Ch.11 full moon

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18+ alert(well i tried my best)

Win's POV:

I am walking all alone in the dark forest with the help of the only moon shine while adapting every words of mil's mom.....

Flash back....

I received mil's massage of saying that tomorrow will be the end of my patience. I was so eager to meet mrs. Ex wanhart aka the vice president of omega community at the same time bright asked me to spend some time with him since it will be our holiday. At first i got so happy that he still remembers me but...i had to say NO to him and i fully regreted it but....

The morning alarm rung. I got up from my bed to get ready and wore new white polo shirt.


"What are you waiting for?? Let's go...."

"Woah... it's seems like we are on date or look........ Umm....pretty "-mil

"😒 already.."

"Hay hay captian 🙇‍♂️"

We arrived at the hide was like a old castle or something in between of the forest.....

"Oh finally we got to see our future we've been waiting for you for so long...i am mil's mom..."

"Oh.." we shook our hands. I looked around and saw like average of 50 or something people around me ..all were omegas i believe......that cafe's waitress was there too... everyone smiled towards me and they seemed to look happy after seeing me...

"I know win you got so many questions but first have a seat and i'll give your answers......

I believe you know about omega vs. alpha and about lila a bit.....when lila was born every one thaught that she's the leader we are waiting for...she brought all omegas back to Bangkok. She equalled everyone from school to politics...she was about to run the city. We've never seen a leader like her...every alpha seemed to scare towards her...even smart and strong words can't define her...but sadly she wasn't the one we thought for.....we lost her.....thank fully they didn't kick us out but the thing is not better either .. "

                   Seems like they didn't know lila being alive ..i saw the sadness lingering in their eyes...

"But now we got will give us our right back.."


"Don't worry i've got a plan.. everything is ready..we are ready to fight back too ...look around here every one is tired of being in a dark side they want to see the sun too...all you have to do is just say yes to be our new leader..."


"Don't worry about leading...we are here to teach you ..and you can do it too ..after all you are lila's blood plus you must be tired of living in dark too seeing everyday your family living happily with you being unexisted.. don't you want the world to know that you are a metawin too .. don't you want the world to see you normally...."

"I....want to...but I don't know if i can...its just...lila and me are so different..."

"Don't worry win ...its okay i will teach you...all we need to do is waiting for one year.....after that you'll be legal 60% holder of metawin shares...all you have to do is use that in a right bring all omegas back with their head looking up..."


"Let's talk about this next time win ..this is the book of lila how she changed the will help you a lil...i think we should bid our goodbyes here..."

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