Ch:1 forever

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Win's POV :

21st feb 2014.....

As i felt the sun ray of 7, hitting on my face, I sighed and cursed my open window for it...I stood up from my bed. I heard noises from my lovely brother's room which was right next to me.......

"Happy b'day my dear son 🎉🎉..." -mom

"Happy b'day my dear prince wake up quickly ...i have a huge surprise for you ..." -dad

Of course those sweet words were for my twin brother luke...not for we will turn to 16 yup...WE*....but i am not lucky enough to get that love....that parent's love....i hate god for making me an omega...i hate myself for being an omega....sometimes i wonder if i was an alpha...if my mom also kiss me in the morning to wake me up....fed me with me.........if they'll give me 5% of the love they are giving to luke...i'll be the happiest kid in the world.......but.........the truth is the truth... nothing's gonna change......even if they'll kill me tomorrow, I would not be in shock or surprise ..........

(Win sighed again while wiping the tears and headed towards bathroom to complete his morning routine...)

As usual i wore my school uniform and headed to dining table. Greeted them...but no response...i knew it...its normal.....

              The first seat belongs to luke between both of my parents and

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The first seat belongs to luke between both of my parents and .....The opposite one.....that last seat which was barely been seen......yup that's my place.......the scene in front of me was making me wanna puke father was pinching his cheeks..and my mother was feeding him breakfast ......oh come on mom...for god's sake he's 16...... atleast for once let him eat on his own....too much hunger died already ...i bid my good bye 2 hours earlier then normal without having my breakfast...but no one cares..

When i went out i saw a brand new white ferrari with red ribbon...let me's the birthday present for my lovely spoiled brother luke since it's been 6 whole months he didn't buy a new car !!!!.....

I was walking towards the library suddenly i went blank since some one blind folded me and tied my hands........but i didn't make a scene cuz i know already who is the kidnapper....

In this stranger's car...

"Hello little kid ...i am kidnaping you....(in different voice)... aren't you scared "

"(Sighed)........where are we going...... bright.."

"Heeyy....i even used perfume and different voice still you got !!!"

"Haha...bright .....your scent is too powerful to hide....."

"...... be ready for a surprise......"

Car stopped...i stepped outside with the help of bright....wait...this smell is familiar......granny!!!!

As bright took off the blind fold i ran towards my granny and hugged him so tight. Tears started pouring out from my eyes.....

" dear.....i missed you stop crying's your b'day na...some one great said it's a bad manner to cry on your b'day..."-granny

"(Sobbing)....who said that....?!?"-win

" I said know na your granny is always right 😌😌.. example : your brother must became a fatty elephant ...i bet he eats the food which can contain whole africa's stomach....that spoiled big....gorila...😤😤.."-granny

"Stop ...granny 😂.."-win

"Ho...winnie you look so ugly when you cry...yuck...even buffalo looks prettier than little baffalo"-bright

"You little bitch...come here....why are you running are the ugliest....😤😤......"

3RD person's PoV:-

They were running everywhere... grumpy win was cussing bright and bright was laughing out loud.....then they felt tired ....they slept on lawn laughing at their own childish behaviour...

they slept on lawn laughing at their own childish behaviour

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Then suddenly ....

"Happy b'day to you.....happy b'day to you....happy b'day my dear winnie ...happy b'day to you..."

Win saw his granny and his bright singing him a b'day song while his granny was holding a beautiful cake and bright was asking him to make a wish....

' Dear god...i don't want anything ..just let these two lifeline of mine to stay happy and healthy with me for forever .......'

Win's POV :-

I mumbled my wish and opened my eyes to blow the candles.............we fed eachother the pieces...then bright threw the whole cake on my face and started laughing out loudly ...i ran towards him to hug him and make him dirty as this we fought and laugh for a while....then we 3 went to our home since bright was living right besides us....yup we are neighbours plus his dad and my dad are besties just like me and bright......i just wish we will live together just like this for..........forever ......even if its just as a doesn't matter if he'll never find out about me having a crush on him.......i'll bear it as long as i can stay with him........ even if it means for Forever...❤❤

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