Ch.9 little problem

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"Hey kiddo...spacing out?!? What happened?..."

"Nothing mom...its just when i went to airport i saw a guy and felt a lil connection...could he be my mate ??"-mil

"No no no baby...stick to the plan...don't divert now..."

"But mom...I is beautiful and it feels fun to be with him but..."

"But what...what else do you need in your mate he's beautiful he's sweet innocent and rich as hell ...he can help us to bring the old bangkok back..."

"See...that's the problem... he's feels bad to lie him and moreover I don't feel anything towards him nor he feels anything towards me he only sees me as a friend and I always sees him as a lil cute innocent guy whom i loved to tease..."

" found him cute 😏"

"I've found him brotherly cute. 😒"

"I don't care ...just bring him to tomorrow meeting that's all...we need a leader...and its a perfect timing..."

"Okay mom..."

Bright's POV:

In bright's car:

"Seriously...this is your emergency??? Your brother took your dad's car and your car is broken "

"Yeah...i wanted to eat pancake at bliss cafe so i lied a little"

"WHAT?!? My dad gave me an important work to do and i just walked straightly to here as i heard an emergency..."

She patted my thigh lightly to losen me up a little and huskily told me to calm down..

"Its okay na bright.....let's just spend a little time together..huh..?!"

She leaned more to me we closed our eyes as we leaned more into eachother...our lips were about to touch but suddenly i remember something and i pushed her.....her eyes were widened in shock..


And she went back to her home grumpily. I didn't feel like to stop her so i didn't instead i drove back to my home thinking about should i ask win if he's still at home or he went to school already...i nearly tapped onto send button but then i erased it as yesterday's event started to play in my mind ...i went to my room and my eyes widened in horror...


And here he was ...his bags and clothes and other goodies were scattered in all over in my room and he's lying on my bed..with his shoes on....WITH HIS SHOES ON!!"

"Hello brother........(in Damon Salvatore's voice)"


He walked towards me while tapping on my shoulder..

"You mean...OUR right....well wait for me.... lemme get ready then we'll go to OUR school TOGETHER.."

And then he went to bathroom to get change i let out a frustrated sigh while ranking my hair and went to hall. While waiting for him i texted win to meet me in cafeteria in the lunch at our usual place.


When i came to home..i saw my mother (gulf) baking my favourite cookies while humming a song..i chuckled when he saw me with begs he ran to me to hug me but i backed away....


"Stop babying me...i am not a baby anymore. You have lost him a long ago "

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