Ch.15 LATE

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Bright's POV :-

          It's 10 am and i am getting bored already. I was continually yawning while holding PS5's  remote controller. My ears perked up when the ding sound came out from my phone. I opened the chatbox..

"Mr.ART PAKPOOM...(died at the age of 24)

Information :-

Cafe waiter
Died on 27 December

Address:***** "

He died the same day i was born...that means dad was cheating on my mom since i wasn't even born!! This GUY..did he fall for every one expect my mom??!!
I've had his enough. i grab my car keys to go to the written address which i believe is a little out of town, between the FOREST!!

I parked the car in front of a shabby house. I knocked the door twice. I was about to leave but turned when i heard a CRECK....

"Hello is this pakpoom's home?!!"

For my amazement the senior who i believe is an omega ... hugged me tight...

"i've always knew you will come my son.."

I think this senior lady mistook me with his son..i letted him cry in my embrace. After a while we broke apart. I wiped her tears...

"Mam...I'm not the one you're thinking of.."

"Yes yes...(i know who you are-whispered)...well why don't you come in first.."

I went in. I set on a wooden chair.

"So....what to do you want from me?"

"Umm...i wanna know about Mr.ART.."

"From you're appearance you look like a royal come a royal one want to know about a mere existent??"


" are just like my son...he used to have the same habit as yours when he got resemble him so much..."

"Haha 😅 (i letted out a nervous chuckle)"

"Well what do you want to know about my son.."

"Everything.. about his study.. about his death....about his (whisper) lover.."

"My guess is right are mew's son... aren't you!!"

My eyes widened a little..

"Easy boy...i won't bite got the same eyes as him......well... about my you know he was an omega so he studied in a local school since omegas aren't allowed in bangkok's well famous schools...he was a waiter in a cafe...where your dad met him...i can give you his dairy if you want....(she gave me his can someone give something precious like this to any stranger!!)...don't worry it was always been yours from the i think you should leave...if any of my mate found you here then it will be consequences for me as well as for you too..."

I bid my good bye and went into deep forest...i found a calm place ...i parked my car there and set down under the tree to read the dairy...

...when i reached the last page i noticed my wet and my dad were so much in was love at first sight dad saved him quite a few dad was a hero to him...they wefe in relationship around like 3 dad proposed him for engagement but society couldn't accept grand paa forced art to break up ..but my dad was stubborn.....after overcoming many obstacles grand paa called the press to arrange the marriage with my mom the same day when art found himself pregnant...when he heard the news he broke himself... drowned in emotions but he pretended to be strong and he has to...for his baby...then the pages are blank....what happened after?? What happened to him?? How he died??what about his baby?? Is it alive??did dad know about the baby??


"Hey...i need your another help...find out about art's baby if it is alive or not...if it is then find out who is it??"

I don't know how long i stared at the sky while feeling the cold breeze hitting head was filled with so many thoughts....i escaped a long sigh and looked at the full is indeed beautiful..and then suddenly something snapped..

The all thing i can feel is i am hovering over a beautiful white wolf ......



I hissed when i felt the cold ground beneath me...i wake up abruptly when a sudden realisation hit me...i saw his naked body beside cursed myself....what i've done!! I pulled my hair...i ....i don't know what to do..!! It can't be I can't.. especially with him..he is my best things gonna be between us from now will ruin our relationship... moreover i am not gay..i...i...i don't what i will do...i took my phone...i saw 6 missed call of pam...and 10 missed call of my friend....i oped my first voicemail..

"Hey brighty ...i just want to say sorry baby...i..i..(sobbing) please don't ignore me...i love you...i love you so much...i tried to advert my feelings...but i couldn' the end i will always end up at you...please.. me back when you receive this...cuz i cannot live without you anymore..."

Tears welled up....what have i done!!??

I tapped on the second voicemail..

"Hey mate..i think you should know this before i move to abroad since i am a hecker and i digged about you which was you asked about art's baby...yes he is alive...and he is you....yes you are mew and art's son...your grandpaa was opposed their relationship but you are the royal blood...mew has to marry your so called fake rich statused mom to save get you accepted in the family since you belongs to true aplha blood...the strongest one and about art...he died when you born...cuz he was too weak to hold a pregnancy...take care mate...i have to run...i will contact you when everything thing will come out in green light..take care..."

I felt .....numb so much numb...the whole life i was living was nothing but a lie!! The mom whose side i've never left...for whom i opposed the whole world not even my mother....i felt so much suffocating..i need a freash air.. but can't here...cuz win is making me more miserable..i ran towards no where....when i reached whre i had parked my car i took out dairy to see that photo real mother's...i letted out a painful scream...i screamed till i felt tired.....i cried holding the dairy to my chest....i frightened when i realised win was all alone ...i shouldn't left him like that i ran ...i ran towards him in a fear if something bad happened to him..when i reached there....i was already...LATE...

I saw him in the embrace of mil...i shouldn't left him.....and ..i cried again...


"I am sorry win....i am really sorry... believe me i was there...i was.....but i was LATE..."


Note:- I don't know if it looks boring or not...but it will end soon...i don't think it will take more than 6 or 7 eps... Well let's see...

If it is looking a little boring or anything you want me to change feel free to tell me...i will try to make it better...

Stay safe stay healthy stay happy 💜

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