MBA 28

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Flowers hung from the vines, swaying in the fresh breeze. The melodious tunes of the piano, zither, and flute blended seamlessly with the gentle wind. Bells chimed as they were caressed by the air.

The seats were filled to capacity, with every eye fixed on the man in a striking black tuxedo with a touch of red. He walked down the aisle with a bouquet of vibrant red roses in his hands, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jiang. His gaze remained locked on the man dressed in pristine white, awaiting him at the end of the aisle. His heart fluttered with happiness, his cheeks flushed with excitement, and his lips, with a natural rosy hue, concealed their paleness. He tightly clutched the bouquet of flowers, his hands trembling with nervousness. Swallowing his worries, he offered a sweet smile.

As he proceeded down the aisle, he passed by his sister, who cradled the peacefully sleeping Sizhui in her arms, with Jin Zixuan beside her. He exchanged smiles with them, and Jiang Yanli cheered him on. Continuing on, he encountered Jiang Cheng and Wen Qing, both of whom greeted him with warm smiles. He reciprocated their smiles and shifted his focus back to the man waiting for him at the end of the aisle.

Finally, he arrived at his destination. He offered a smile to Mr. Jiang on his right, who returned it and took his seat. Then, he turned to the left, where Mrs. Jiang was overcome with emotion, tears streaming down her face. She gave him a motherly smile and tenderly touched his cheek. He smiled back at her as she let go, and now he stood face-to-face with the man he was willing to spend the rest of his life with. Lan Zhan extended his hand, which Wei Ying eagerly grasped, and they gazed into each other's eyes—eyes filled with love.

Their hearts beat in unison as their hands intertwined. Lan Zhan's eyes began to well up with tears of joy. He was overwhelmed with happiness, as the long-awaited moment had finally arrived—the beginning of the chapter of their life together.

"Today is a day of celebration. We gather here to celebrate the love, commitment, and friendship of two individuals deeply in love, who wish to spend the remainder of their lives together.

The marriage ceremony is a significant part of nearly every culture, religion, generation, and society. Despite all our differences, we all share love. Love is the great unifier, transcending who we are, where we come from, or what we believe in.

Love can be described in countless ways, and it may appear differently from one person to another, but we all recognize love when we see it. And here, we witness love." The priest began.

Their eyes remained locked on each other, as they absorbed the solemnity of the moment. They recalled the journey that had led them here, the challenges they'd faced, and the happiness they'd found in each other's arms.

Lan Zhan tenderly wiped away Wei Ying's tears and smiled at him lovingly.

"I pledge to make my life forever yours, to build my dreams around you," Lan Zhan began.

"I will embrace your love, which fills me with hope and joy, making me a better person. I promise to listen, to truly hear you, and to always consider your feelings and thoughts as we embark on this journey together. I vow to love, honor, and cherish you, forsaking all others, as a faithful husband for as long as we both shall live. I promise to love you when the sun shines, when the rain falls, in sickness and in health. I promise to learn from you each day in all things, with unwavering faithfulness and love. When you gaze upon this ring, think of me and remember that I love you, always." He concluded, sliding the ring onto Wei Ying's finger. Wei Ying's tears flowed freely, overwhelmed with happiness.

"I vow never to let go of your hand, the same hand I take now will be the one I hold in the autumn of our lives. You are my best friend, my confidant. Marrying you fulfills my every desire. I promise to prioritize you above all, to stand by your side through thick and thin, through good times and bad. When the rains fall and the cool breezes blow, you can count on me. You can always count on me. I love you with a love that transcends words—it's conveyed only through kisses, glances, and the years of our shared life." Wei Ying pledged as he placed the ring on Lan Zhan's finger. Lan Zhan gazed at him with profound love, his heart racing just like Wei Ying's.

"I now pronounce you a married couple," the priest announced.

"You may seal your marriage vows with a kiss," he declared, and without hesitation, Lan Zhan gently lifted Wei Ying's veil to uncover his face. He smiled at the beautiful omega before him, radiant like a shining star illuminating his world. Lan Zhan tenderly cupped Wei Ying's face, drawing him closer, their lips meeting in a kiss. Cheers erupted from the crowd, but they remained oblivious, lost in their own world.

Lan Zhan pulled back, resting his forehead against Wei Ying's. "I love you," he whispered.

"I love you more," Wei Ying replied, and they both smiled, gazing at each other with hearts full of love. They turned to acknowledge their audience, their hands still entwined, as they embarked on this new chapter of their lives.

Jiang Yanli approached them, handing baby Sizhui to Wei Ying. Lan Zhan's smile was filled with warmth as he leaned down to kiss his son's forehead. Wei Ying beamed at the sight, feeling a deep sense of contentment—my family.

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