Ch.10 art pakpoom

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The day went by so and win are on the back to our bestfriend's treck...and about pam gave me an idea that tomorrow is a holiday so i should go and take her out with roses and chocolates... though i wanted to spend this holiday with him since we didn't get much time together but he insisted not tomorrow it we all are sitting on the dining table eating our dinner in silence.....gulf made me my fav. Food as usual... phukong is not ramping like earlier too.. speaking of phukong...when i came back to my room after school i saw dirtied tissues all over in my room...WTF he just masturbated here...urgh...i wanted to puke...... he came out from the bathroom with just a towel wrapping around his waist. he came towards me patted my shoulder," sorry brother for this mess...i had got a little problem earlier to solve..." I pushed his hand from my shoulder and stomped out of the room...i swear i will take revenge for this...

Back to the is trying so hard to start a conversation with phukong but he just ended it with short replies. At the end he didn't eat much and excused us saying he's tired and wants some sleep. When i went the room to sleep he was laying there already playing games on phone with headphones on... I drifted to sleep .... i stood up quickly when i realised that i got the same nightmare of win .....i sighed when i came back to my senses i saw it's 3 am already but phukong is nowhere to be seen.. i roamed around to find him ..but then i saw someone in the balcony...i went near the glass door to peak a look...and my eyes widened...i saw his shivering body sitting with his legs crossed tightened to the chest while there's tear stain all over his face and his one hand is busy drinking eyes widened when i saw nearly 6 or 7 buds on the ashtray..(i don't know what to say the ciggar's endpart so...bud it is 😅)....when i saw his movements..i quickly rushed to the bed and pretended to sleep...he sighed," you are so lucky to get good friends family and sleep... I envy you alot.." and he sniffled a little and slept beside me ...when i turned to him ....he was chewing his duvet eyes tight closed ..i tap lightly between his frowning eyebrows to make him relax. He opened his eyes...his tear glisting eyes stared at me for a while...without thinking further i took him in my embrace. Firstly his body stiffened but then he relaxed and hid his face on my chest...after a while i heard a soft snore...i smiled a little and drifted to sleep too....

When i wok up he was still sleeping soundly...i got up ready and left for my date..gulf asked me where am i going or if i want to eat...but i just ignored him..he got what he want...just leave me alone on my own please...i set in my car and went towards pam's home but i saw her hugging luke and then they vanished to somewhere....huh....may be she found someone interesting already...

I turned my car and saw my dad's car going on the totally opposite way of his office with flowers on the passenger he cheating again or what?!...i followed him ...i saw him entering in cemetery...

,"I am missing you a love.." How many lovers did he had...when he disappeared i went to that grave and saw the name....

"Who is ART...?"

I am on my way back to home and i saw win is with mil ...they are going somewhere...he was wearing white polo shirt..i guess he's going on wonder he denied to spend time with me
..i chuckled and felt angry and just lied to ME.....

I was already in so much rage...i will explode in any minute..and suddenly someone tap on my shoulder..

"Excuse me this mr. Phukong's home.."

"No it's mine..."

"But address is correct ...this parcel is for him.."

"Oh give me already..(and i took it without asking)"

"Uhh......!.. whatever...just give him... please it is very important parcel..."

And a smirk escaped remembering something..."sure..." It's my revenge time... let's have a lil fun...

i went into my home and saw gulf doing home chores. for the first time i felt a little sympathy towards him . for the first time i felt like i should talk to him. and so i did. a little rudely though.....

"You're getting old so you should take a lil rest.."

"Oh bright.. you came.. want me to make you something?? you feel hungry??"-gulf

"Urgh...forget it...i am going to my room.." before i go to my room i turned to him and whispere ," you should keep an eye on your husband a lil...cuz once a cheater always a cheater.."

And i locked my room staring at the packet in my hand...

"What could it be.... let's wait and watch how much it is important to my dear brother.."

And i hid it under the bedside drawer...

Now all i need to find is who is art?? And i dialled number....

"Hello....i want every little details about ART PAKPOOM....."

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