ch.7 first kiss

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Bright's POV :

I am getting bored come girls can do these much shopping...i mean....(sighing)

"How many things have left....i'm tired now..."

"Babe just two more minutes....look.... gucci's new jacket ...isn't it beautiful bright??"

"Babe you have bought whole mall's let's go na phone's battery is dead now...and mine too...i'm hungry..."

"Fine....may be next time i'll complete my whole shopping...let's go eat something...."

"What!! Next time??? You've already bought two year's stock...."

" let's get something to eat na babyyyy.....i'm hungryyyyy..."

"Let's go.....btw what do you wanna eat??"

"I'm on diet so i'll just eat white pasta in stater ...i'll have parmesan risotto with roasted shrimp in main course and dark chocolate gelato in dessert..."

"!!!!!that's it???!!"

"Yeah cuz i'm on diet....and let's go to verandah.....their pastas were mind blowing......."

"Oh....fancy huh!!"

" drive.."


"So....what do you wanna eat??"-mil

"Anything will be fine..."-win

"Okay....then let's go to verandah....shall we ?"


"First time??"

"Yeah...i've never been went to any restaurants before..."

"Don't'll have fun today"


At verandah 🍽️ :

Bold = bright
Italic = mill
Normal = win
Underline = pam

"What are you doing here?"

"Me ..??..I'm fishing here...wanna join sis..?"

"Win??... you're here too ..."


"No...his ghost is here..."

And then mill and bright gave death glares to eachother.Pam huffed in irritation and win.....he was just regreting on his last decision of having dinner in a fancy restaurant.....a well suited beta manager came,"are you four together?"

"Yes,no,yes,no "

They all four answered at the same time but different answer. Manager got confused,"well i guess you four are together so there's an available table of four. You can have that..."

They set there....mill and win set side to side....bright set across of win and siblings set in front of eachother. Mill and bright's kept stare on eachother until waitress came to take order. Waitress was an omega. Yup omegas will be found in hotels,in bars or in the maid's costume. The 3 of 'em gave their orders. But win felt a hesitation cuz its his first time. Before bright could say anything ..mill helped him...and bright felt a new rage growing up in him...but why...

" So.... why are you two together here??"

"To eat... duh...."

"😒😒😒 I know that too but..."

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