store any moment.

She nodded. When we were walking by the park, we took a glance at the bench where we sat when we came to the park.

We saw a guy sitting there. He was wearing all black, including a black mask.

He kinda looks suspicious to me, but....... I looked away.

Jeawoon: Wow, that guy was hot. Did you notice his thigh muscles? Um.......those could crush me between them.

Jeawoon said while daydreaming.

Y/n: Yeah......Jeawoon, stop drooling over every guy you see.

I said, teasing her. She giggled.

Jeawoon: Yeah, you're right.

Then, we focused on going to the store.

Fucking 2 hours later!!!!!!

Obsession - Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now