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Lan Zhan woke up to the gentle caress of sunlight on his face. He shifted slightly and felt a warm embrace around his waist, a familiar face nestled against his neck. Slowly, he opened his eyes, greeted by the sight of Wei Ying's soft hair.

For a brief moment, he was lost in the moment, but reality quickly rushed back. He remembered the events of the previous night, and his cheeks flushed crimson. Carefully, he extricated himself from Wei Ying's embrace. Thankfully, Wei Ying remained undisturbed in his slumber. Lan Zhan didn't want to create any commotion that might draw unwanted attention, especially in their current state.

Moving silently, Lan Zhan retrieved his clothing and dressed as quietly as possible. He then covered Wei Ying's still-naked form with a blanket, ensuring he remained warm and comfortable.

With utmost care, Lan Zhan tiptoed to the door. As he opened it, he was startled to find a maid about to knock. He had feared that one of the Jiangs might check on Wei Ying.

"Master Lan, Mr. Jiang is waiting for you in the dining hall. Also, this food is for Master Wei," the maid informed him, bowing respectfully.

"Thank you. I'll be right there. Let me place his food inside first," Lan Zhan replied, accepting the tray of food from the maid.

The maid offered a warm smile and bowed again before leaving. Lan Zhan was relieved that the maid didn't seem to suspect what had transpired between him and Wei Ying. He carefully set the tray on Wei Ying's bedside table, making sure not to wake him. As he gazed at Wei Ying's sleeping form, he couldn't help but think, 'He's beautiful, the most beautiful omega I've ever seen.'

With a deep breath, Lan Zhan closed his eyes, gathering his resolve. He needed to face Mr. Jiang, regardless of what he might say. Composing himself, he exited the room.

Upon arriving in the dining hall, Lan Zhan found the Jiangs waiting for him. He seated himself beside Jiang Cheng, attempting to appear composed despite the nervousness that caused his back to break into a sweat.

"Mr. Jiang, I administered Wei Ying's suppressant last night," Lan Zhan replied when Mr. Jiang inquired about Wei Ying's well-being.

Jiang Yanli expressed her gratitude, her smile sincere, but Lan Zhan felt a deep pang of guilt. Despite their trust in him to take care of Wei Ying, he had let his desires overpower him, taking advantage of Wei Ying's vulnerable state.

Lan Zhan bowed slightly in acknowledgment of Jiang Yanli's thanks, silently grappling with his inner turmoil. While they ate, he struggled to swallow his food as guilt gnawed at him.

After the meal, Lan Zhan sought solace in the mansion's garden. He needed fresh air to clear his mind and regain his composure. Facing the Jiangs, he knew, was an obligation he couldn't avoid. He couldn't afford to tarnish his family's reputation.

While meditating in the garden, Jiang Cheng approached him, offering an apology for the spicy food served earlier. Lan Zhan gave him a faint smile.

"I enjoyed the food, thank you. I'm simply not a big eater," he lied, his guilt resurfacing.

Jiang Cheng smiled back, expressing his gratitude for Lan Zhan's care of Wei Ying. Lan Zhan merely nodded in response, his guilt growing.

Jiang Cheng proceeded to share more about Wei Ying, explaining that Wei Ying was an omega, naturally delicate in both body and mind. He recounted how Wei Ying had become a part of their family after losing his parents, adopted by Mr. Jiang.

Jiang Cheng expressed his happiness at having Wei Ying as a sibling figure. He also expressed gratitude to Lan Zhan for looking after Wei Ying when he couldn't. Lan Zhan's guilt weighed heavily on him, yet he managed to respond, "It's nothing."

Jiang Cheng reassured Lan Zhan that his uncle was aware of his whereabouts, prompting Lan Zhan to bow in gratitude before taking his leave.

In Wei Ying's room, he suddenly woke up, only to discover a series of hickeys adorning his collarbones and neck. Alarmed, Jiang Yanli and Mrs. Jiang rushed to his door, concerned for his well-being.

"What happened, Wei Ying? Are you alright?" they both exclaimed, their voices filled with worry.

Wei Ying hesitated, his mind a whirlwind of confusion. "Nothing," he replied, not wanting to worry them further.

As he inspected the bruises, he couldn't help but wonder, "What did I do last night?"

Jiang Yanli inquired once more if he was okay, and Mrs. Jiang reminded him to eat the food that had been delivered and to take his suppressant.

"I will, Auntie. Please don't worry too much," Wei Ying assured them.

Unable to convince him to open the door, the two women eventually left Wei Ying to himself. Wei Ying sat in silence, contemplating the events of the previous night. His calendar revealed that it had been his heat cycle, filling him with dread. "Oh no, what did I do last night?" he whispered to himself as he slumped in front of his closet.

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