Ch.5 lila

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Win's POV :-

Granny gave me the box...i got mesmerized by the present then she bid a goodnight. After she left i took the present in my hand again while mumbling every single words of LILA. I put the box in my secret place where my dairy was then i drifted to sleep ,"come on win... tomorrow we'll have so many researches to do...."


On the other side :

Bright's POV :-

I entered the opas-iamkajorn's villa with my gay dads (sighed) i hate my dad's husband and his son. The party was huge as always. My dad went towards mark and my dad's husband went towards plank and other mrs. ...who cares? I was looking everywhere to find win....but he was no where to found. I understood. Another year in dark. I sighed and ......a person caught my eyes.........


"Oh hye....bright !!"

"What a surprise !!"

" father , mr. Mew and mr.Mark were childhood i (laughed innocently)"


"And .....what about you??"

" full name is bright vachiriwat."

"So..?!........holy fuck are mr. Mew's son??"

"(Chuckled) yes...."

'' Omg ...your highness... please forgive me if i made any mistake (bowed)"

"(Laughing) stop overacting..."

"😅 Sorry..."

"But you look cute though..."

"Thank you (blushing hard...even a blind person can see the redness of her cheeks but its all is fake...cuz pam researched about every person before she came here...she came here with a massive plan ...and flirting with bright is a part of her plans too. And she knows every dark secrets which is everyone trying to hide......about WIN too..."

"Hey....may i know the name of this beautiful angel standing right in front of me..." -luke

"Her name is pam "

"I didn't ask you..."

"But i told you..."

Both male glared at eachother Until pam cleared her throat..

" name is pam...pam walhart.... And you must be luke the b'day boy right??"

"'s so much pleasure to meet you.."

On the other side bright was burning in jealousy...he was totally forgotten...the other to continued their chit-chat until mr. Mark called luke for cake cutting ....

"Hmm... having so much fun..i can see"

"Bright........are you jealous?..."


" let me remind you then...that you have no right to get jealous over me...cuz you didn't even ask me out yet..."


"What ?!?...come on ask me out for date..or you don't want to date me.."

"What!!!...i...i mean how about tomorrow ? Tomorrow is our holiday..let's go on a movie date...if you're free "

"(Yes phase 1 :Succeeded)..umm........i think i am free tomorrow..."

"Okay then ...i'll pick you up at 10am..."

"Okay done"


Bright was sitting on his bed while typing...

"Hey winniebinnie..."
"I am cancelling our cafe date of tomorrow since i got a urgent work to do"
"Sorry na.."

Then bright offed his phone and drifted to sleep.


A petite body with tears in his eyes was standing at the bridge all alone under the light of full moon. When he looked up tears of blood started to flow out with helpless emotions. He saw in latter's eyes as he wanted to tell him so much but may be his voice betrayed him...after so many attempts a whisper came out...

"B...r...i...g...h...t... Help me..."

And he jumped off the bridge...


And i wake up..while panting my hands traveled to my face as i realized there were few tears. I wiped it

"That was a horrible dream ...(sighed) "

And i tried to get in sleep again while asking my self what was that ? Why win was there? Is he in trouble in real too? And after thinking hard sleep overcome on me.


Win's POV :-

I wake up with a new energy cuz today's mission is mission lila. Yup i am going to research about my great great grand father and omega vs. alpha and most important LILA. Granny just told me that she ran away at the age of 21. But she didn't tell me about her past, her bravery, her deeds ...and i am gonna found out that soon so i can be like her too.....the bravest omega. The thought of me being like her filled me with a new mass of energy. I plugged earphone playing ' whistle - blackpink '. And went out. Greeted my granny. kissed her cheek and waved her a good bye. I went to bangkook's historian library where only big families are alloweded but i have big familiy's badge so....

"1820- Omega vs. Alpha"

Hmm...i found it. I took it and went to my home's library where my ancestor's history was digged in. Well no one ever entered in cuz no one had time for this. I entered . I cleaned a sit and took out the book..

I read it i went on last line......i understood why i got born...why lila got borned...cuz my great grand father was CURSED...

"There was a time where everyone was living an old fairytale...until my ancestor aka ruler told everyone that weak species is a baggage on earth. Cuz when there was war to protect our country only alpha and beta could take a part...for work ..earn run home...every thing handled by alpha and beta and every one agree. From that moment people started to treat differently like...a ceo will hire an uneducated alpha instead of capable omega... everyone started to turn around from omega... slowly everyone started to matted with only alpha or beta...and as a rule of nature omega's heat is so painful. On matting if omega will be rejected..he/she will slowly die under the pain of heat... lonely...and that became truth. Omegas started die slowly since their mate left them ruthlessly....One day the leader of Omega community set a meeting with the big families to sort out these. He begged to help omegas or they all will die.....but none stood up for them. That day the leader of omega came to their fellow omegas...all omegas were looked in leader's eye as they were expecting a little hope..but.........all was dark.....That day all omegas decided to fight for their rights. They already knew that they will never win but they can't just sit back.....

On the other side alphas found out that omegas were planning on war. So before omega can start...alphas cheated. They attacked without informing. And as expected ...half of innocent omegas died ruthlessly. There was blood everywhere. They killed women to kids ... everyone...the rest of omegas were crying on their family members. At last leader surrender as he begged to leave the rest omegas instead kill him. When leader was having his last breath he...

"One day your own blood will bring justice to us......YOUR OWN BLOOD."


"And that blood was LILA."

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